Thursday, October 31, 2013

919 - Happy Halloween!!!

Day 919 is Halloween, in the past it has been a huge day, getting costumes on for play school then school, then dances not to mention bundling up and Sheldon or I loading them in the car to make the rounds while the other passed out candy. It was always fun to see he excited little faces at the door and some memorable costumes. Moving to the country has many advantages but seeing little costumes at the door is a thing of the past. Although we did have I little girl last year, and Lexi was dressed up! This year I hope Asher and Ada make it out.

I had a super busy day getting bills paid, grabbing pumpkin spice teas for Sharon and I, dropping Coco off for her spa day and taking my car to the tire store for a wheel alignment then getting to work. At lunch I picked up the car and ran errands; more treasures, more paint supplies and some California rills for lunch then back to work. I did manage to sneak out to get a massage which was hard with a head cold to lay face down but I suffered thru :-)
this beautiful table leaf a lady had 2 of, more paints and a cute jewel box to relove

Shaina was kind enough to pick up Coco from her spa day at lunch then she took Diego and her to the dog park. She said they both had a ton of fun in the +10 sunshine and the MUD! Coco required another bath once home but thought it worth it. The wind picked up later in the day but it and the warm temperatures melted almost all of the snow, guess you have to pick your poison for a Halloween night!
Diego and his girl friend he met at the dog park, she is 1/2 Corso as well and Coco sporting her Halloween scarf and new haircut
We had our one and only candy cruncher, little Cade from down the road dressed as cookie monster, too cute.
Sadly Asher and Ada could not get out this way :-(
but Amanda sent pictures
Britt learned to cook up goulash and made a delicious batch for supper. Shaina went to the city again with a friend skipping supper with us. Then Britt and I watched Halloween which was a remake of the original!! But still had some good fear elements, right Britt!

I received my fancy AV adapter in the mail so can now watch from my iPad on the big TV
couple updates .. this one thanks to my editor Amanda, I had the wrong anniversary year for Mom and Dad and enter my draw for this giveaway, the picture has disappeared off my face book page but hope this link helps people to get to it.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

918 - good bye snow

Day 918 was a nice day getting up to plus 7. Stouts are having renos done so Chanel came to spend the morning with me and the dogs. Britt was off to school and Shaina slept till noon as usual. I brought my work inside today painting smaller frames and mirrors, gluing another frame and such.
 even the horses were rolling and happy and the mountains bright

 took this dated brassy gold frame and reloved it
 spray painted all black
 then painted tiffany blue and wiped back
to create an updated shadow box frame and will use for my 500 like giveaway on my Creative Moments Page. Be sure you go share the picture to be in the running to win it!
always have to repair most items
 this group I painted up, wiped and waxed
 for another auction I posted today. I envision a black surname initial where the demo one is :-)
I went out after lunch and hunted down the snow shovel and shoveled the walk but it was melting fast. I also grabbed the blow up bed for Shaina to drop at Kaylin's today for her company this weekend. I also sent a few other goodies in for her too.
Shaina was under the weather again today saying I gave her an illness but we do not suffer same ailments, hers seems to be the flu again not a cold. She did run to town, drop off her passport mail, grab Lexi some special shampoo at the vets and go with Gail to her psychic visit. She was back home by 8 and in bed, cozy with tea, crackers and tylenol I took her.

Britt worked after school but was finished and home before 7. She was happy to have completed her Halloween costume modelling it in its finest, pictures to follow on the actual party day and a new to her lulu sweater she scored of the garage sale site.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

917 - off to the great white north.. or is it?

Day 917, again a fitful sleep always the night before Sheldon leaves this time with Sheldon worrying Shaina was not home at 1 am, letting Diego in the garage as it was -12 at 2 am, Shaina getting home at 3 after her Walking Dead marathon then them up before 4 to get ready and head to the airport. Oh and I forgot another fire alarm had a dead battery in there somewhere which Sheldon changed even though he swears he could not hear it beeping. This leads me to believe that the 3rd one should go soon too and will be late in the night when it does. ;-(

Shaina was back home in bed by 6, Britt and I up at 7:30... off to school and work however for me, I think the lack of sleep did not help my cold so once I finished up my work the girls sent me home at noon.

