Tuesday, April 30, 2013

734 - mini spa day for me

Day 734 was quite a day. Britt drove to school solo again even though I was going to work for the morning. Yes it has been well over a month, so long my pass no longer worked :-) Before I got to work though I stopped for teas and dropped Asher's jug of milk off. A quick visit and tea time with Sharon and I got busy doing 7 programs and about 50 spinner inputs.

Then the fun started. I had a facial to use from Martin and it was fantastic, THANKS MART!! This was followed by a massage. My back is still painful so this helped a bit for sure. I could not go to work after this as I had the greasiest hair you have ever seen and of course a stripped clean face that was splotchy and greasy too, so at 2 I headed home grabbing the mail on the way.

At home I hoovered down a piece of left over steak and a few snap peas before staging photos of the purple table. It is ready for sale.

Britt arrived home for a 2nd solo day in a row, again with a booster juice! She was kind enough to pickup a mirror I purchased online for me too, thanks Britt.

  the shop building crew stopped at 5 to survey the site and it seems it is a go
After the crew unloaded and left, her and I went out to feed horses and pitch hay. It was such a beautiful evening that we shedded out a few horses too.
Sheldon worked late making up some hours he took off Friday getting home at 7 so we enjoyed a scrumptious roast chicken supper I had made. The evening was relaxing enjoying the no wind and sunshine.

Monday, April 29, 2013

733 - Britt drives solo to school

Day 733 was Britt's first day to test her solo driving and she was up and off early to school.. or town at least by 8! I got busy putting the first coat of poly on the tables before my buddy arrives. I also vacuumed main floor as it had lots of spring dust and dirt. The grass however continues to get greener each day!

Craig dropped Asher off at 11:30 and he and I fed the 2 ponies, we tried pitching hay but it was so windy the hay blew south as soon as it hit ground. Inside we set up the new computer. Isn't it compact and tidy looking?
 my desk has never been so clean
 my helper

 shows some of his faces

Sleet storm rolled in at 2 just as Asher went for a nap, yuck! There were storms off and on all afternoon. While he napped I put the 2nd coat of poly on and continued to try and set up new computer.

Britt watched TV once safely home driving on her solo day and Asher found it fun to play "pool" while she was down there with him. Asher loves his buddy Coco (aka Toko)

Craig arrived at 6 bringing steaks for supper, Amanda rolled in at 6:25 and Sheldon soon after. Today was Amanda's last day of work before the baby arrives. We enjoyed a lovely steak supper even in the hurricane winds. Finally at 8 the wind died down and Britt, Asher and I headed out to feed horses.
 I think the orange toque is a must any time I have him outside, I can find him anywhere!
and of course he has to ride a few ponies.. alone
and show me more emotion faces and below trying a lime!
They left for their home after 10.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

732 - heading home back to the ranch

Day 732 was a tired day. Sheldon and I were up just before 10 and grabbed a coffee and quick bite to eat with Randy and Yvonne. We picked up Britt just after 11 from the hotel and made a quick, ok slow stop at Tims to grab a drink for the drive home.

Again it was windy on the drive, we stopped quick at Cross Iron to check for wen for Britt but unsuccessful. We arrived home just after 1:30 where Sheldon immediately hit the sheets and slept for over 2 hours.

Britt ans I relaxed for a  bit before she went out and fed all the horses, thanks Britt!!

Grama and Papa stopped just after 4 on their way home too and had an hour visit. I made goulash for supper. After Britt and I went out to try on Bird's new cooling blanket. We also let Scooter out with the whole herd.
Sheldon and I brought my next dresser project from storage to the garage and he took chairs back to store. He then tarped the bale and pitched hay out for the horses while I uploaded photos and updated the blog.

The wind eased by 8 and after a nice warm bath we enjoyed watching pvr shows as the sun shone thru the windows. The introduction t the herd was too hard on Scooter, the crabby QH were running the hooves off her so I donned my gingerbread suit and went caught her and Julio and put them back in the seniors field.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

731 - Mane Event bound

Day 731 - coffee was pre made ready to get all moving. Kaylin was up and getting ready for her makeup session armed with some toast and coffee I made her. Papa was up ready too. Sheldon kindly pitched hay as I fed the two their mixed food and he fed cats and fixed a broken rail too. Kaylin was off by 9:30 and Grama and Papa around 10:30. We had few more things to do but finally got away about 10:45. The wind picked up like crazy on the way and got horrible thru the day and worse in the evening although it was 22 degrees, from snow to drying wind.. man!

We arrived in Red Deer, grabbed a quick bite to eat, got into the grounds, bought tickets and found the polox booth to work our shift. Below is Jac's side for australian stock horses.. check out the pictures she has posted Shaina..
We then enjoyed Britt's afternoon performance. A quick tour of the trade floor and it was club fun in "winnie" before the evening performance which was part of the horse extravaganza again. Well done riding to the riders and horses.

fast action

 Sheldon makes a friend with Igloo
 but she wants more!
Sheldon and I were then off to Benbows to join in Randy's birthday party and stay the night. Britt stayed with the club going out for supper and such. It was a very late night catching up with Randy and Yvonne but well worth it.

Friday, April 26, 2013

730 - Brittany gets her drivers License!!

