Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Walking tour in 40 degree like weather

We enjoyed a slow start to our day as we actually check out today and fly home. We had a tea/coffee, showered and packed up our bags. We were ready to go by 11:30 and left our bags with the bellman and headed out. We set off west and looped down to the harbor once again finding yet another harbor park. 

The day is a HOT one around 30 degrees but with the humidity feeling like 40+. Definitely not the weather for jeans I am earring but I did roll them into clam diggers. Sheldon dressed for the weather in shorts and a tank top but could hardly wear his hat being so sweaty.

Lunch was enjoyed at a seafood place called Buster's Sea Cove in the St Lawrence Market.

Look at the meat chunks, there are lots of butchers here.

And produce vendors and everything in between.

We continued our walk to the historic distillery district and took a well needed break in the A/C rest area before heading out again north towards the Eaton’s Center. The streets are quaint cobblestone. There is a love lock display too.

 It was a different route then we have seen passing through homeless areas finally arriving at the A/C Eaton center. It claims to be the busiest mall in Canada but today it seems mostly people wanting to cool down.

It turns out the south nd of Eaton’s center is right on Queen’s street where our hotel is and only a block over. We too refuge at the Keg next door to take in some frosty refreshments during happy how that it was 4. We also tried crispy fried cauliflower. S checked Uber for a ride after 4 and it was $56 with almost hour wait and a few minutes later it was $120!! And an hour to arrive. It was only $46 to get here. S got a bit panicky so paid the bill and went across the street to get our bags. Or bellman suggested taking the train as he recently sent someone via Uber to airport and they were stuck in traffic and never made their flight and paid that high price. 

Off we went again in the heat heading south with me pulling my little carry on and a very stuffed Franklin backpack. We made the journey no problem and with help of me asking some young girls pulling suitcases they directed us to the train. We made it just in time for the 5:45 departure. We were at the airport in less then half an hour with a few stops On the way then took the airport sky shuttle and got in line for security. This is where things slowed up especially in our line up. All 4 of our tubs were searched  with fudge being the culprit in my suitcase and other random checks. It took 40 minutes to get thru then it was another hustle to gate B3 where we had a 2+ hour wait. 

We popped into a pub with only 1 gal on staff  no food and most of the drinks not available. S had a couple beers and I went and got a chai tea from Tim's next door. Once we boarded there was a 30 minute delay for 2 people. WTH I thought if you miss it You miss it but they were in the first row and ethnic elderly so may have had pull. Eventually we lifted off and chased the sunset most of the way there. A very cool thunder cloud demonstrated lightening in a cloud too. I watched Senior Year on my iPad while S fidgeted restlessly like a little kid the entire 4 + hours. We landed just before midnight and once out to the car and off we made it back to the ranch at 1. It was raining off and on along the way and raining here so I took H and we went to take off KD’S mask for the night as she and switch were in the barn paddock. Time to get into bed it has been a long day with over 20K steps.

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