Shaina eventually got motivated and moving and she and I headed to Calgary around 1:30 for her specialist appointment for her ganglion cyst. Amazingly we were a bit early, got in within minutes and were out not long after. That is the way to do an appointment, they will call with her surgery day.
We made a quick stop at Costco to get her passport photos taken and grab a few items. Shaina chauffeured me to the thrift store where a find a few treasures and then supervised my return at Home Sense saying no time for me to shop since I have enough! How kind of her to save me money, luckily I felt like crap still so she drove us home.
Britt was at home and she kindly made us quesadillas for supper, THANKS B! Shaina took the 2 dogs to the dog park in town but was not gone long as it is getting dark before 7 now but they enjoy the time they get there. Thanks Dude!
I found a date for my grinder and 2 ramekins for chocolate pudding.. just need about 4 more :-)

Sheldon is working his first set of nights this week, seems very stressful so far .. a few movies and a nap! :-) and it seems the north is NOT white.. hmmm
poor mans hot toddy .. screech (rum) tea, another gift from Newfoundland, THANKS Grama and Papa, it is tasty.

Monday, October 28, 2013

916 - snow continues but colder

Day 916 I was awake at 6 again but went back until 8 and it seems the snow continues although with no wind. Big fluffy ski snow but a -5 high, brrrrr. Britt was dreading going to school and nearly never made it due to low on gas! :-)
Pepper has a new friend, first it was on his back, then a greet then up his leg, he did however flatten my blueberry bush I think

After a few episodes of Breaking bad with a few cups of creamed coffee it was time to get to work. I had Sheldon help me carry the hutch inside to finish details like putting hardware back on, applying the wallpaper backing and installing the glass

He then went out and unrolled a bale for the ponies and then hung the big gate panels.

 We quickly ran to Langdon to pickup a dresser I purchased.
Britt moved the insulated cat house and the food along with a pile of blankets into the shop p on the bales for the kitties winter house.

Both girls helped to make supper and after a hard day of rest Shaina got dressed and headed to town to partake in lane swim, aquasize and a bout at the gym with Gail, or at least that is her plan.

Sheldon and I finished Breaking Bad to the end of what Netflix has but are short the last 8 episodes!!

Today is Grama pat's birthday, Happy birthday Grama!! XOXOX

Sunday, October 27, 2013

915 - snow arrives.. as predicted ;-(

Day 915 I awoke to rain at 6 am and when I awoke again at 8 there was a layer of the dreaded white stuff covering the ground and getting worse as the day progresses although temps stayed around 0 all day.
The horses were not impressed and were racing around demonstrating that, or keeping warm :-)
but they settled down before Sheldon trudged out and released them into the big field
 Definite reason to grab a "creamed" coffee and curl up in the cozy blankets to watch more Breaking Bad!
 but there was someone who loved the arrival of snow!!
Sheldon created a puppy fence for the whining dog but it did not take long for him to commando crawl under it and plunk himself up at the door

 while I distressed a bit more then put 2nd coat of poly on the hutch

Britt went to work for 3 leaving a bit early to drive cautiously. She took in the white salt and pepper shakers for Sandra to pick up as well, Thanks Britt. Shaina lazed the day away after her final work day (a tournament to boot) was snowed out but eventually got ready and went to town at supper time to join Gail for Chinese food. Sheldon and I started a fire, tried some fancy Newfoundland beer Papa brought because of the blue bottle and watched Breaking Bad starting the final season 5!
 pretty blue bottle, thanks Papa.. need a few more :-)

Britt arrived safely at home from work after 9 and Shaina later.