Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Years Eve

Today we say good by to 2017, it has been quite a year with lots of ups and a few downs. I was up early as I have an eyelash appointment in town at 9 am. I was off about quarter too and very thankful my car is in the garage. It was -36 as I passed Glenmore...WHAT!!! and then there were pockets of fog in the lower lying areas. But it was super sunny!

My appointment went well and I was back home by 11 to join Sheldon and not long after Britt for a hot coffee and creamer of course ;) Football encompassed Sheldon's day for the most part along with cookie jam and a new Spanish learning app Britt got us all on. She is whipping right along.

I continued to double check my packing and S finally threw a few things into a bag ;) Oh to be a boy some days LOL

We went with crab legs, stuffed potatoes and veg for our supper. Britt had some tuna casserole as she prepped for her fancy night. I sorted a few photos as she was off at 8 for her big night and Matt was over not long after. He and Sheldon spent NYE together in the TV room watching the flames game. I made a frosty drink and headed to enjoy a soak in the tub.

Then it was to continue watching Grey's in bed and working on my Spanish lessons. Matt was off after 11:30. S came up to work on cookie jam levels. I headed to town at 1 to pick up Britt and Caleb, running them thru McDonalds for snacks, dropping Caleb off at home and getting back home safely. It was -38!!!!

Happy New Year everyone.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Holy Cold!!

I awoke at 8:30 and it was -29!! SNAP. I did a bit of marketing before putting coffee on. Sharon popped over at 10 for a visit and pet care details. Sheldon had a slower start to the day but did bundle up and head out to shovel a bit and plug in the skidsteer as the new snow has the road and gate quite plugged. He was happy to get back in to his big comfy chair.

Our always enjoyable visit was wrapped up before 1 and she ventured back home. The sun popped out for about an hour and got to -23! ;) We ate more left overs for our late lunch before the chair beckoned him back for a nap and me to the computer to write up more blog posts. One was the final half of the plank table build as well as the top 9 Instagram posts of 2017

S bundled up again and headed out to push snow after 2:30. Britt pulled in about an hour later and hunkered down in her bed till supper watching Netflix and staying warm. I got busy packing my bag! S was back in after a couple hours of pushing snow to the warm house with a cozy fire. Later in the evening we all watched The Ivory Game

this was a missed picture B took back when Hawk was wearing the blanket and B took off and tried on Roo

A nothing kind of day

Overcast and chilly -23 wake-up which hung around most of the day. I slowly worked at putting away Christmas and wanted to take down the tree and put it and angel away but S says no. Mainly cause it is his chore to take it to the mez and not a fan of the cold it seems ;)

He worked on mastering more cookie jam levels and internet perusing. I woke with a headache and feeling crappy. My worst fear is that being around all the sick people will have me getting it for our trip. Oregano oil, vit c and cold fx are going down daily to keep it at bay but....

I had prince help me carry in the planked table to put together and get staged up. He was then off to watch hockey for the afternoon in the TV room. I started the first part of the blog posts on it as well as writing a post for the Mouse Themed growth ruler too. (I was told the Disney folks do NOT like license infringement and can come after you so had to rename it) Now to get the table posted for sale on all my sites like Kijiji, Facebook and Etsy.

I started a fire as it was another cold -24 day after cleaning out all the ash from fires gone by. S took a break from his games to go out and shovel sidewalks but was soon back in with frozen fingers and back to the TV room ;) I made tuna casserole for supper with a side salad which did draw him up along with the news. I think the fire and the fact the games were over had him staying up in the big comfy chair while I got back to blog posts. He eventually headed back to the TV room and I ventured to cozy up under the covers and watch YouTube videos. Pretty lazy day at the ranch today.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

town trip

Brrr the cold weather is stuck here I think. Coffee and cozy covers were enjoyed for an extended start today. A few plans for the upcoming trip were sorted out then it was time to get productive. Laundry was started, passports and a wee bit of cash rounded up, my new purse put into action, and a wee bit of time before we left to read some more of the book while Prince had a wee nap in his big comfy chair.

found some awesome treats Kaylin filled the bottom of the purse with, <3 lovey!

Sheldon got the garbage bar tied and put in the Mercedes.. what?? well it is warm... HAHAHA OK , new garbage run car ;) We set off for town for my 2 pm mani/pedi with a quick reverse to retrieve a wallet then off to town. S dropped me off for my relaxing manicure/pedicure (another gift certificate I am using up from the past from the Prince himself, thank you) then ran some errands.

He stopped back with a chai tea as I was drying my nails and after a 2 hour spa treatment ( where I also finished my book) we were on our way home after dropping the books at the library. Of course we dropped the trash and got the mail on our way. My prize winning paint brush was there and we met the UPS man at our gate as he dropped off the new food disposal.

