Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Year's Eve

Unfortunately there was a cloud cover so no bright shiny moon to start my day. After our usual start H and I hauled the dresser over to scrub thoroughly. I was scrubbing the garage sink when Kaylin popped her head out. She was having her morning iced coffee and some yogurt. Not long after she and Lexi were headed to the city after 11:30. She was just pulling out as the customers arrived to pick up the sofa table.

After they were loaded and off H and I went to feed, water and let cats out. 

The fog started to roll in as I  scooped poop. In short order it was completely socked in. Back inside I waxed the jewelry box and put it back together. Time to stage and get posted for sale.

white wax on left none on right

The sun started to peek thru around 2 as I was onto my next task of recovering the vanity stool. The fog rolled back in.

After I finished the stool I bundled up and took Harley for a well deserved walk. It was -1 out and the fog made a snowbow that was cool but hard to photograph. We had the kitties join us of course and some cool photos. At the end of the walk I tossed some deer meat in the snow bank for H to find and gave the kitties some too.

She's coming in hot! I love slo mo video

Can you see the snow bow?

below is a video of it

Video of Harley's meat search

Inside I got working on tutorials and marketing and had just gotten H in for her nap. B arrived with Cooper who is staying the night with me while she goes to Amber's for steak and lobster and a sleepover. She did deliver me a mozza burger for my early supper. Thanks for picking that up B. She did not stay long and was off in the rolling fog. The two dogs played hard till I called them in at 4:30 for a rest. I worked on writing an ad on Etsy for the jewelry box.

They headed back out after eating (H that is) at 6:30. I headed out and we put kitties away then too. Back inside I finished my floral stenciled dresser tutorial and got it shared. Hustlers was watched from the comfort of my cozy bed followed up by finishing my book Super Attractor. At midnight I let out Cooper and left the door open a bit for a short time as it was brisk to try the Irish tradition of letting the old year out and new year in!

Happy New Year's eve and welcome to 2021!

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Year almost over

The moon was same to start today. Shaina was up for her 6 am meeting and caught the sunrise after it ended at 7:30. Harley was not fed and let out till after 8 then I tried to get caught up on blog, marketing and working on tutorials with my cappuccino. Shaina was showered and doing computer work too.

I waited almost an hour to get thru to Bell to see about a phone upgrade. Once with the rep it took another 15 minutes to get a new phone/plan quote. Amazon delivery while I was on the phone caused a bit of a dog ruckus lol Kaylin was up now enjoying her morning ice coffee and oat milk.

Shaina headed to the city to before 11 to do contract work with the fellow she used to do training classes for. She also will stay the night to head out at 6 am to go boarding tomorrow. I spent the next hour on the phone with a Bell agent to set up my  new phone and plan.

Kaylin was off to spend the afternoon with Gail after 12. The dog and I went out to feed water and let the cats out into the sunshine. Time to get some projects underway. I pulled out the first jewelry box which was a painted baby blue one. I decided to work with the paint and add navy over top in a blue jean finish. Using one of the paints from Dixie belle in navy I scrubbed it up, removed paint from certain areas, brushed navy on and sanded to reveal some of the light blue.

Next I uncovered and hauled out the maple dresser. Hardware and drawer liner was removed as well as the mirror brackets. I posted it and the matching nightstand with my plan to do black in case I had a buyer wanting another color.

Kaylin was back home after 6. She started making her kale salad and I cooked chicken to go with it. We enjoyed it while visiting then B joined in for the leftovers before 7:30. I scrubbed up the dishes while the visit continued then K was off to try her bath bomb from Jacob. Britt loaded up Cooper after putting away the kitties. She did this for the last 2 nights too, THANKS B!

I caught up the blog then hit the shower. Kaylin who had just blown out her hair after her bath offered to blow dry mine with a fancy new blow out brush. THANK YOU K! Then it was relax and read.

an appreciation meditation for you

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Big sales day!!

