Saturday, October 26, 2013

914 - beauty day for projects

day 914 the interrupted sleep night continued, with coyotes and Diego howling around 3, some updates dinging on Sheldon's phone at 6 and Matt arriving to use skid steer at 7:30, I decided best wake up and watch more breaking bad.. with a  fancy coffee
guess who was checking the new gate

At 10 we got up and on with the day as loads of gravel started to arrive. Sheldon ran to town for more gate parts, today is the big gate off the winter pasture to the road. I got working on the hutch polying the entire thing.

 wallpaper planned for the project and the hardware sprayed in the sunshine as well
Britt went to work after a very lazy day so far. Shaina kindly walked the day, again another gorgeous amazing fall day nearing the 20 mark. This is to be short lived they keep threatening, fingers crossed they are wrong but to be on safe side I took my mini roses into garage and potted spirea.
Gail stopped out late in the afternoon and her and Shaina rode then she got ready and left around 630 to pick up a friend and off to the flames game. Sheldon finished up putting the 2 big gates together before we had a yum steak supper and watched Netflix!
 pony in the sunset
 gravel at the end of the day

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