Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Cold snap continues

Harley barked out of the blue at 5:59 and when I let her out it was a short let me in its snowing! Ok in your kennel and I will sleep till almost 9. The coffee was started when I went to feed her and delivered hot to the prince in bed on the way back. We enjoyed a couple cups in bed with brain games/online news. It is another -19 start to the day with soft snow continuing to fall all day.

After my second cup I got busy posting the antique highboy tutorial I had finished the other day then did all the shares required. I was just getting out of the shower when Harley's food was delivered. This am I did not scrub her cheek just rubbed off any loosed scabs and put ointment on.

I then headed to the garage to put a second coat of paint on the blue jewelry box. The sunset box had some touch ups and all left to dry while I went in for an early lunch of pizza and a salad kit. S joined me after his hard morning of relaxing in big brown with his laptop. I do have him searching vacations but not sure he is really on it.

I headed back to the garage to clear coat the sunset box then clean the others glass and start the mercury glass treatment. This is very stinky so tried to keep H out of the garage. I asked S to feed the 2 horses with the tubs I had mixed up so he and H went out to do that after 1 and grab a tool kit from the shop for me. The day warmed a bit and with no wind S decided to take H for a walk to the gate as he was a bit house stir crazy. If only he had a hobby :) but H appreciated the walk for sure.

I brought the blue jewelry box inside after selecting the transfers I wanted to put inside. This was a process as all little pieces I had to make into a design then put in one at a time but it sure turned out pretty. S started a fire back from his walk and got cozy again in big brown surfing the interweb. When I finally finished the transfers I took the chest out and clear coated them. While I had a wet brush I did the sunset box again too then fed H.

I took a break in front of the fire while coaching S to create stroganoff meatballs. He did a fantastic job!! Very tasty, I think he may be hired :)

Britt and Coop stopped out for the usual bathroom break and helped me scrub Harley's face before they headed home. S watched hockey in front of the fire and I in bed with my iPad and McLeod's Daughters.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

2 new jewelry boxes underway

I do love seeing the sunrise and being such short days it is way easier to see this pretty sight. I watched from my bed while sipping on a coffee and playing some brain games while S snoozed and H waited in the garage for her breakfast. It is a brisk -19 out but sunny. I delivered him a hot cup after feeding her then  S moved to big brown with his laptop for daily news peruse. I did some marketing and out to get working on my paint projects. The valet was lightly sanded and another coat applied.

The jewelry box had a fun sunset color blend brushed on.

I finished the valet distressing again, adding pulls back on, new felt feet and such then brought in to stage.

We finished up leftovers for lunch then cleaned H's face. Seeing the horses were still in and it was sunny I bundled up and H and I went and fed the horses. Poor Switch may have slipped as walking lame. The entire ground has a bumpy layer of ice from the last few days of crazy melting then blowing freezing weather, poor horses. It was brisk even at -15 no wind now.

Back inside I got busy writing an ad for the valet on my Etsy shop. S loaded up his hockey bag and was off to town after 1 for shinny at 2:30 but going to get vehicle registration done before hand. I worked on tutorial photo loading then was back out to work on the jewelry box. This clay blending is tricky so after a 2nd coat I left it be and will have to do a third.

I pulled out another new jewelry box to work on. I decided color after thinking I would do all the glass in a mercury look and chose a favorite teal blue. Getting all the glass out was tricky but I did along with the lining. Everything was vacuumed, lightly sanded and spray cleaned before the first coat of paint went on.

I fed H and sent out, finished up and came in to update my spreadsheet which tracks every projects details. S got home just as I was doing so at 4:45 with hot pizza for supper. He has been craving for months now so when I asked what he wanted for supper that was the answer which worked out ok seeing he had late hockey.

Pizza and beer with the news as I did some accounting. Hockey was S evening entertainment. I snapped off 2 knobs on the jewelry box when taking apart and thought they would be easy fix. I went out and tried heating a metal pin to poke in but it was not plastic so tried drilling but it would not go. There is always a solution so decided to order some pulls online that would cover the hole. B stopped out for Cooper to poop, she brought a new feed tub for Bird and scrubbed Pepper's then they were off.

