Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Tea chest & ramp mats completed

Another animal start to the day for me feeding H her raw breakfast, the cats got raw then I gave Switch her meds and fed cats dry in the mez. S was up making coffee when I got back to start our day. It was a hazy day out so S tried a mid morning hot tub. The tea box was clear coated then when dry I started the transfers. S spent some time chatting with the radial oncologist again.

After lunch S and I went out to install the new rubber mats Britt picked up awhile back seeing the temperature is only 20. The temperature started to pick up after we finished both door ramps and I picked the small paddock of poop and S went to the pit to weed eat the weeds. We both finished up around 3 and it is now 26 and climbing.

first step off came the old wooden slats

My task was to pull remaining nails, sweep well and position the mats how I wanted. Above right you can see the 2 different sides, the lower ones is the recommended installation side up but B and I prefer the grooved side up. S screwed in place.

both ramps complete

I added gold to the tea box edges while S perused the net. Pictures were taken of the box then uploaded resized and watermarked ready to write the tutorial and post on Etsy. S went out to start small square baling but soon ran into issues with it not tying bales. I cooked his favorite KD supper with sausage, sautéed zucchini and a spicy ranch salad.

After chowing down he had a chat with Ma and Pa as I worked on blog posts then he went out to unsuccessfully trouble shoot the baler. B and Coop were out for their usual hour of horse chores then off. After a hot tub it was the usual relaxing in bed with S watching baler videos and I started the season 3 of Dream Home Makeovers.

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