Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Shaina is off to Australia

It was freezing at -25 upon waking today. Thank goodness the sun was in full force. H spent the night in the garage to try and change this 3 am outdoor request pattern. Sure enough at 2:55 am she was asking at the garage door but I did not grant this request and she did go back to sleep. I did go feed her breakfast before 8 as a bonus for her denied request. S made coffee and with the news on the TV he started checking his bids. I did marketing and computer work and staged a few more photos on the cabinet for sale posts. S ran out and tossed a couple more bales off the ranger for the horses to keep warm till he rolls a big one later.

B and Cooper were out around 9:30. She is going to work a late shift today so it worked to come feed during the day. I bundled up and went out to fetch the other 3 blankets as the nights is to get -28 ish. I found the box of apples left in the tack room ;( but Switch was a fan of them frozen. Horses fed and blanketed I came in with H and after B checked all over, she brought Cooper in to stay the day and was off to work after 10. 

check out Roo's fancy new winter blanket

I got to work working on tutorials again as I have about 10 to write. I finished the latest tin tile one and shared it to all the places needed. S went out to shovel the deck then back in to warm up and continue to watch yesterday's Flames game. After lunch S headed back out to play in his skid steer pushing snow and rolling out a bale. I pulled the entire pantry apart and reorganized it after sanding the bottom of the jewelry box down. The storage shelf in furnace room was rearranged too as I restocked the pantry and purged boxes.

I had to use my poor womans dust collecting sander system

Shaina called from the airport to say goodbye, in 30 hours she will be in sunny down under Australia. After my pantry tidy, I cooked up a pot of hamburger soup. S was in after his snow pushing to check his bids in big brown. He did take a break to run the vacuum around the kitchen and help me take the dishwasher kick plate off. It was GROSS under with dust bunnies so I got it vacuumed out and wiped down all the cupboards and baseboards then washed under the dishwasher and stove. It felt good to get this all clean. Next up we made Red Lobster biscuits to go with the soup; perfect meal for a cold winter day.

Been awhile since we had a beauty sunset, S took this pic and submitted to the blog

We were just finishing up when Dave arrived at 6:30 to pick up Cooper. He happily had a bowl of soup and biscuit and a couple chocolate zucchini muffins and visited while the Flames game played. He and Coop headed home after 7:30 and we moved to the bed. Once the game was over with another Flames loss S watched the Oilers game and sports highlights while I played brain games. At 10 we watched the season finale of HOTD but it seems S fell asleep before seeing the end LOL. We started the White Lotus but soon he was asleep again so I watched some YouTube then listened to relaxing music to go to sleep.

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