Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Jolly Ball found

H wanted out at 5 am just after S's pill alarm went off. We all managed to get back to sleep until I was awake to get started with the usual day. S was game for a cup of coffee if made with RO water so put that one and fed H. Marketing work was next and while doing so S ventured out to sit on the deck. He was soon back in spying what he thought looked like the orange ball in the east hay field. Harley and I walked out to find indeed it was there in a pile of chewed off plastic. Dam the coyotes for wrecking the ball but thankful they brought it back. If she gets a new ball in the future it will be kept inside between plays. The day is heating up quick at 26 now and a heat wave forecast for rest of the week except Thursday.

I made fruit spinach salads for lunch with S coming out to big brown to work on his laptop. He also took a few trips to the deck, had a shower, chatted with a couple friends and a few naps for his afternoon events.

After lunch I went out to paint a second coat of cream on the dresser then hemp oil the raw wood. Using the applicator sponge I also hemp oiled the tray edges. S and I played a game of crib in the midst of his busy day ;) 

I was putting a second coat of hemp oil on the dresser when B and Cooper arrived at 5. H and I jumped in and we took a drive to look at a place nearby that is for sale for Dave's dream place. Once back we got busy tidying the barn tack room. Organizing and sweeping made it look so much better and oddly that room stays cool seeing it is 27 out. I started washing up the fly sheets so they can be put away for another year.

B rode Roo after feeding horses while I cooked up the last HF meal a chicken salad. It was ok but of course being super saucy S gave it a rave review. S was back to his Blue Jays game while I tidied up and worked on blog after fetching another fly sheet to wash. Britt brought the rest over to garage and she and Coop headed for home before 8. I delivered the prince a maple walnut topped chocolate loaf slice then headed out to soak in the hot tub. The aphids are crazy tonight and I see they have killed the Virginia creeper. After my soak I watered the pots and garden, picked a few apples for the horses before coming in. Tonight's movie is Samaritan with Sly Stallone; it was ok. I of course watched some Making the cut almost finishing the last episode but shut it down.

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