After my computer work I went to bed to watch Mcleod's Daughters. After the Flames win S went for a hot tub at 10:30 and said with no wind the -20 was not that bad getting in and out. I will hold out for -10 max :)

Monday, November 28, 2022

Temperatures plummet

Looks like another usual week ahead with the same start to the day. Let H in garage at 7:30, make coffee, feed H, drink a coffee in bed while one peruses the news and the other plays brain games then move on to cup #2 in the kitchen. Brr overcast and ugly out ;(

After cleaning Harley's cheek I came in and created a Hometalk post for the fall mason jar while S was on his follow-up nurse call. I then wrote one for the white cabinet too. I continued my marketing while S went out to roll a bale in the -12 but still heavy winds for the horses.

a gal interested in the white antique dresser wanted to see inside the drawers

Once back in we headed to town to drop off my Etsy parcel and his oil sample at post office. Library books were returned then off to pick up Cooper. I walked into the condo and found him sitting on the couch with Dave; looks like he has a great buddy for the day. Next stop was Paetz's to drop off the rug shampooer I borrowed and pick up sweaters I had her grab for me at Costco as well as a short visit as they had their lunch. We grabbed a burger and a jug of milk on our way home. The horses were all but 1 cozied up for a nap in the hay.

We got back from town before 1:30, while S ate his burger I wrote another Hometalk post, this one for Amanda's dining table. I then got 2 new projects on the go; a mens valet and new jewelry box. S perused the net in big brown as the wind blew. A snow squall blew in at 4 but did not last long.

The valet lining was painted a prettier green inside.

Then I had S cut me a new drawer stop that I glued and clamped in place. The jewelry box and valet had pulls carefully removed then the jewelry box was sanded where needed and box pieces were cleaned well.

When dry I put it together for a before picture then painted it a coat of charcoal grey. I finished up my projects then came in and cooked the last HF meal; chicken pita wraps which turned out very tasty.

After supper I sat by the fire for a bit and wrote yet another Hometalk post; for the custom rocking chair. B was out to feed in the blustery weather after 7 as well she put blankets on the other 3 then was off by 8. Marketing, blog and tutorial work while watching McLeod's daughters before scrubbing H's cheek after 9 while S washed the pots and had a bowl of maple walnut ice cream. I created an ad for the peony tin to my Etsy shop, ordered to many online gifts then moved into bed to continue watching my show with S falling sound asleep after a couple pages of his book.

S submitted these pics of him and his friend who really does like ice cream, really!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Finally, another Etsy sale

It was a dull Sunday start with a 0 blustery wind, seems like the ugly weather is on its way. I played a few brain games before heading gout to feed H. She went for a quick pee at 5:30 then to the garage for rest of the night. S started the coffee and I brought one for us back to bed after letting her out. With my second coffee I wrote a Hometalk post for the purple chair

S watched the Canadian soccer AKA football game from big brown. Sadly that game did not end well. After marketing I pulled out the vacuum and mop and got the main floor done to set up the Xmas tree I had S bring over yesterday. Britt and Dave dropped Cooper off before noon then off to clean out his barn as the snow started. We had a tuna sandwich for lunch then I was back to vacuuming and writing blog posts. S ran the tree box back to the shop and checked on the cats then back in quick to a fire I had made.

I had laundry on the go while writing another tutorial when I got the cash register chime I sold some thing on Etsy. It was the jumbo jewelry box!! Finding a box, packaging it all up, printing the label and such were my next project. I am so stoked!!

I was putting stew meat on to cook when Mom called needing a tire fill. She popped out bringing us a gingerbread oatmeal latte, thanks! We visited over the latte with S running out to fill the tire then she was on her way after 3:30. I finished the cacti cup and saucer tutorial and did the usual shares while S went out to change oil on the skid steer before the cold snap sets in.

Britt and Dave were back before 4:30, out to feed horses then in to warm and feed Cooper. When done they came in to relax on their phones waiting for supper. S ran late so they started eating with him coming in at 5:30 when he and I joined. One pot fed 4 :) They were off once done to finish caulking in her condo bathroom. After catching the news S and I ventured out in the now -5 with a breeze weather for a hot tub seeing it may be too cold for one in the next week. It is always a challenge getting in and out but once in it is nice.

