Sunday, August 14, 2022

Another great river day - more videos

I was up at 7:30 again, let dogs out and played some games. After 8 I went out to let horses out and found of course some of the snow fence posts askew. Dogs and cats fed with S delivering me a coffee while doing so. It was sunny but nice and cool to start but a hot one in store.

After a bowl of cereal we headed out to hang the snow fence to avoid any issues. I scooped the fat pen then dumped the hay remnants in the new tub out in the middle paddock. S helped me dump the poop wheelbarrow in the quad wagon.

onlookers ;)

We headed back inside as the temperature was rising. The plans for today have morphed for going to the river. Many of the spots have river but no shade and the one place with shade most likely will be full by mid afternoon being a hot Sunday as summers end nears. After lunch I thought I would go work on the stool but S decided he really wanted to try river floating so we went back to one of the plans to go back to the spot we were yesterday. We invited the girls and Paetz’s and packed up drinks, the snack bag, life jackets, extra lawn chairs for Calgary crew and the umbrella. We headed out at 2 pm back to legacy island from yesterday.

to get across to the parking and river access you must cross this water which does require 4X4 or SUV

The 3 of us arrive first and set up our chairs in the cool water

Today we set up long the rivers edge with about 3 more couples spread out and quite a few boats floating by. Paetz’s arrived next followed closely by the  Calgarians. It was a beauty hot 29 day. S finally got to do his float then Asher joined and then Ada, Craig tried it and Archer once. S and the 2 bigs did many more floats including going farther upstream to float longer. The dogs; Harley (Cooper taped home to avoid stress), Clover, Beans and Lexi all enjoyed the outing too.

minnow hunters

Harley is worried about Sheldon going on his first float down river, she actually moved to the left side and followed him all the way down.. each and every time :)


Asher joins uncle for a float and is hooked going on all others too

Craig and Archer give it a try once too

team Calgary

off the floaters go yet again

Harley's water confidence and Clover have taught her a new game!

More people came but it for the most part is pretty quiet compared to the other places. I think everyone liked the location. Calgary headed off before 6 and the rest of us left around 6:30. Back home I fed dogs and unpacked while S BBQ hot dogs, cauliflower and cooked his fav KD. The sun drained us both so after eating we had a soak in the hot tub. I called horses in to give Pep his pill and sort horses into pens. S helped then it was time to shower and hit the bed to relax at 9 with Cooper keeping us company.

This is S's plate hence the pickles and sauerkraut on his dog ;)

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