Wednesday, July 31, 2013

826 - another day of work and a another sale

Day 826 I went in to work to help Sharon as well as get my own work done since the last few says doing the new program job has ate all my work time dedicated to it. As a reward our boss took us for lunch at Boston Pizza which is always enjoyable to have a nice meal especially while Sheldon is away and we eat sparingly. The weather was amazing, sunny and around 27 degrees.
Shaina and Lexi jogging ahead of Kaylin in the city park

I then ran to pickup another project I purchased, donate books to the library on behalf of Grama & Papa, drop off pots from the kind lady who gave me rhubarb plant then do a quick deposit from recent sales before racing home.

When I got home  about 1:45, I found Britt sheepishly saying she had recently got up and had yet to get to my list. We quickly tidied the kitchen before out to finish the windows she went then scrubbed the horse buckets.
The couple who were coming for the coffee table arrived and loved it but the next couple who were coming for the dresser did not. Seems the husband said a 3 year old will ruin a beautiful dresser, maybe with stickers I thought! Wait, Amanda remembers Shaina may have wrote a bad word on the castle when young so I guess girls can be naughty like that too. Bad Shaina!

I then put a glaze of brown on the royal end table, washed rags, rugs and dog pillows in the garage machines and organized the over flowing shoe rack. I managed to get sweeping in too but honestly the garage needs a good full clean!
Shaina got home from the city about 4:30 but she was no help at all, off to her room until Shannon came at 5:30 and they left after 6 to golf. They claim they will ride when they get home so lets see. Matt and Ethan returned the skidsteer and visited for a bit before they headed home spraying my ditches as they went. THANKS Premium Ag!!
Britt and I ate fruit and chicken before we headed out for a ride on such a gorgeous night. Of course once we caught Scooter and Julio I noticed a hunk out of Scoot's foot so trimmed them both up before the ride. The ride was very enjoyable. Once back, Britt caught Bird and rode her while I enjoyed a cold drink watching her and the 2 horses chewed down my lawn. Shaina and Shannon got home from golf after 10 and continued their sleepover.

Dale had text wanting a room tonight after they fly in from Vancouver. They landed at 10:25 but for some reason it took 2 hours to arrive getting here half past midnight.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

825 - BUSY day at work again

Day 825 I was up and gone to work leaving a small list for Britt to do during the day. It seems she did get up and manage to wash the lower level windows, wash her horse cuts and the pots and pans. She claims this kept her busy ALL day.. hmmm I guess if she got up at noon maybe! :-)

My day at work was swamped, thank goodness I stopped at Tims and grabbed a caffeine for Sharon and I. She and I are manning the office while Coreena vacations on a beach in Montana for 2 weeks. We put in a full day but at lunch I ran to Amanda's where I was served a delicious bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup as well as getting a trim and curl!! No that is the very best service ever at a hairdresser.. THANKS AJ!! XOXOXO You truly are the best sister a girl could want! Oh and I got a few snuggles in with my sweetie Ada and jokes with the not so social man today Asher.

Back at work we bust our butts even staying until after 4, this is real work at its finest these days. I stopped to grab a rotisserie chicken as well as the mail before stopping at the dump to drop the "stink to high heaven" trash. (Sheldon forgot to mention he threw hunks of raw bison in the bag and lets just say the reference to rotting arse rang true!)
I got home just before 5 with Shaina pulling in fairly soon after from her 9-5 shift. She quickly changed and this time was off to Calgary to spend the night with Kaylin. As she was going out the lady who custom  ordered  a jumbo growth ruler arrived. As well at work 2 ladies arrived to pick up online items. Each sale and bag taken to diabetes makes room in the house.. ok maybe more comes in but it is the effort. :-)
I threw together a fresh garden salad and kraft dinner with the chicken for Britt and I. After supper she went out to ride Pepper. I was watering the garden when she returned and after hosing him hollered he had a water bean. I got a bucket rag and rubber gloves and headed out and she and I tried our hand literally at sheath cleaning him and Julio. We did ok but not really more than surface cleaned, hahaha. Will have to wait until a moment of weakness so to say.
 the old trusty steed
and my great haircut and style at the end of a hard day.. sort of still there ..hahahaha

Monday, July 29, 2013

824 - back to my projects

Day 824 was a sleep in day for me.. 9:30!! yes Now the girls was another story I tried a few times but eventually I had to get Britt to get her darn cat out of the tramp. They think it is their playground climbing the new thing like a circle of trees but at least Mr Jenkins figured it out after being rescued once how to get out on his own. Shaina managed to get up soon after and this was all around noon!

