Tuesday, April 16, 2013

720 - big sale day and errands

Day 720 found Sheldon off to work and Britt to school and me getting ready for a busy day of pick ups and drop offs. Our egg lady was kind enough to drop the egg order off here at the ranch since I am not at work. I then got everything loaded and headed to town at 10:30 with a huge list of errands...

1- stop and get the mail since it has been at least a week, low and behold my Old Fashioned milk paint sample was stuffed in the the box to saving trip to post office.
2- Tims- biggest thing I miss about work, tea with my friends, today however the machine was not working and they gave me my tea for free!
3- drop huge bag of clothes and household at the bi-annual church rummage sale
4- stop and drop off eggs at Amanda's for her and Travis and give Travis a birthday gift to take home for my goddaughter Olivia, Happy belated 4th Olivia!! XOXOXO
5- return overdue books to the library
6 - pick up my latest farm table purchase .. interestingly they did not mention the "artwork" all  under it

7- pick up 2 more Jean Pare cookbooks I bought online... hahahaha
8- pick up missing clip from furniture purchase
9- make deposit via the new drive thru!
10- buy paint goodies and such at Walmart
11- buy more paint, primer and supplies at Rona
12- restock the beer fridge!
whew by now it was time to head home at it was closing in on one~

Back at the ranch I unloaded and put away, grabbed a bite to eat then worked on putting another coat on the dresser top. However there was a paint issue I first addressed in order to make smooth and finish.
 by straining, added water and applying. Then I glazed the drawer fronts

 and stuck 2 in the dressers to see, think it will be really cute, and so solid!
Time to clean up and get furniture loaded. Once Britt gets home from school it is off to the city to meet 2 clients and deliver furniture then head to polox practice in Okotoks.
my little U haul enclave
and it would not be practice without losing a ball in the wall, this area was a bit dustier than the last, we call her Timmy the chimney sweep!
Sheldon will have another night at home to relax and try and catch me in candy crush. He is picking up another treasure I bought online on his way home too.

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