Friday, May 31, 2024

Shaina moves out of her down town apartment

Birds were up early today, time for coffee around 7:30. S continued his research to find a new bison bull and why so many dry cows. Turns out drought affects this hugely and can be remedied with oats as suggested by 2 breeders he chatted with. Now if he only knew that before. Always learning lessons it seems.

It turns out the travellers have more than a cough with both testing positive for Covid. Wishing them a speedy recovery and fingers crossed we did not catch anything with our big party w/e coming up. I took vitamin C in hopes of warding it off then jumped in the shower.

S was off to town at 10 to do a walk thru with the renters who are finally moving out. I worked on tutorials and accounting. I also snapped a few more photo's of K's dining table before putting our table back in place.

I wrote a Hometalk post for Tami's custom blended ruler. S was back from town after 11 with Cooper and a tea with no rental walk thru as they were not done. Not surprising to me though. He then started mowing the lawn which is growing too fast. I loaded the truck with boxes and wall repair kit for Shaina and the returns for Costco. He was in at 12:30 to scarf down a smokie then we headed out. We saw the fox scampering around the hay as we were leaving. S thinks there is 2 as this one is less red color. It has also gotten a hall pass for a bit to see if an more cat interest.

We popped into Costco quickly on our way by so I could return a few things then onto downtown Calgary to pick Shaina up from a hair appointment. We arrived at her place after 2 and for the next 2 hours packed, cleaned, wall filled, painted, fastened down to get her moved out. When we picked her up it was raining but it was sunny shortly after. The ride home was beautiful sunny plus 15 ish.

Look way down to see the truck as it is being loaded

Back at the ranch, I fed the dogs. Cooper still wouldn't eat his food, which was salmon, just like Harley's. I cooked chicken to add to our salad. The piece of buttered bread and coffee from breakfast had definitely worn off. Luckily, S had his smokie before we left. We also rehydrated after our busy day.

I went out to water the planters and do some weeding. S parked the truck in the shop in case it rained, then finished cutting the grass along the lane and by the gate. I organized the area where Shaina will store her things in the trailer and moved the umbrella and stand to the car to take to Kaylin. I thought they had a table with an umbrella hole, but it turned out they didn't, so I'll have to see if it can stand on its own. I don't think it can. I also brought back a box of CDs.

S took down the fireball and went to town for the rental walkthrough at 7:30. Britt arrived at her usual time, so I stopped gardening, put on my boots, caught my horse, and we went for a ride. It was beautiful outside. As we rode around the winter pasture, I spotted a fox in the middle. The dogs and I circled around it many times, and it just sat there watching us. Eventually, it ran off to the north, and Cooper finally saw it and chased after it.

S returned as we were trotting down the lane. He caught the end of the hockey game. It was so nice out that after releasing Switch with a grazing muzzle to match Roo's, I did more weeding just to stay outside in the calm, golden hour. B fed her horse, and S started a fire. After B left, I took a soak in the hot tub, watching the beautiful skies. Then I showered and went to bed to watch Netflix. S came in later from his campfire, showered, and browsed his phone before reading a bit.

few captures from Shaina's 30th birthday celebration

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Europeon cruisers are home

The rain began at 9 while we were viewing the latter half of the cancer webinar and continued for roughly an hour. I took off my Holter monitor shortly after 10. S neglected to check the gauge when he let the cats out at 11 but plans to do so later. We left the yard at 11:30, returning the Holter monitor to the hospital's X-ray department. Then, we picked up an iced coffee for our trip to Costco. We made a quick loop around to gather party supplies and a new planter, which we carefully placed in the back seat's crevice for the journey home.

So sweet

Ma and Pa's plane was scheduled to land at 1:25, so we arrived at the cell phone parking lot at that time. However, the plane was delayed, and they didn't emerge until 3 pm. Unfortunately, they both developed a bad cough, with Papa suffering the most. We caught up on the amazing cruise trip during the ride home. Once back at the ranch, we quickly unloaded our groceries and planter, put the Mother's Day gerbera daisy planter in, and then they were off to Medicine Hat.

new planter.. same as one we bought a few weeks ago but the older one looks eons behind

Harley once again refused her salmon breakfast but consumed it after we returned home, albeit with the addition of fresh liver. For her other meals, I've resorted to soaking dried liver treats in them. We had finished unloading the groceries before tucking into leftovers for a late lunch / early dinner, as it was nearly 4 pm. The rapid onset of the smoky conditions was astonishing. During our walk with Harley, we checked the gauge and noted 2/10ths, just as before. 