Shaina went out to work on the skinny pen for a bit taking a late lunch break and getting back to it later in the afternoon. She also rode her horse before going to work at 5. Britt was not so productive and was forced to vacuum the hardwood, unload the dishwasher and she still managed to continually retreat to the basement. Eventually she came out to ride her horse around 3:30.
I worked on my projects, stripping and sanding a pine coffee table,
 below my new sander..old one cratered!! (note the shiny rim in background)
painting a stool for Britt's vanity in her favorite color

and putting a coat on the royal end table I started awhile back.
Mid pen cleaning a few rain drops came down but hardly nothing so I watered my garden. Note to self, plant earlier when I see the neighbors Facebook picture of her garden picks for supper!

During the day I had reconfigured the temp pen and had the 2 older skinnies out while Shaina and Britt rode. Once they were done they put the other two in there and as I was picking lettuce for supper chaos ensued. Skittish Bird was in the corner and I saw her checking out the white tape but she moved away. I headed into the house and heard a zip line noise and thundering hooves. As I raced around the deck corner I saw her with the wire chest height booking it towards the house then veered back to the hay field. The whole time the spool of wire is flying thru the posts around the horse trailer eventually smashing into the hitching posts and shattering the wooden roll it was wrapped on. The non hot wire eventually snapped after whipping across the apple trees and leaving leaves everywhere. There is never a dull moment with horses. I had just asked Britt to go put them back as they were getting into the old crusty bale.. hmmm intuition speaks but no one listens. I eventually got her out of the basement and off to check Bird who had raced back in to the pen where the other 3 bolted.

This was 5:30 and a fellow had just stopped to pick up our free patio table. After getting him on his way Britt was getting supplies to wash and treat Birds new cuts. Will this horse ever have a injury free summer?
As she was finishing up and I was making her and I supper another brief rain cloud unloaded a small sprinkle then got sunny. The grass and hay sure could use a good rain, I'd rather that than these crappy mini rains.

After supper I put wax on the stool. I have many projects to get going on. Today was a good day of hope as one lady coming to get her growth chart tomorrow and 2 other ladies coming Wednesday to look at furniture. Fingers crossed I make some more sales so I can fill the kitchen back up :-)

Shaina got home from work just after 9, a short shift almost not worth working I say,or wait.. perfect shift.. hahaha And to further astound me she actually went and caught Baby and rode her! She did then head to town at 10:30 to have a sleepover with Rachel since she works in the morning but she did get stuff done today, good job Shaina!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

823 - will it rain Sunday?

Day 823 I enjoyed a sleep in till 9:30 when Britt text to see if going to polox practice. The weather looked crappy and the forecast said rain by noon so we chose not to however no rain ever showed even with black clouds looming.

I enjoyed a cup of chai tea and started laundry.. all the trailer bedding pillows etc. and cleaning to still find the house under the trailer treasures!

Shaina was dropped off before 10:30 and she promptly went to bed :-9. Britt arrived home at 11 showering and ready to get to work. She wanted hamburger soup so I whomped some up for her. Today is a great day for soup. She went out in the occasional sunshine and picked more crap in the fat pen.

I rousted Shaina by noon and she got motivated to pick the skinny pen for an hour after much prodding. She finished up at 1 then got ready for work for 2. Britt had a bowl of soup and back out she went to finish the fat pen. I had a bowl of my homegrown spinach salad with blueberries and avocado and my favorite dressing.. OH MY!
I went out and planted 2 more new trees (2 I rescued from my shelter belt nursery) and watered the back trees as it is so dry. I also fed all the horses and put WD40 on the pump handle that has been sticking in order to water the fatties too. Britt finished up around 5 and the pasture looks so much better. Five horses can add allot of fertilizer in not to long but it decreases the grass for them to eat.
above a Siberian larch and below a sea buckthorn
Britt and I enjoyed a relaxing night, a brief squall blew in at 7 and eventually a few drops came down at 8 then the sun was out!!
 and always a splendid sky at sunset
Shaina got home from work around 11 changed out of her work skirt and headed back to town to friends. She however did not get home till 3:30 am claiming she fell asleep during the movie.. maybe after a hard days work you should sleep at home in your bed?? just sayin!
 a phone pic I took yesterday of Ada napping in my arms.. what a doll!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

822 - Sunny but windy Saturday

Day 822 was my first sleep in day but of course Murphy showed up, Shaina was clanging around the kitchen at 7:45 getting snacks for work so it was then wake up time for me. I brewed up a vanilla latte and enjoyed a few brain gyming games like Sudoku and spider solitaire.