After a rinse I did some more marketing before we settled in to start Yellowstone only to find out our trial Prime did not include it!!! So we watched some McLeod's Daughters with popcorn as our treat but after a couple S was asleep. The winds had picked up immensely after we got in and howled all night. It was -11 with a -20 windchill when I shut off my iPad after 1:30. S was awake at 1 to pee and let H out who was NOT a fan of going out so made it quick.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Last pot complete

The sun was out today making it a much cheerier day and did hit PLUS 3. I fed H and let out while we had a coffee BEFORE I cleaned her face clean. More coffee and computer for us both then I shampooed the entry carpet and in our room where there were more blood stains from H's face. I then rinsed and cleaned the machine to return.

below all cleaned and ointment on

Mid morning S went and let the cats out and hauled over more Xmas decorations. The temperatures are forecast to plummet Monday so best to get on it now. While he decorated the front entry I worked on the chest of drawer tutorial that is VERY detailed. We both finished up our projects before lunch.

After enjoying the chicken spinach salads I made us for lunches S went out to put the 2 other light strings on the apple trees while I chopped and packaged up a 5# raw meat chub for H. I brought int he now dry last pot to stage. I am not sure I am a fan of this new sealer as it is shinier but will see.

We then went for a long walk around the perimeter in the sunshine and very little snow covered pasture. The horses are enjoying it out there finding all kinds of green grass and alfalfa now. As we rounded the main gate, B was pulling in with Cooper so I let him out to join us on the walk back to the house. 

B mixed the horse food I had soaked and went out to feed while S was stoked to get in big brown for the 2 pm Flames game. I got back to working on tutorials and the blog but before B left at 3 she and I scrubbed Harley's face up good and put ointment on early.

More hockey was on TV for S to enjoy while in big brown in front of a fire he started. I coached him on how to make roasted veggies to go with steak for supper while he watched. While he prepped veggies I ground the peels and put in ice trays for H. Supper turned out delicious, well done S. 

After we ate I had S help me haul up the warm white/natural stained dining table to be picked up at 7:30. I ran out to open the gate for them then once picked up back out to close it. S went and tucked cats away for the night then joined me in the hot tub for a soak. After a shower he was back to his fire side chair and laptop and I into bed to watch Dead To Me.

the tree light display

Friday, November 25, 2022

Black Friday


It is Black Friday but really it seems to mean black sale month :) Shaina text last night asking if I could get her a new phone for Black Friday so after feeding the dogs and cleaning H cheek I got on the phone with Bell with my coffee. The first call was almost an hour and a half with me needing to think about the changes. There is always so many offers and number juggling. An iPhone 13 256 GB was $13.94/mth. I decided to go ahead with just Shaina's upgrade so called back and talked to a guy and it was no $5.19/mth!! 10 minutes later. This guy also found a new plan for me that was not $100. S took a break from his online news to let cats out later in the am and hang 2 of his new light strings. He had made a grilled chicken cheese when the Flames game started at noon.

B was out at 1 (having taken today off work) to see her dog and feed horses. I was of course still on the phone with Bell ticking over 3 1/2 hours now. I was able to work on the blog while chatting with him and did sneak out to soak horse feed. Eventually the guy let me go promising a call back to change the last phone number. I looked out to see the horses in the yard after B opened the winter gate to let them out. I went out in my housecoat and shooed them out as she and the dogs were walking up the road. It was nice and sunny and plus 10 out. I made a spinach salad for my late lunch as S watched his Flames game. 

B loaded up Cooper and headed home after 1:30. S ran with the ranger quick to the gate during second intermission to put up the greenery and bows as I was on the phone again with Bell. This time it was shorter call at just over 15 minutes. Success: we have 3 new phones coming and the girls have a ton of data to share; 100 GB and I have 5 GB.

and the before below

Today feels like Saturday to us both as the TV scheduling is all off, the weather is chinook but windy. S started a fire and perused his laptop during and after his hockey games. I worked on tutorials and blog and did some online shopping for phone case/screen protector even though I should shop local but our store is Walmart so is that any better? I think of local as mom-and-pop shops and one-of-a-kind things created like mine. I have been advertising all my stuff on sale even the sale priced pieces all week and not one bite ;(

For supper I created the pork spring bowl that was very yummy. Back to the computer I did a bit of accounting and marketing. We headed out for a hot tub soak then a quick rinse. Tonight I cleaned H's cheek in our room on the quilt I have her laying on in there and think there is improvement. B thought so when she saw her earlier.

