Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Another 3/4" of rain

I woke just before 4 am and the rain was coming down. It continued as I lay awake till after 5 and then hear it still at 6 and 7 when S got up to make coffee and do some trouble shooting on an issue that seems to have happened at the rental. He brought me one of his stiff java cups after 8 and filled me in on the water damage Epcor caused on the rental, ugh. The rain continued as he took Lola for her morning walk and back to the deck. She continues her 2 pills in am and one in evening routine. She goes for her first physio this Thursday afternoon. He checked gauge and 6/10ths so far.

look how the flowers are opening

I made us a tasty cappuccino to go with some banana cake then S was off to town at 10 having dr appointment and errands. Seeing he loves the sourdough bread, I had taken the starter out last night and fed it to make the dough later tonight. Perfect rainy weather baking. After catching up the blog and quick marketing I got busy taking apart the dishwasher. If you don't follow the cleaning company Go Clean Co from Calgary on Instagram, you should. It is always inspiring to get the unusual things cleaned. Watch their daily stories and find all the everyday cleaning hacks pinned on their page. They inspired the spin mop with Tide cleaning I do.

S arrived home with A&W burger and fries lunch and a pile more peonies picked up from Manda XOXO. I scrubbed up the dishwasher parts and put it all back together while S relaxed in big brown reading the news paper. I used a new stainless steel polish and did dishwasher, fridge and stove, yeah!

S headed out to the shop to look over the swather so all is ready to go once the sun comes back out. He took Lola for a pee break on way over, let her sniff around and I called her back a bit later. Good to let her have a change of scenery. I worked on computer and accounting. The rain continued all day long till B arrived before 3:30. She found Bird had a swollen lip when she went to feed which eventually ended with some bute.

At 4 she and I were off to for her first riding lesson on Roo. It was as exciting as she hoped or even better. 

We did a catch up with next months plan after the lesson then were back to the ranch by 6. S was in from his repairs having ran to town for parts too. The chicken I put in before I left on a timer was done so I made up gravy while S carved the chicken. B joined us for supper then was off to town after 6:30. I made up the bread dough and left to proof overnight. After walking Lola to the gate to close it after another malfunction S checked the rain gauge.. 3/4" in total today.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Flowers galore

B dropped Cooper off at 7, today is his day care trial. For the next almost 2 hours he would occasionally whimper reminding me he would like to go play. I was up after 8:30, pulled on S big rubber boots and camophlauge rain coat over my housecoat and walked 2 dogs to the gate and back. It must be quite the sight :) They both went on the deck and I came in for a cappuccino. Good timing as the wind picked up and misty rain began.

deck patrol lessons underway

It was not long and Cooper had to come in as they were racing around the deck playing. Not good for the recovering patient. He was not happy about this but fell asleep as I did marketing. I let him out when I had a quick shower to roam the house but again he was a whiner. After sending him out for a quick rip around the yard he was brought back to the kennel. Wanting to warm the house up without starting the furnace I made a batch of Magnolia banana bread. It helped but I eventually turned on the furnace. It was tasty dessert after my tuna sandwich but I like my banana bread better.

I staged the jewelry box then got to work on writing a tutorial for the green valet. The dogs were taken for a walk at 2:30 and the sun even peeked out a bit. However they did find the dead gophers S had shot and tried to roll in them so it was back to the deck for Lola. Cooper I let run of some steam as I picked more dandelions and weeds. However when I turned around from feeding the horses I found he dug up and area I was just at. On to the deck for him. As I was back to the tutorial writing I heard metal scraping and found him stretched up eating Lola's food from on the spool. I am thinking his day care pass is revoked. ;)

A neighbor had made me a garden fancy last year and was in the area so dropped it off at 5. So cute now where to put it that it won't smash. Cabbage casserole supper while catching up on Scrabble and news then back to computer work. I found this great picture of Daisy in her youth with Dad while sorting my files.

And Krystalle sent these pics today of B&C, her new Facebook profile photo

The peonies from Amanda are opening so well and pretty I so wished I had a new piece to stage them with.

So I hauled up the white chair to get new photos with them

B arrived at 7:30 to do her horse things with the released from his kennel after napping 2+ hours Cooper. Soon after neighbor Tash stopped with a gorgeous home grown flower bouquet!! I had commented on her pretty ranunculus on Instagram and she offered some. THANK YOU! She also shared a flower preservative recipe she likes 1 tsp bleach: 1 tsp sugar : 2 tsp lemon juice in a gallon of water. I mixed that up and got them in a cute vase ASAP.