It was then time to start some cleaning starting with our bathroom sinks.

Around 11 a fellow stopped to quote cement for the shop as I headed to the garage to try my new car waxing product. Wahoo it looks good.
 before and after rims

 before and after rear end
Britt got home at noon, made some lunch for us then went out to scoop poop but was back within the hour not enjoying the cool yucky wind. The basement is so much more enjoyable :-)

The Paetz family stopped around 1 so Craig could borrow the truck to take a tree to the dump. AJ and the kids stayed to visit. Our old neighbor Richard stopped at 3 to purchase Sheldon's sound dock and a quick visit. Turns out he was looking for a pedestal table about 42" round.. well now I happen to have one of those. He laid claim to it and will return to pick up next w/e.

Shaina and Shannon were home around 4 for a quick stop to grab stuff to head to a flood relief party and the Rockyford cab. Shaina managed to get some snuggles in with Ada too before she bolted. Craig showed up as the girls were heading out. We had a beer and visit and they headed home at 5. By now the wind finally died down.
I went out to finish my waxing and snap a few photos. Looks better than yesterday below heh?
Around 7 I went out to water garden and flowers and was it ever nice.. so pretty and warm. Britt and I ate slim pickings left overs then she went to feed horses and pick some more horse dung before she headed back to Rockyford for the evening at 9.

Friday, July 26, 2013

821 - busy day of work for me

Day 821 I was up at 5 am letting Coco out, not sure her beef but managed to get back to sleep till time to get up for work. I was out the door as Grama and Papa were getting mobile about 8:15. I dropped Coco off in Amanda's back yard for the morning as she has haircut finally at 1 today.

My work day was unbelievably busy, this new job project we have is time consuming to say the least. I was lucky enough to spend part of my lunch hour at Amanda's snuggling little miss Ada and chatting with Asher while enjoying a tuna melt, thanks guys!! xoxo

Ada might have had enough kisses, check her face!
The rest of my lunch hour I grabbed an ice cap (and forgot a puppy treat much to Coco's chagrin!), deposited the trailer check and took Coco to her new stylist. Then it was time to get back to work. I even stayed until just before 4 as I was not done! Then it was errands to pick up Coco from the groomer, return library book, pick up more blue bottles from a  kindly gentleman and car fill up. There was a demo girl who sold me this product.. it sure works I will show you the after as soon as I can do it. Below is the before! 
Britt was home after spending the day in the city with Grama and Papa. I had text Shaina they were going to the city and taking Kaylin out for lunch last night and she was going to text them but at noon she called me asking where they were. Lines of communications had her thinking they would wait for her to wake up at noon and take her for lunch!! But as good grandparents, they met Kaylin for lunch and waited for Shaina to get there, so enjoyed lunch with all 3 girls which in itself is a miracle these days.
After I got home I sent her out to feed all the horses while I updated the blog and enjoyed a cold beer! She then cleaned the fat pen of poop for a few hours before heading to Rockyford rodeo just before 9 staying over with a  friends family. Shaina got home later after enjoying her day off with lunch then hanging out with Kaylin to train for race next w/e and then attend a party in the evening. I caught up on some PVR shows enjoying the relaxing break after such a busy day.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

820 - WORK for some

Day 820, early rise for Sheldon and Shaina who were off for the airport at 4:30 am. Sheldon is back to work after 3 weeks off. Shaina was back home a round 6. I awoke and saw the fog was socked in hard and still was when I re awoke at 7:30 am to get ready for work. We got 1/10th of rain overnight
My day at work was jam packed with new processes being passed over to us. We did manage to go out for lunch which is always nice. I even brought leftovers for Britt and my supper. I did not get out of the office till after 3:30 so missed Shaina who had a lazy day then off to work at 3.
Britt was home polishing up her new bridle score she found yesterday. Sadly it was all she had did during the day so I had to delegate some chores as I flew around trying to find a path thru the kitchen thru the trailer items as well as bringing the last of it in. The buyer arrived at 5:30 to pick it up and it was officially out of the yard by 6 when another lady arrived to dig up a row of our shelter belt trees that have no real future home.

Once we had them dug and she took off I ran back to the house and got the mower and mowed a few more areas around the house and the gate area. By now it was after 7 and I needed sustenance. Britt and I ate the left overs while she kept up on laundry. (or at least hers) We had bagged up clothes for Brooke as well as the diabetes box during the week and added more to them today.