I relaxed in bed finishing the season of Echoes and started the new season of Dead to Me. S came to bed after his sports/laptop/fire time and sound asleep in short order. H wanted out after 2 am to most likely rub her face in the snow which is almost gone but I just put her in the garage for the night instead.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Dave's big race day

It was dull grey upon waking but plus 3 and rising with a chinook arch. H was fed (I did not clean face till vet sees), I soaked the horse feed and back in for fresh coffee and marketing. I finished my tutorial for the green jewelry box and posted it, shared with paint co and started posting on sites. S did his usual laptop news email perusing. The wind picked up as the temperature rose, the downside of a chinook.

I loaded up Harley and a couple large bags of pork/lamb meat to drop at the gate for a lady wanting for her dogs. I decided to stick to H premade raw for the most part as maybe it was the pork or lamb she was sensitive too. We were off after 10:30 to her vet appointment at 11. Getting there early got us into a room quick but we had to wait 15+ minutes in the room only to find out that what we were doing was the recommended treatment. The tech (an old 4-h girl and neighbor) trimmed her cheek more while I held her face, scrubbed and dried it and sent us on our way with a fancy polysporin :) This only cost $116 for a few minutes visit. H weighed in at 62.5 kgs which equals 138 pounds; solid girl she is.

I dropped her off at Britt's filling her in on the visit. She likes going to Cooper's toy house and is allowed on the bed and couch there too but today was a bit nervous I was leaving her which I did. I went to help Dad with his dinner at noon. Britt will take H to the ranch in a bit, feed horses and leave Cooper. She is off to Edmonton to watch Dave race tonight for the national driving championship. If he wins he goes on to represent Canada!! GOOD LUCK Dave!! 

Dad got his custom ordered wheel chair today and it looks slick. The seat it cushy like an air ride in a semi I told him. He was very tired and never opened his eyes the whole time I was there but I did manage to get him to eat his dinner, soup and yogurt. He requested a nap so got him tucked under his cozy blankets and he was soon asleep.

I left after 1 stopping to grab a favorite Opa pita before stopping to restock on some favorite liquor choices and a few groceries. Before I left town I picked up a tea/muffin special then back at the ranch by 2. I did a quick market check then decided to bare the chinook winds and PLUS 8 now to walk the dogs. The snow is melting so fast and is so heavy and slushy.

this entertainment could possibly how she got a puncture on her cheek that festered ;)

but she does self care the best she can

behind H is 3 of the 4 wood pallets S bought off Tony

Back inside I finished my tea while did some more tutorial writing. Before coming in I clear coated the last pot and let dry. The dogs were fed then they went out for a bit on their own but man they sure have mucky feet. S was home after 4:30 from his trip to town to pick up more Christmas lights and his later 2:30 shinny game. I put our first spaghetti squash from our garden in the oven to roast and fried up a hamburger sauce with us eating at 6. The fellow arrived after 6:30 to finally pick up the ottoman; no more stubbed toes as I go into the office (it has been waiting at the front door).

3 colors of cactus, the back are white

S put the cats away then hit big brown for laptop time. I wrote todays blog at the island watching HGTV before scrubbing up H's cheek. 

I then crawled into bed with the dogs at feet and bedside and finished my book The Wife Upstairs closing it just before midnight. The last half was definitely more engaging. In the meantime S came to bed and read for a bit but soon asleep. Britt kept me up to date on Dave's races which started after 6 and did not end till after 10. He had some wins and some seconds and in the end came in 2nd which is very respectable seeing the winner has amassed 6.7 in winnings this year and 75 million lifetime, well done Dave. B is driving home yet tonight but will pick up Cooper tomorrow.

H wanted out to scratch her face at 3:30 as S was up for a pee break then he put her in garage. No face scratching in snow/dirt Harley!