Back inside I lit the fire while S booked a room for us with the rest of the crew at the airport for the night before we depart. The snow that lightly came down off and on during the day was now socking in. Perfect timing. We caught up on 2 Viking episodes then I started a new book, Cutting For Stone and S was sawing logs.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

another cold day

Another cold day today, -28/29 brrr. The fire was started soon after the coffee and burned all day. Sick Sheldon spent most of the time napping in front of the fire. Updating my social media pages took a bit of time. We did get his account set up on the iPad with Apple's help and got him started on cookie jam. I got a new cover and keypad ordered for my iPad but sadly it wont arrive till the day we leave on vacation, dang. I got more passwords entered and stuff set up.

I did have him help me unload the coffee table I picked up last week and the salt and I braved the cold to go fill a shelter tub for the ponies.

I wavered on getting B's library book to town but wanted to get a manicure and pedicure while in town but seems they are closed today. I finished up the soup and it was our yummy supper. Pretty quiet day at the ranch with a relaxing warm fire, good music and cookie jam. I did read my book getting it almost finished once tucked into bed.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Boxing Day

The hoar frost was thick this am after such a cold night. It covered the trees and the poor cold ponies. Sheldon got the coffee going while I made toad in a holes for them all. Kaylin and Shaina have to work at 11:30 so were prepping and headed off just after 10. I also made them a turkey plate lunch to take along. Sheldon tossed a bale as the skid steer would not start so threw the charger on it and back in for a nap. The poor fellow has a cold that has been ailing him for days.

Britt went out to check her horses in this -23 COLD day. She hauled out the turkey for lunch and to pack up left overs as well. Shaina called saying she was heading home from work after only an hour as a pipe burst!! And here she drove like her usual speedy Gonzalo to get back to the city, home then work. B too then packed up her gifts and such and along with Lexi was off to the city after 1. Sheldon checked her tires prior to her setting off then while dressed up hauled over more wood via the skidoo (now we have snow finally) then rolled out a bale to the ever grateful horses.

great pic Shaina took yesterday of "our girls", they just needed Lola

I cleaned up the house getting most back to normal and threw the turkey bones on to make soup. I also started a nice fire and got a new puzzle going. Prince was most happy as he could curl up and sleep away his illness. Catching up on the blog also required allot of time but always good to share at this special time. Sheldon gave me a new iPad for Xmas today so spent time double checking what I needed to save and could delete and got the new one all set up and the other one reset for him to start fresh.

 The beautiful Kate Spade purse the girls gave me and the handsome watch they got S, XOXOXO

Before heading to bed to read (S had moved from lazy boy to a quick soak in a hot tub then to the comfy bed), I did the meat/bone sorting for the soup, added carrots to the broth and put in the fridge till tomorrow to finish. I headed to bed to read and do a few things on my iPad first and learned that your 300 free men do not get saved or other game bonuses and I forgot to back up all my bookmarked pages. Dam.. another note to self.. just do the backup and then delete what you don't use would have been easier way!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you have a fabulous day and holiday season. Mom was up as I let the dogs out and got coffee going for us. I started a fire and we started on a new puzzle. Eventually the girls slowly joined us upstairs. I made all toad in the holes to hold them over till turkey time.

frisky play to stay warm in this cold blast

Gifts were exchanged, thanks to all for the lovely gifts to each. Mom and I got the turkey stuffed and in the oven and onto games. Kaylin gave her and Grandma a foot soak then they both put on some foot solution in fancy little bags that stayed on for 90 minutes before washing off and should make baby soft feet in days.

Turkey was ready just after 3:30, delicious if I say so myself. Thanks to Mom for carving it up while I got gravy made and it was time to enjoy.

The cold snap rolled in, brrrrr. Shaina went out to chuck a bale with Britt going out to help with placement as the poor cold ponies would not figure out going around when they were cold and hungry and could see it but not reach, THANKS girls!

Games continued with many laughs before Mom and TJ loaded up in the extreme cold -23 with a wind chill after 9. Even with all my checking of goodies to go along I forgot Mya and Vance's gifts but after they got to town to pick up stuff from AJ's and get gas they found all places closed with no food so zipped back to grab presents and get a super yum turkey sandwich for their drive home. It was - 23 but showed -29 on their truck when driving from town.

The girls and I started Christmas vacation waiting for Sheldon who finally arrived just after 11. They gave him their gift and after the movie we were all off to bed. Sheldon said the car showed -33 in some valleys on his way home.. BRRRRRRR Shaina and I it seems did not sleep well again.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve

I made some coffee and got back to the puzzle with a nice fire. Pretty relaxed Christmas eve start with just Miss Lexi and I. Shaina and Britt arrived home before 11 with Shaina very under the weather, too much Xmas cheer for her. Shaina went to sleep promptly, B and I had Lexi wear Coco's traditional Santa's Elf costume and get a cute picture before she napped on the couch in front of the fire.

Brit went out to toss a bale with perfect timing as another round of snow blew in as she came in at 2:30. Horses thank you B. It is heading into a cold snap they say dropping to -12 and going down to about -20 I think by night.

Mom and Travis arrived at 4:30 and joined in on my puzzle making. Kaylin arrived about an hour later bringing a yummy bruschetta platter to join the appetizers I had for our snack night.

Our evening was full of games and snacks. Kaylin even kindly dressed and carried Shaina up to join us. Once everyone was in bed I read until 2:30 ;)