Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Dresser complete

Seven am startup for another usual day on the ranch for me with the prince sleeping in. Hello Fresh was delivered for another week of yummy meals. I worked on marketing and tutorials while S moved from spot to spot having a tough day with today being first drug free day and not going well.

Todays HF free gift; coke with coffee hmmmmm

Under the watchful eye of the inhouse electrician I installed the hot tub wireless remote system in the already blazing sunshine. However once I had it all back together and we were inside the system did not work. S spent the day watching videos and researching. We even went out later and took panel off and tried other configurations with no luck. Unfortunately the World of Spas has the worst customer service and has S miffed and ready to send it back.

For lunch I cooked up a yummy chicken stirfry with the colorful veggie pack Mom sent, thank you. S was back to big brown and his research and I headed to the garage to apply the fun transfer on the dresser.

colorful cauliflower and veggies

Once it was complete the new hardware was put on as well as another coat of hemp on the top and all was hauled inside for a few photos.

I sorted recyclables, fed H and finished washing and hanging out the fly sheets. I started painting a jar I had primed way back 2 fall colors. Between garage tasks when paint dried I continued blending the jar colors.

At 5 I ran to the neighbors for Harley's meat pickup and ended up visiting in the super hot 32 degree sunshine for almost an hour. I grabbed the mail when I headed back home to visit with the patient in bed watching ball. I cooked us a late supper, the last HF meal: balsamic fig pork tenderloin. It was good, an interesting tasting sauce. 

B popped out to feed quick and retreat home to relax inside. Seeing it was cooler now - down to 28 I went out to pick apples. I made a box for Kaylin, Sharon (with zucchini), Amanda and Mom. Mom stopped out to pick up hers and Paetz's box around 9 and after a short visit was off to town. I got J in the garage for his fasting night before surgery tomorrow. Back inside S was still watching baseball.. he is getting in allot of ball games for sure. I finished season 2 of Making the Cut and started season 3.


Such nice sized apples this year

Sharon's goody box packed up

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Jolly Ball found

H wanted out at 5 am just after S's pill alarm went off. We all managed to get back to sleep until I was awake to get started with the usual day. S was game for a cup of coffee if made with RO water so put that one and fed H. Marketing work was next and while doing so S ventured out to sit on the deck. He was soon back in spying what he thought looked like the orange ball in the east hay field. Harley and I walked out to find indeed it was there in a pile of chewed off plastic. Dam the coyotes for wrecking the ball but thankful they brought it back. If she gets a new ball in the future it will be kept inside between plays. The day is heating up quick at 26 now and a heat wave forecast for rest of the week except Thursday.

I made fruit spinach salads for lunch with S coming out to big brown to work on his laptop. He also took a few trips to the deck, had a shower, chatted with a couple friends and a few naps for his afternoon events.

After lunch I went out to paint a second coat of cream on the dresser then hemp oil the raw wood. Using the applicator sponge I also hemp oiled the tray edges. S and I played a game of crib in the midst of his busy day ;) 

I was putting a second coat of hemp oil on the dresser when B and Cooper arrived at 5. H and I jumped in and we took a drive to look at a place nearby that is for sale for Dave's dream place. Once back we got busy tidying the barn tack room. Organizing and sweeping made it look so much better and oddly that room stays cool seeing it is 27 out. I started washing up the fly sheets so they can be put away for another year.

B rode Roo after feeding horses while I cooked up the last HF meal a chicken salad. It was ok but of course being super saucy S gave it a rave review. S was back to his Blue Jays game while I tidied up and worked on blog after fetching another fly sheet to wash. Britt brought the rest over to garage and she and Coop headed for home before 8. I delivered the prince a maple walnut topped chocolate loaf slice then headed out to soak in the hot tub. The aphids are crazy tonight and I see they have killed the Virginia creeper. After my soak I watered the pots and garden, picked a few apples for the horses before coming in. Tonight's movie is Samaritan with Sly Stallone; it was ok. I of course watched some Making the cut almost finishing the last episode but shut it down.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Jolly ball search underway

Another early start waking before 7 to play some games before starting the day. The wall art lady was planning to come today so touched base on time only to find she changed mind :( No meds for Switch fingers crossed she and Roo are on the mend. I made coffee just for me; S has not been enjoying it since surgery so maybe we will quit the habit?? I worked on marketing and tutorials after feeding H. S popped out briefly to lay on couch then back to bed to sleep longer. The transition and perhaps the walk a few days back have him uncomfortable.

The tray had another coat of clear added after staged photos were taken.

I ran to town at 1 dropping of the box of expired drugs at the pharmacy and mailing the Etsy parcel. Next stop was to walk with Mom and Dad in the nice sunshine. After grabbing a cooler with veggies for us and Paetz's - thanks Mom, I picked up Cooper. A quick stop to grab a few groceries, grab some ice caps then drop the cooler at Paetz's was next. I also got some of AJ's sourdough starter in exchange for zucchinis. I grabbed a free cabinet on the way home with Cooper.

I delivered S his ice cap, unloaded my goodies, moved garage laundry outside to dry and put a coat of paint on the dresser. For supper I cooked up a delicious HF meal; sesame crusted salmon over cold noodle salad. It was so yummy and would make again.

It was beautiful evening so decided to load up H with Cooper running behind and go look for the missing orange ball. As soon as we got to the winery hay field I spotted the blue soccer ball I did not even notice was missing along with a green ball from way back that went missing. 

