Friday, June 3, 2016

Shaina turns 22!

Sheldon was up and off to work leaving me to meet with the gate guy later in the day. Today, Miss Shaina turns 22!! Happy birthday!!

It also seems her horse scaled the lower rail and put herself in with the other 2 chubby girls, naughty Baby ;)

I rousted Britt around 11 to get up and enjoy her last day in Canada for a bit. She obliged and got moving on last of packing, room tidying, running to town to tan etc.

I enjoyed working back in the garage painting. One of the new nursery colors is called little piggy and in the jar is not the most appealing color. It looks like flesh lol but after scrubbing up and old chair marked 1877 on the bottom I gave it a go. The antique chair is easily that date, it is so crooked and worn, just oozing with character. Nails protrude and it did required a rubber hammer to put a few back in. The soft pink first coat looks great.

Mid way thru thought the Frontline gate guy called so the dogs and I headed to the gate to meet him. He came back to the house to check our rock style and color and after seeing it had the perfect gate for us. The one I was going to order would put us in mid August to install but this spec one they built was ready to go now. It had almost the exact rock style and colors, it had plasma horse heads and horseshoes added, fitting too the ranch of course and to boot it was all upscaled to impress people seeing it on the road as their advertising. The columns are 36X36, and heavier steal and bigger gate just to name a few of the upgrades. He threw me a really good number but the seller was they could install within a couple weeks.. done! Here is your deposit, please bring me my gate ;)
 red neck dog body harness

 this is one I liked from the website

 this is one we are getting

I finished up the chair just in time for Britt to be ready to ride. She and I took the girls out for a jaunt around the hay pasture then worked them in the paddock. What a gorgeous 21 day! Sheldon pulled in around 4 as we were finishing up. (yep he was late for a Friday)

After supper we headed to town with the fireball to gas up and shine up for tomorrows show and shine in three hills. Seeing we had a truck we also picked up a big dining table and kids set but it seems the wee box is not meant for much furniture.. nor does the driving habits of such a truck! One punch sent 2 full gas tanks sailing into the end gate crashing it open! Oh My.  We took it thru Tim's to get an ice cap then headed to the Paetz's after 8 for a visit and couple epsiodes of Game of Thrones finally. However 2 guys fell asleep so that squelched the marathon and we were off home by midnight. Britt was back home after heading into the city to help celebrate Shaina's birthday, another bon voyage party combined with house warming.

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