Aren't these gorgeous? She grew them all in her garden starting the anemones, costa silver snapdragons and ranunculus in her basement from seed!! Along with veronica, cat mint, salvia and a pretty bush for filler.

B and Tash left one behind the other before 8. I did a bit more computer work then went to snap some photos of the perennials I could offer to share with Tash for her garden as well as my 2 peony plants.

Bell flower AKA campanula here as single and group shots

tiger lilies

Japanese? Siberian? Iris

And this is the second year the one peony (right) has no buds.. shall I lift it? move it? I think once the rain stops I will remove grass in this area and put down chips and add another peony if I can get one from Auntie Mindy who has some of Grandma Ball's.

Lola did her walk off leash tonight and had great recall, yeah!! Tucked into the garage and pilled at 9 for the night. I was watching another episode of Crazy Delicious when the prince arrived home after 10:30.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

3/4" rain

I awoke at 3:30, 5:30 and 7:30 and it was raining at all times. It had let up when I was up at 8:30 and headed out to take Lola for her walk. I checked the gauge to see 1/2" so far. Once she was set up on the deck with her food I came in for my morning coffees. I finished the 13 Reasons Why season while waxing the shelf. Now to snap some photos and get listed for sale.

Next up the jewelry box was sanded and clear coated. The custom valet was picked up at 1. Of course the gate acted up both in and out for her but she was game to follow the reset to get it to work.

The rain started back up at noon then stopped. It looks like the next week is going to be like this. Britt and Cooper stopped out at 1:30 for a quick check and feed Bird and on their way. She did take the Etsy parcel and dropped off for me THANK YOU! I clear coated the jewelry box then took a pile of videos of Etsy items as they now allow a video view. Please go like and favorite if you would.

I cooked up GGK's lazy cabbage roll casserole using my good food box cabbage and threw in the oven. The sun popped out around 3:30 so I took Lola for her walk. Checking the rain gauge no real rain has accumulated at all today, just ugly out. My afternoon continued with video taking & loading with rain off and on.

The rain was coming down in town but this was my view, even Bird fit in a quick nap

I enjoyed the cabbage rolls after 5 very much seeing the meals have been very slim for the last few days. Now back to work; the jewelry box was dark waxed, vacuumed then put all back together with hardware. Then time to write a Hometalk post for the grey end table followed by one for the Algonquin dining table while I watched The Wrong Missy on my iPad.

Lola got her evening walk in another rain break then in the garage. I checked and we had a little over 2/10s more making for easily 3/4" today. This is all welcome and good as long as it dries up in time for S to hay later in the week. I started a new Netflix series tonight called Crazy Delicious. It is an odd cooking show but will try a few more episodes.
Some more family photos from Krystalle

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Painting and pictures

It is week 5 of Lola's recovery and she is doing very well says the vet after viewing the video I shared the other day. She and I walked after her morning pills to the gate and back to the deck as per usual. 

I had a cappuccino while I prepped for the day and took of Bird's rain sheet before heading over to Sharon's for coffee after 10. Just before I left the cash register bell rang; Etsy sale!

We had a great catch up with no appointments to get to. As usual she had fresh baked mini banana muffins baked in her new quartz countered kitchen. THANKS. I headed home at 1:30 where Britt was finishing up her ride on Bird. She had previously rode Pepper and ponied KD too. I walked Lola with Cooper of course right along then back to the deck. She loaded up Cooper not long after and headed home to paint.

It was a really nice morning but about 3:30 the dark clouds and thunder rolled in and it was off and on rain for the rest of the day. I boxed up the Etsy sale crate and printed up the labels, painted the now dry shelf and clear coated it then cleaned a jewelry box. I painted the first coat of paint on it while watching the news. Vegetarian supper with a cob of corn and a mango from the food box then when there was a break in the rain I went out and put Bird's rain sheet back on.

Around supper I spotted the horses looking at something and when I looked it was a doe coming from the west. I grabbed my camera only to have no card in it. Scrambling to the computer I finally got it out but running from door to door as it went thru the paddocks yard and into the hay field while Lola kept sleeping I got these pics.

Second coat of paint on the jewelry box while watching 13 Reasons and listening to the rain off and on. It let up at 9 so I took Lola for a walk, gave pill and put in garage for the night. I tried to finish the 13 Reasons Why Season but could not finish the last 25 minutes.

Here is a little preview of some of the photos from the other nights photo session with Krystalle