We moved our dining table out and brought in a new one to stage in the area. The lighting wasn't ideal, but I managed to take some photos. The absence of some table connectors prevented it from being completely level, so I've ordered replacements online. Additionally, I laid down a drop sheet, sanded the edges, and applied stain to reduce the contrast. Meanwhile, S tuned into a Q&A session for the cancer webinar series and watched hockey with the sound off.

Shaina sent this adorable video from her bittersweet last day of babysitting Renn

B was out with Cooper at the usual time for feeding her horses and then headed home. There was no ride for her tonight. I worked on the blog before moving to the bed to join S, who was watching the big screen, now accompanied by a bowl of yogurt.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Sheldon the tortoise

I posted a blog post before heading to town around 9:30. I underwent an ECG, was hooked up to a Holter monitor, and then sent on my way. On the route to deliver some clothes to a lady, I picked up an iced coffee and a poppy seed muffin. Back at the ranch, S was off to Matt's to prepare the area for moving the trailer for the chicken coop. Next, I tackled accounting and submitted my monthly invoice and paint order. I was applying the fifth and final coat of black stain on the tabletop when he returned.

2 cute Renn videos I forgot to share

wait till the end to see her clap :)

We enjoyed a leftover steak for lunch, which was delicious as expected. S was on the phone with Jarrod when I noticed the fox crossing the paddock closer to the north side of the house. He ended the call, took a shot at the fox but missed again. Britt and her pets came out shortly after. Together, we caught the horses and went for an hour-long ride. It was a blustery, high of only 18 kinda day. S left after 1 PM to assist at the rodeo grounds once more. Post-ride, B trimmed Roo while I cleaned Switch's front hooves and applied a new hoof putty to address her white line disease.

After 3 PM, I stopped for a snack and to update the blog. In the meantime, B continued with more horse-related tasks. Around that time, a fox showed up in the middle paddock, prompting Cooper to give chase. This caused worry for B, who had been previously content to let the fox remain. Following B's departure at 4:30, I administered a cartrophen shot to Harley before her dinner.

Aislyn on her zoo field trip where she met a tortoise named Sheldon. She had her Mom take a photo with him to send to Uncle Sheldon XOXO

I completed work on yesterday's blog and caught up with other tasks today. Indoor plant care was next on the agenda. Excitingly, three of my four orchids are sprouting flower stems! Sheldon came back from his rodeo work and beers at 6:30, just in time for the big Oilers vs. Stars game. The bison short ribs I prepared in the instant pot turned out tender and delicious, having been cooked in pickle juice.

Britt came over to deliver some plants and artwork that Dave had retrieved during the BBQ pickup earlier today. A heartfelt thank you to Britt and Dave for helping Shaina with her hectic move. We caught the last period of the game in bed, and although he was let down, the Oilers emerged victorious. Following that, we tuned in to another episode of the cancer webinar.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Yardwork continues

We got up early to brew a pot of coffee at 8, as a farewell gesture for the departing travelers. Shortly after, Dave arrived to drop off Cooper. Following a brief visit, he left to go train his horses. It wasn't long before Cooper signaled an alert; a coyote was lurking by the lilac bush. S swiftly took his gun and fired a precise shot, although it wasn't the fox this time. 

I devoted some time to updating the blog before I applied the fourth coat of stain to the tabletop. Afterwards, I ventured outside to plant more peas, beets, and kohlrabi in the garden. S removed the coyote body and then busied himself with securing the hot wire along the water fence line.

A lasagna lunch with a refreshing drink was savored. Subsequently, I returned outside to water the raised beds. S departed for town at 12:30 to assist at the rodeo grounds. He dropped a box of lily of the valley he brought me from Joeleen when he went for lunch in the valley when he was out there. They are too invasive for me so I passed them on to another lady and dug up the couple of Virginia creepers I found in the island. I planted tulips and daffodils in the backyard bed, hoping they will flourish.

These photos are to help me remember where they are once they die back in case I plant more plants in the area.

 Following Britt's instructions, I removed Roo's mask. The temperature climbed to 23 degrees, accompanied by wind. I gathered dandelions for the horses when removing the mask. Meanwhile, Cooper rolled in fresh poop, which was unpleasant to say the least.

Once back inside, I resumed working on the blog. I looked out to the west and saw the dam fox crossing right along the house paddock fence line!! Harley wanted to come inside, but I detected a foul smell and realized she too had rolled in poop, necessitating a bath for both dogs. The water turned green as I washed them. Afterward, it was time to catch up on the blog. Sheldon was home before 4:30 as I was feeding the dogs. He had picked up the mail and seeing it has been a. Few weeks there was a few letters and couple parcels. My seeds arrived to sprout and some new moisturizing sunscreen. 