Grama and Papa are arriving tonight to stay at the B&B for Brendan's ball game in the morning. We will send the bag for Brooke with them. Britt went out and fed the horses for me and vacuumed stairs too. Such a hard worker.. NOT! She spends 90% of her time in the basement, we need to find her a job.

Grama and Papa arrived about 9 pm, we enjoyed a nice visit over a night cap and about 10 the thunder and lightening rolled in again and put on quite a show. However we got less than 1/10th of rain but it was loud and bright for 3rd night in a row. Shaina did not get home until about 2 am from work??

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

819 - trailer sells :-(

Day 819 was a lazy start for most but I was up by 8:30. After a coffee start and quick snack for Britt we hit the road for Calgary around 10:30. Shaina I am sure had a very lazy start to her day and went to work for 2 pm till close. Our First stop to get A/C parts for the swather then equine stops at Greenhawk and Tack Collector.

Lunch at a vietnamese soup joint was not enjoyed by Britt. She then ran to Michaels for frames for her art and I grabbed blackout curtains for the theater room. Costco finished out our shopping day and it was a doozy yet again. We grabbed an iced Tim treat for the ride home arriving back at the ranch just before 4.

Once we got unloaded, there was a call to view the travel trailer and sure as heck, today was the day the couple said they will take it! Now I am sad as I knew I would be. Six years ago we brought home a fancy new trailer that fit our family of 5 including dogs. We paid over $40K but it was worth it at the time as we did use it lots for first 3 years. However the last 3 summers, it has sat due to the new house and ranch build, used only as a cold beer fridge! It is so sad that the value once off the lot and with minimal use only recoups half your hard earned cash! My only hope is the new family can use it till the wheels fall off.
So after a cold beer it was time to clean out the trailer, just over 3 hours later we had most out. Out but piled in the house or storage trailer!! Oh my, I had that trailer packed for the end of the world I think. Since I have not seen any of my clothes for years I bagged a huge bag up and will take to diabetes box along with quadding pants and jackets and about 40 go cups and water bottles!

Just after we got back in and showered the thunder & lightening show returned bringing some rain too. Shaina finished up work around 11:30.
perhaps the truck will be moving on soon too


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

818 - lost bottle money day for Britt but kind lady

Day 818, I awoke to complete fog, surrounding us like a veil. Shaina called in but work said they still wanted her this am for beer cart so she was in the shower at 8 am. As I drove off to work just after 8 it seems the fog was only really around us clearing soon after I left the approach. I checked the rain gauge and there was 2/10ths overnight. Sheldon and Britt came to town later in the am to get more landscape ties and pea gravel and Britt to take in bottles.
One of my favorite summer looks .. white jeans, but I hardly wear esp with Diego around :-)

I ran errands at lunch then had a massage for 1. Sheldon called me once I was out to say Britt had lost her bottle money perhaps in the parking area or in Canadian Tire and wondered if I could go check if it was there or turned in. I was skeptical thinking who would turn in cash found laying on the ground let alone nearly $50 but off I went. Nothing in the parking so I went in and asked if on a long stretch they had cash turned in. "Yes was there answer can you tell me amount?" ah maybe $50.. "nope, sorry" So I called Britt and she said the amount. I went back in, "nope sorry" but as I was walking out another worker that was listening ran out and handed me the $20 they did have turned in. "Take this for your daughter". I was shocked, she even thought she saw something on the ground ahead but it was trash. There are kind and honest people out there.. who turn in found money and who pass a good deed on to a young girl who in the future may not store cash in her small jean pocket.

After grabbing the mail I headed home, she met me asking if it was hers found but I said no. This put her in even more of a funk but she did drag her heels and helped me feed horses, all 9 this time. Sheldon was working on burming the south side of the shop and moved some bales back there for storage. He then continued on with the gravel around the house project. Britt rode Bird at 5. Thunder rolled a bit but soon the sun was out again.

 look at this strange sky
 but soon the sun was shining
A fellow stopped for bales just before 6. I made trout supper which Shaina arrived home to join us after her long day at work. She was happy she made more in tips today then her $10 yesterday as well as chalking up some overtime too!

After supper the fellow returned for 3 more bales, the girls retreated to the basement quickly and Sheldon went back to gravel spreading. I updated the blog to keep you all in the know as well as refreshing some sales ads and never ending laundry.

Shaina kindly vacuumed her room and washed dishes before she headed to town to do errands and hit OJ's wing night at 8. A brief rain had Sheldon running inside around 9:30 but it was just that.. brief, oh well! But as Britt, Sheldon and I watched Amazing Race Canada the lightening and thunder went wild. Another amazing feat.. Shaina was home before midnight! :-)