Thursday, June 30, 2016

more projects & more rain ;)

I was awake at 6 as Sheldon was off to work, checked for any sales emails and did some posts then managed to fall back asleep for half hour. After 8 I went out and put another coat on the dresser top and legs then back in to do computer work. Once Papa was up after 9, I made fresh ground coffee and Grama joined us for breakfast. Britt even came up around 10 after her super long work day yesterday to visit with them. The sunny skies turned dark and thunder rolled in with rain falling at 10. It was only about half hour but welcome.

Grama and Papa headed home at 11, I waxed the dresser top and hardware and had Britt help me haul it inside. The hardware got put back on the drawers and after hauling them in I put it together to stage once dry.

check out this label and neat hardware

Back in the garage I started the chair side table. I chose a light grey for it and plan to finish the round coffee table I picked up to match. Brief rain at 1 came down cancelling Shaina's afternoon shift, she may still come stay the night as works tomorrow but will see.

Sheldon was dropped off early around 3. He had a nap after checking rain gauge showing 1 1/2/10ths. Amanda text that town had rain and hail and sure enough it arrived here about 15 minutes later. The clouds unloaded 6/10ths in not very long leaving puddles everywhere!!

Then the sun popped out and the rest of the night was a beauty. Britt who had a very lazy lay in bed with Netflix kind of day did manage to unload the dishwasher before she headed off to hot tub with Amber after 8. Sheldon watched football and internet things between nods, he did take a drive down the road and pegged off one gopher and did a weed check.

I worked on the blog and my staging pics while it rained and after getting the head gal to claim it was her new favorite way to stage by the last picture I was set!

#1 - accessories not really in style with mid century modern
#2 - simple flowers pretty but not enough umph
#3 - they say is the money shot, magazine worthy ;) crazy how accessories can change the look

while sorting photos I see I missed some from our plant pick up day on the 25th, hoped to plant them tomorrow but they say perhaps rain again

While watching "The Good Wife" I also finished up the MCM dresser blog post too.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

hot dog roast

Britt was off to work with Ty today before Sheldon left kindly leaving the gate open for Scott. Of course being a light sleeper was awake too. Eventually I got back to sleep for half an hour but had a horrible dream of Pepper and Bird caught in wire so time to get up and shake that off!

The dresser was my first project, this time I am trying a roller seeing it is all flat smooth surfaces. Wow it took a very short time to cover the whole thing but not sure about it leveling to a smooth finish, time will tell.

All Sheldon's dress clothes now dry needed to be hung and put away ready for another couple weeks of fancy downtown business man duds. Soon he can have a week of western wear ;) So tonight Grama and Papa are coming over to see the girls so I thought I would mow around the fruit trees seeing it is basically the only place grass is growing after the landscaping traffic but the mower would not start. Trying to jump it proved daunting so I grabbed the push mower. NO THANKS, that sucker works ok on near dead grass but bogs to a stop in green grass and after 10 passes I thought my heart might stop. Guess the grass stays as is for now.

so crazy when there are 7 self propelled lawnmowers in the background, if they only did not eat trees too ;)

It was no wind 26 sunshine out, so lovely. But I came back inside and put another coat on the dresser, then scrubbed and sprayed the hardware and painted the feet I forgot.

thank goodness I buy all these handy boxes ;)

Inside the A/C, I whipped up a macaroni salad while tidying the house. Good to have company as incentive every few weeks ;) Jumped in the shower and got final preps in order. Grama and Papa arrived just after 4 with Sheldon rolling in just before 5. Kaylin, Shaina and little miss Ada were the next to join us for our fun visit. The party moved out to the fire pit to cook supper over the open fire.

Kaylin was able to give Ada her birthday gift now home from her trip, Ada thought Cheer bear was pretty sweet

 Shaina was not feeling well at all so Grama gave her a massage, awe!

The rest of the Paetz's came out around 7 in time for some hot dogs and pie too.

 rousting game of Uno and some baby snuggles

check out this "clean" face

Kaylin and Shaina headed home around 9, the Paetz's around 9:30, Grama and Papa stayed the night winding up the visit and all off to bed by 11, poor Britt did not get home from her long vet day till 12:30!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

ride to rain

Britt work me just after 8 to say she was able to swap a salon shift tomorrow to work with Ty so needed to cancel massage and work salon today. She then went back to bed, lol. Time for me to get the table posted for sale and finish the blog post for it.

Great to have a visit with 2 of my girls over coffee followed up with a great conditioning ride and polox practice! Lightening threatened to the north but nothing came. Shaina and I then trimmed Baby yet a little more. Shaina brought her along for part of the conditioning too, think she was shocked to see Shaina ;)

Grilled cheese lunch then Shaina was off to meet Shannon at 2, Britt finished getting ready to head to work for 3-8 and I was out in the garage. The now dry dresser needed the top reglued on and I put on a new product called ultra grip on it then it dries for 12 hours.

I also scrubbed up this new end table picked up a couple w/e's ago. I may change my painting plan after scrubbing it as it is a sweet solid piece with yet another Eaton's tag still attached.

Perfect 25 degree day to catch up on laundry. The new dryer drum works soundlessly! A bit of rain came thru around 5:30 but not long, nothing like the crazy hail and flooding at Okotoks. Sheldon took the truck to town this am for car pooling and picked up a load of top soil after work. He then had a massage at 5:30 so not home to eat with me until 7. The evening was lovely now the clouds all passed so he and D drove around to shoot gophers. I touched up the ultra grip in the portions the clamps were on and the legs that I forgot.

Lola patiently waiting to show Sheldon she found his hat laying in the yard ;)

Monday, June 27, 2016

first fire in the pit

gorgeous Monday morning

I got busy in the garage first thing putting the final coat on the dining table Once table was dry, I enlisted Britt's muscles to help me move it inside, choosing to come the the front doors. She also helped me get another dresser down off the stack to get to work on, thanks B!

This dresser is another 70's? with an arborite top and sides but full wood frame and drawers. I lightly sanded it all then gave it a good scrub and filled the top areas leaving it to dry. Time to stage the table and get staging help, here are a couple of the best pics.

Britt only has 1 shift this week, it sure does not make paying bills and saving for a year at college very good. She also has a lesson to pay off so begrudgingly she headed out in the glorious sunshine and scooped a load of horse poop from front paddock. This was not in her realm of chores but after chugging a "ceasar" she was game to trim trees. We hooked up the poop bucket to the quad so she could dump at pit then she and I went to the chokecherry trees to get a lesson. After the first load was cut and dumped, she was on her own as I hiked back to the house picking road weeds as I went.

She got a big pile of bug nests chopped and when Sheldon arrived home just before 5, he changed and set them afire. She went back to trimming trees while he started grading the road and around "saddledome". I was weeding and watering and feeding my ponies the spoils before getting a hot dog tray ready.

Time to start the first fire in the pit, totally up Sheldon's alley even though it was 25 degrees out. He got it going and pondered with a couple beers. Britt pulled in just before 7 from her tree mission to enjoy the roasted hot dog supper!

 a which way works best to roast hot dogs was set
 I think both worked

round two for one and 3 for the other.. lol

After this maiden burn and relax we all dispersed; B and I went to condition Bird, KD and Switch while Sheldon resumed the road grading. I followed up my ride trimming Hawk's long feet, poor guy, he is not having his usual attention this year with miss Switch in training. Sheldon sprayed the trees yet again for pests.

Time for all to shower up as Shaina was coming after work to spend the night, we had not seen her for a month!! Sheldon even managed to stay up to say hi ;)