He also picked up a few library books and a new sump pump, setting it up for our garden's irrigation. While we watched the news and prepared supper—steak and roasted vegetables—a brief squall passed at 5:30. It had been dark and windy, but afterwards, the sun shone with a gentle breeze. The supper was as delicious as ever.

Renn enjoying her reflection in the phone

Hockey was on, but S took a break to join me in walking the dogs. We circled to the gate, through the rows of trees, then back up along the south fence. With mosquitoes beginning to swarm, it was time to set up the zapper. I watered the asparagus due to the lack of rain fall and then the front planters by hand. We enjoyed a soak in the tub under the beautiful sunshine. Post-shower, I went out to take pictures of the mystery apple tree. The cats were settled in for the night just as a massive windstorm hit. S had ice cream, and I opted for a yogurt bowl.

Dave and Britt arrived before 9, her workday having run late. D joined to watch hockey, while I updated today's blog at the island and Britt tended to the horses. She spent some time with us before they left after 10. We went to bed, both reading for a bit. S drifted off, and I caught a little Netflix.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Relaxing rummy day

Harley, the rascal, wanted to go out at 6:20 am. Deb and I enjoyed coffee after 8, and the guys joined us shortly after. While sipping our coffee, I noticed a fox outside the window in the house paddock. S grabbed his gun and went outside. He fired a shot but missed again. I quickly wrapped up the Friday post and returned to our chat.

Seems we have a red head in the family :)

ketchup please

Sharon and Stan came by to see Timba before noon. She also left cash for Shaina, and after a brief visit, they departed. We began our game of Russian rummy with beers and snacks. Amanda and Aislyn came over at 1 for a pleasant two-hour visit. Deb had also made a quilt for her. 

Aislyn was excited for all the new toys to play with. Store was todays game.

They left at 3 to pick up the other children from school. Afterward, we continued our enjoyable card game.

Sheldon prepared smokies for dinner, accompanied by a salad. The big Oilers Stars game was on of course. Brittany arrived after 7:30, and Deb and I walked the dogs and cats to the gate and back. I quickly watered the front planters. Britt went to ride Roo before feeding her horses. Our Schubert chokecherry trees are smelling so beautiful.

The four of us then enjoyed a soak in the hot tub during the golden hour. B dropped in for a brief visit before leaving. Once back inside, we had a nightcap and chatted before ending the night after 11. I watched a bit of Netflix before turning off the lights. We completely forgot to put the cats away, oops.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Debby & Chuck arrive

The wind is relentless today... UGH. S went off to church after enjoying a couple of coffees in bed. I ventured out to apply another coat of ebony to the tabletop; I had intended to do so last night but completely forgot. I started the laundry, then proceeded to publish a blog post. I recently gave an AI editor a try and I believe it worked well. Did you catch Friday's post?

A couple super cute Renn videos from yesterday

It was time to clean. I had been scrubbing the bathrooms when S got back from church, having picked up some groceries afterwards. He brought tea, which has become a part of his routine. We enjoyed our teas while folding laundry and doing more cleaning. 

Sheldon sent me this self portrait Archer did for his upcoming 1st communion, pretty good likeness ;)

At 1, as he vacuumed, I spotted the fox to the east again. He grabbed the gun and onto the deck but didn't take shot.

While we were cleaning, Britt and Cooper arrived and to the barn. I suggested S take his prey call outside, which he did. Suddenly, there was a terrible noise that alarmed the dogs, horses, and the ever-curious cats. The fox didn't react, so I asked to have the noise stopped.

S is right behind the fairly bare green ash tree in centre

We resumed our cleaning indoors. Britt, who was out riding, warned us the fox was now on the north side. S went out and fired a shot but missed; the fox leapt six feet into the air. Roo, watching, jumped nearly as high, luckily Britt wasn't on her.

I prepared lasagna while S had a bologna sandwich. He skipped pancake Sunday after church and no lunch and I only had toast for a late breakfast so we were both slightly hungry. The lasagna went into the oven as we continued cleaning. Britt and her pets left at 4:30.

Deb and Chuck arrived shortly after. The evening was spent socializing, enjoying drinks, relaxing in the hot tub, and catching up. I managed to apply another coat of stain to the table quickly. At 11, we called it a night. S went to put the cats in the shop. I watched Netflix while S checked sports updates before we turned in.