Score.. this spurned my pursuit to find the orange ball so continued east along the canal to the old house. Cooper was running out of steam but caught up at old house and helped me look on foot for a bit then we set off around the field along our fence line then back to canal. As Harley and I looped around thru the winery I checked to see Coop cutting across the field to the house. H and I continued all around the winery, along their trees and ours with no luck, in our yard S suggested the far west paddock that has such long grass but no luck there.

Back at the house H stayed in the ranger while I checked in with S. I waited for B to arrive at 8 after her meeting then she and Coop loaded in the back and we looped the dugout at the winery as S thought a den near there. Crazy if we did not find a coyote cross our path on our second loop. No luck with the ball so we headed back so I could park ranger back in shop and get H unloaded while B fed horses.

B and I went out to far paddock , she drew switch's blood and tested if with great result of 24! Then She and Coop headed home after 9. I sourced cables and set up a movie S wanted to watch called Running with the Devil ; a documentary about John Mcaffee. He was a bizarre billionaire and this is a bizarre movie. I say don't waste your time, I actually showered closer to the end losing interest in the murdering madman story. Seeing all was hooked up we also watched an Animal Kingdom episode. Seeing it was now midnight S was off to sleep as I watched a making the Cut before turning out the light.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sanding Sunday

Early Sunday morning for me at 7 playing some games, feeding H goat meat then heading out to give Switch her last dose of TSM. The deck and grass was wet, I checked the rain gauge to find 7/10ths total; nice! The cats food was quickly checked then inside to get the coffee going. I enjoyed my cups watching some Making the Cut season 2 with S waking and moving to sleep on the couch at 10 across from me.

drawer fronts dry

On my way to the hot tub I gave Switch her last bute dose. It was 13 when I first went out but warming a bit now with the sun coming out making for a lovely soak. S was back in bed when I came in to rinse off but he too then ventured out for a bit of sunshine on the deck. I added the butterflies to the tray then repotted my orchid after watching a YouTube video.

For lunch I cooked up the first Hello Fresh meal as our fridge was so full and still is. The shrimp Caesar salad was delicious. S was served dessert back in bed; his favorite maple walnut ice cream and a slab of chocolate loaf before his afternoon nap. I hauled out the dresser and drawers and got busy sanding them with power and hand sanding.

Dog dishes were scrubbed up, a load of garage laundry underway then decisions on the dresser. I ended up choosing the fun Latin floral transfer paired with light green or that is todays plan... will see once paint color is on. 

Britt and Coop came out before 3 as I was tying colorful ribbon on the apple trees. I also hung a glitter ball but not sure this will detour deer or birds. I tried one of the old tree apples and they were delicious which had me picking a couple dozen which lead to making 2 apple desserts.

While they baked the floral tray was clear coated with a couple coats after adding the butterfly transfers.

I spiralized zucchini noodles and made stroganoff with leftover roast for supper with S not eating his till later having had warm apple dessert and feeling crudy transitioning off the "good" painkillers today. B and Coop headed home around 6:30. 

I brewed and bottled up a batch of berry kombucha then while searching for painkillers ended up cleaning Sheldon's entire bathroom cabinet and drawers. I love to organize these spaces.  He ate his supper in bed but surprisingly had leftovers.

loads of floss package to head to womens shelter along with a bunch of hotel bath goodies

B had locked up horses in the house paddocks but S was worried they would push over the snow fence so I went and let them all out with all 3 paddock access. The days are getting shorter but the evening was so beautiful as was the day with a high of 22. We then watched We're the Millers for a good humor way to end the day.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Dresser stripping

Awake at 7 I played some cookie jam and perused Insta before heading out to give Switch her meds and feed H. With coffee on I checked in on marketing quick then got working on the tray adding transfers. S was served a coffee in bed, he was out for some cereal and after a bit he went out on the deck with watermelon before back to his laptop and Netflix.

flowers or butterflies too?

Switch was given bute before I made raisin toast for breakfast delivering the prince one too. I packaged up the tile ready to mail. S had his afternoon nap as I headed out to work on the dresser; final sanding then the top and drawer fronts were covered in stripper. 

While this sat and activated I went out to sprinkle fertilizer in planters and tomato pot. I saw a couple big zucchini; where the hell did they come from!!! I picked smaller ones too and dug potatoes just as rain started to sprinkle then sock right in at 2.

mystery side bruise really purpling up

Back to the garage to clean off the dresser pieces and scrub them up. When I came back in at 3 I saw my front planters blew over and around the yard dumping all fertilizer. I went out and brought them to the house and watered them more in hopes of weighing them down. Time to grate zucchini making a few packs to freeze them whip up a batch of chocolate loafs. The rainy weather was perfect for baking. S spent the day in bed watching Netflix and sports. While they cooked I worked on tutorials getting a few ready for my September quota.

The rain let up after 5 and I had to check the amount. 6/10ths but it was still spitting so left it to collect as I filled cats dry food and water bottle. Back to tutorials cooking the fresh potatoes for supper to go with the left over roast adding an Asian salad and fresh snap peas. B popped out before 7 to feed and give meds including Roo bute who was coughing again then off for home in short order. S chose to cook a pizza to go with his salad and fresh veggies then back to bed. After washing up dishes and cleaning up I went out garage to try and decide on  the dresser design. I have so many transfers, stencils, decoupage paper yet not many strike my fancy. I narrowed it down and will ponder the chosen ones further.

S was sleeping early but has a mixed up sleep schedule with afternoon naps and such then not sleeping solid at night. I soaked in the tub seeing the weather was very windy and inclement outside. I then finished season 1 of Making the Cut and started season 2 not shutting off till almost 2 am ... maybe my sleep schedule could be better too.