Saturday, June 4, 2016

up early and off to Thailand

I woke everyone up at 4:30 am, time to get Miss Britt on her voyage. It took a bit longer to get out the door but we were off before 5 with a fairly good sunrise underway.

40 minutes had us right at her gate where I helped her secure her tickets for the next 3 legs of her journey and sent her off of her adventure of her 19 years.
Sheldon and I were back home exactly an hour and half after leaving. Time for a few shut eyes and texts with the B. Time for coffee and back moving around 8:30. Sheldon even vacuumed the truck quickly as he is heading north to Three Hills to a big show and shine.

After I snapped a few pictures he was off stopping in town to wash again and get tire cleaner. So funny as I had Coreena and Spider both texting they saw him scrubbing and driving up Hwy 21. Seems the truck is easily seen ;)

I got busy painting.. the dining table was painted white. While it dried, the pink chair got another coat and both left to dry. The girls had all checked in, Britt in San Fran excited to see a double decker plane as her next chariot and little charge station cubicles where she can connect to American Netflix! Shaina touched base to say the flight hung over to Vancouver was a bit of a challenge, hahaha guess the birthday/bon voyage/ house warming was a success!!

All this and it is now only lunch! I made a sandwich, headed out in the glorious 25 degree sunshine to feed the cats and a quick sweep in the barn. Back to the pink chair, white wax, white glaze and another white wax coat. It needed a frame so I scrubbed a couple up, whipped up one in little piggy and will decide on the other once its dry.

Donning my gardening gloves and pruners, I deadheaded some plants then spent a couple hours in the baking sun digging dandelions and pulling weeds all the while watering the beds and filling puppy pool.
found the pony in the flower bed..

Sheldon pulled in after 5 with Chinese food for supper and a bug covered truck. A very successful day at his first show and shine is now under his belt. He needs to come up with a fluff and buff kit and few other learned lessons.. yes sunscreen was one of those ;)

Mowing the fast growing lawn was on his list after supper while I unloaded all the Aussie saddles and put in my western. I scooped the poop out of the trailer, loaded hay in each stall, then moved the temporary fence for the mower. The dogs got a walk, Birdy fed and Switch sprayed.. I then noticed one of the fence posts had a lean. Sheldon was washing the bugs off his truck but came to have a look. Sure enough the itchy butts snapped it off. The next hour was removing, tamping in a new one and re affixing the rails.
 pull out old broke one
 but the base was left so had to dig out then put in taller new one

Mom arrived around 10:30 had a visit and we all hit the bed. The girls all checked in at destination Asia, Kaylin and Shaina in Beijing and Britt in Tokyo... the trip continues.. stay safe & have a blast girls !! XOXOXO

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