Monday, July 31, 2023

Ride at Britt's trails

These videos will for sure brighten anyone's day! XOXO

Back to routine; coffee in bed after H fed. I worked on catching up blog and marketing. I finally opened my paint package. New products included too. S ran to town for fuel and other errands. He brought back Opa for an early lunch, thanks!

The corded vacuum we bought a few years back at Stampede was staged to sell. My paint package was all put away. 

Stouts stopped after lunch. Darren took S for a ride in his "new" 69 Chevy C10. Sharon gave Amelia a very short ride on Timba. It is 26 out with a hot dry wind. It took a bit to catch Switch in the dry old heat. Once I had her & H loaded we set off for Britt's. She and Dave have been working on a trail thru the trees there. Switch was put in a pen. We had a cold drink and visit on deck till Dave arrived. B cooked smokies for supper, thanks.

She and I tacked up the horses.  

Sheldon and Dave jumped in their farm truck and took the chain saw down to work on a few stumps. We spent the next couple hours touring the trail and breaking our own on the north side too. We also took a walk on the track that is still mid progress.

The fellows were back enjoying a cold beer on the deck and kept 2 of the 3 dogs when we tried the trail again. It is 1.5 miles and 1/2 hour from the house roundtrip so far. B and I hosed them off once back. The boys brought in the standardbreds to their stalls. After Bird was fed (Switch got grass) we all met back on the deck for a fire. When the propane tank ran out and kindling fire was enjoyed. Switch was loaded back in (Har had been in back seat for awhile napping) and headed home before 11. Back at the ranch I put her in the pen then hit the shower at midnight to wrap up a nice day.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Camping continues

Today we are off for camp trip #2 this week. But first it was coffee in bed with the lovely new bamboo sheets. They are so very cooling, THANKS Kaylin and Nathan!! XOXO I spent a ton of time editing and uploading photos/videos to get the trail ride post complete. I sure hope you enjoy the effort folks.

More trailer packing. S did hot tub care. For lunch he made his favorite KD and added the leftovers taco meat. Such an easy and tasty meal. Har loaded up, wood was remembered and loaded and we were off to Crawling Valley. 

We were filed with water and had camp set up in short order Pretty smooth running team for camping. Stouts/Lowe’s were over to visit and enjoy some cold beverages. We cooked supper here with Sharon running to Strathmore to pick up her niece. The fellows went to Stout site and built a fire. I read my book till Sharon was back then joined the fire till 11.

Saturday the weather switched to warm. It rained in the night. It was a full day of sun and fun. Amelia was stoked to meet Harley. Whellers and nephew David joined the group. We enjoyed a boat ride H was worried of course when S and the 2 young ones went in the water to cool off. 

Ice cream was the treat once back. This delayed supper a bit but an it was tasty bacon cheeseburgers with all the fixings including fresh spinach with Mac salad, avocado ranch and fries. Our evening was rounded out with a new card game and some campfire time over with Stouts/Lowes.

air fryer and bug zapper are great camping additions

Sunday am was blustery. We tried sitting out with coffee to read and do crossword but eventfully had to roll awning in. The trailer was cleaned and packed up. Left over cheeseburger for lunch before heading out after 1. 

We arrived home to yet another hot 30 degree day. I watered plants inside and out. Unloading the trailer and getting laundry done got in lots of steps. S needed a rest on the couch after his busy week. Fresh picked zucchini and French toast for supper. Weird but tasty combo.

Town had a huge rain and hail and we got nothing. There were 15 drops when a lady arrived to purchase the coffee table set. Finally it has a home and 4 big pieces have left this week. I am grateful.

We loaded up H and headed to town. S found the campsite we have for rodeo weekend. Same one as last year. We set up the trailer then stopped to visit some of the committee members who were visiting about the days work and upcoming tasks. The evening was much nicer after the rain. It brought it down to 26. Back home we had a hot tub to wrap up the busy camping week.

Shaina caught this amazing shot from her apartment view

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Wee bit of rain

It was a cool night. H patiently waited for me me to get up at 9. As I took her out to pee and feed her rain started. This got S rousted to hook up the trailer. We put the last few things away outside and inside. Coffee was our breakfast on the road after saying goodbye to Benbow’s after 10.

look at this sweetheart

We stopped in town to restock water, booze, groceries and fuel. back at the ranch before 1 we hauled the table down. 8 also got the chairs and umbrella too. A gal was to pick up at 1 but changed mind, grrr. S fixed the fender flairs mixing screws. I put fresh zucchini on and bacon in the oven. BST sandwiches with sautéed zucchini was our lunch.

S power washed the truck and trailer. I got laundry on the go and all plants watered inside then out. I had 5 zucchini’s picked. S put sprinklers on a few trees making room in the rain tanks. he also fixed the tractor tire valve issue that has been plaguing him. I finally got some computer work caught up including a blog post.

We need rain. The grass is so dry. It started to rain when the couple arrived to pick up the art deco cabinet.  It stopped shortly after they were loaded and left. We finished our taco and corn on cob supper. A break in chores we went for a soak in the hot tub. It started to rain then too but again lasted a short time.

Shower, fresh new cooling bamboo sheets (from K&N) and the last of the laundry done. I gelified my nails as S perused his laptop. The rain started for a bit when I crawled in to bed at 10 to work more on the blog. When checked the next day we got 2.5/10ths!

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Golf days

Both Tuesday and Wednesday were started with Harley walked and fed. Wednesday morning walk was beautifully peaceful. There was only one other lady out reading at 830 am. S makes the coffee and I the yogurt bowls. Visiting, games and a round of golf at the Three Hills golf course. This is a nice little course. It does start with 2 ball eating holes. They also brought an fun axe throwing game.

Yvonne on the fairway .. excited my drive is the ball ahead near middle right side of the picture. This drives made me like the game again

This tee box is way up high; both guys and gals too

Tuesday night Benbow’s made supper. Randy got a cast iron shovel for Christmas. He wanted to make chicken on a shovel. He had researched it all up and in the end it turned out really good. Yvonne made fried rice, salad and buttered carrots to go with. It was a nice treat for sure. 

looking good right?

Not long after a storm rolled in as we sat around a camper fire at our spot. We darted inside just in time before the rain. Then hail to hit. We stayed in our unit for the evening playing games with a couple shooter to christen the trailer.

check out this view

Wednesday night we made supper. S had mixed up and made bison burgers before we left and froze. He cooked them while I made fries in the air fryer. I also had the macaroni salad I made before we left and mixed S bagged salad. There were lots of burger adds too. The wind had picked up something awful so again we stayed in our trailer to eat and visit. Eventually it let up enough we headed out. The fellows moved the wood to Benbow’s site as more sheltered. I joined after taking H for her walk. It was an early night heading to our trailer at 10.