Day 730 started in chaos, as Britt went to get on bus at 730 she saw Sheldon took the car to work. She wanted to take it for her drivers but could take the car however all her riding stuff for mane event was packed neatly in the back ready for her leave today! This required many plans to be changed, Sheldon had to take vacation to come home on time for her to leave, cancel a chiropractor appt he had in the city as well as miss the in house work Friday lunch, I had to rearrange furniture pickup as well as a few other errands as no time to go in early before test and then the made dash to get her to cross iron mills to meet her ride.

I spent rest of morning trying to upload photos on the blog, seems there is an issue last night still happening this am but I finally got them on. I put another coat of glaze on the purple table while the horse feeds was getting fluffy then I fed them and pitched hay. It seems the forecasted beautiful day was not to be but rather an overcast windy day! What a pain when pitching hay in the wind! On the good side the grass is greening fast can notice thru out the day even!

I came up with a plan so showered and headed to town to do my errands while Sheldon picked up Britt at 12:30 to practice. Britt's test did not start on time but in about 20 minutes she passed.. officially we have all drivers in our house now!! While she took her test, Sheldon and I ran for teas and twisters because once she passed and had her license photo taken we were on the road headed to Cross iron to meet a club gal who was giving Britt a lift to Red Deer to meet the club as she rides in tonight's Mane event horse extravaganza show.

Off she went, Sheldon and I hit Costco buying 4 trees, 2 potted plants a new computer and printer and few more things. The wind was insane but amazingly we got the trees stuffed into the Enclave. There is NO WAY I can downsize to a sports car :-)

We grabbed a cold drink for the ride home. Sheldon picked up the probe in town and we headed home to meet Grama and papa who were bringing Chinese food for supper and staying the night. They had more food than we could eat but Kaylin came out around 9:30 to spend the night so she filled up too.

The evening was spent visiting before all headed to bed around midnight. Kaylin has a wedding to do makeup for in town in the morning and the rest of us are off to Red Deer.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

729 - Britt turns "sweet" 16!!

Day 729 is Brittany's 16th birthday!! hard to believe the time has flown by, it seems not long ago she was this size
sorry scanner not working so just took a picture of a picture for posting
 don't I have the cutest girls!!

I was up early hoping to make her breakfast, got her juice and made her a smoothie (but it turns out she did not like it.. she only likes booster juice or ones that cost $6) She caught a right with her friend Grady early and off she went to enjoy her big day.

I spent the morning putting glaze on the blue octagon end table, making food for skinnies and pitching hay to the others. The sun was out two days in a row but today it had wind :-(

After lunch I tried my hand at stenciling adding a touch of retro to the two tiered table. Later I decided to paint the lower legs which is another trend right now.

After being dropped off from school Britt opened some presents before Sheldon arrived home and we headed to town to celebrate by me not cooking!
 Kaylin was Hollister and Rock N Republic jeans, Shaina was Lulu Lemon and Britt loves Miss Me jeans
Seems we have a resident fox now, a brave one, here he is below well after he was close to the house and the dogs did not notice, once I noticed they did and Coco was off like a flash.. the guard dog decided it was not worth the effort. Sheldon who was sleeping after work jumped up like a bolt to grab his gun.. well to late.
 Britt enjoyed (and shared) her birthday cheesecake but it was not as good as the one she made me! After supper she practiced driving the route and parallel parking for tomorrows test. 
We also made a stop to pick up a table I bought and to look at a dresser set but it was in bad shape so I passed. 

A quick stop to get pumpkin for the ever plugged up Coco then the mail and home to the ranch all with Britt driving. Once home Britt watched a bit of TV, answered a few birthday phone calls then packed her bag for the w/e. Sheldon begrudgingly pitched hay to the ponies (wishing he did not make a deal he was night shift if I did mornings) I worked on updating the blog and putting the sweet 16 pictures on facebook. 

Happy birthday pretty Britt!! XOXOXOXO

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

728 - sunshine!!

Day 728 - sunshine!! this tricky weather is getting crazy but when the sun comes out it all seems wonderful! Today is Britt's last day as a 15 year old I reminded her as she left for school again catching a ride with the Stout crew, thanks ladies!

I spent the morning feeding horses and doing accounting which I have put off for some time. But once caught up it always feels good and the desk looks so much better. After a simple lunch I put the 1st coat of blue on the rest of the octagon table and glazed the purple one before Amanda and Asher stopped out to drop off a lovely birthday gift and have a visit. They headed home just before 5 and Sheldon arrived home just after.

Britt worked tonight after school for her last shift of the year. Forgot to mention Shaina's team won first in their division on the weekend tournament. It was "her" club tournament so even more exciting. She said she won a brush, lead rope and gift card to Hicocks (which is like our Lammles).

Britt was finished at 6:30 so Sheldon ran to get her while I finished making chicken supper. I tried another new dressing, strawberry vinaigrette and it was very good. Once back home we all enjoyed supper together. After Britt caught Bird for a ride, Sheldon re arranged the big bale for better removal and pitched to horses while I put 2nd coat on the blue table. Shaina called from down under to wish Britt Happy birthday as it is already the 25th there! Tomorrow she will be sweet 16!