The full moon was stunning and woke me with its illumination around 6 am. I decided to come up with my 2021 intentions and fell back asleep only to keep opening my eyes to check it out. Harley after being let out before bed slept in again; I checked her at 7 and did not feed her breakfast till almost 9! The sun was shining and it looks like a beauty day although cold at -11.

I got to work catching up on marketing and blogs. The girls were up for their morning beverages then S off to TV room to do work and K to try and finish her online business plan as she still hopes to purchase Sugar Me in the new year. I juggled messages and actually sold the blue vanity. It has a deposit and will be picked up Sunday. Now to finish the stool covering.

The grey cedar box was picked up at 11 am. I delivered right to the vehicle in my mask all bagged up and professional like :) A short visit and they were off. He used to work with Sheldon but has since retired.

I had interest in a few of the small tables but they did not fit the buyers space but another message came in wanting to buy the grey entry table! Not long after she sent a deposit to hold it and pick up on Thursday.

Lunch was soup, Britt even got in on the tail end when she arrived after 1. Jacob arrived around 1:30 bearing loads of gifts; 36 of beer, bath bombs for the girls, a huge bag of snacks/treats and a steeped tea for miss Shaina. A visit ensued before Kaylin ran to town at 2 to meet Reese and get the gifts from Grama and Papa as well as homemade cabbage rolls for supper. THANK YOU!! Then Britt was off to feed Bird. Shaina was still doing online client work for took a break to join Jacob who kindly offered to take the dogs for a walk.

Videos Shaina took

Kaylin was back with the gifts which the girls promptly opened and sported their new huggles. 

Jacob received a free back massage with supervision from Harley and Lexi

A rousting game of scattegories was next followed by hearts while the cabbage rolls Grama sent cooked. We stopped to eat them, yummy. THANK YOU! Shaina had a meeting at 6:30 so we played 2 rounds of canasta then Jacob headed back to Banff after 7:30. Shaina joined the card games until spilling another cup of tea over the table ending the game to wipe and dry cards. It was 9, so B and Coop loaded up and headed home as she is back to work tomorrow after her long break. I headed to bed to watch some Youtube and read, Kaylin did some computer work on couch and Shaina was off to her room as she has an early meeting tomorrow. It was a great day!

Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas all packed up

H and I saw another lovely sunrise again after 8. The days are now getting longer as we go. S made his coffee in bed. Today was catchup a few marketing things then getting everything holiday put away.

Britt was out around 10 bringing teas, THANKS B. She fed her horse then all 3 girls played a board game. Shaina took a break from her busy check in Monday to join. Sheldon changed B's oil for her.

I finished up the tutorial for Kaylin's tub tray and got it posted, shared and sent to the paint company. Once the game ended Britt was off to do her laundry around 1:30. The other two were off to town to get groceries and pick up the growth ruler the one fellow wanted before Xmas before 2. S took the tree back to the shop then got in big brown for a rest before his departure. 

Britt snapped this pretty pic

Seeing I know had all of Christmas packed away I hauled out the vacuum and got the floor vacuumed and washed. Cooper crate was put away and bedding washed all to prep for a new year fast approaching. S was off after 3 for his week at work. The girls pulled in just after S left. They unpacked their groceries then S was back to her check in day, Kaylin to the couch on her laptop and I wrote a Hometalk tutorial for Kaylin's tub board. 

This bath bomb from K was like a lava cake with the red inside super exploding in the water. It looks like a monster LOL

Next project was to cook up macaroni and make a tuna casserole. B was back out to have supper staying for an hour and back home to her chores. The other two had a work out later in the basement while I hit the tub to soak. It is a very clear night with a big full moon. Time for fresh linens. Shaina made popcorn after their workout and shared a bowl which I enjoyed while reading some of my book.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Last Sunday of 2020

The last Sunday of 2020 Harley has changed her sleep pattern to 8 I think  as been 3 days now. I like that little bit extra. She doesnt even want to go out just to day hi. She actually did not eat until  mid morning. S got the coffee on for one in bed then I was up to try and get a few of the blog posts caught up and posted. I also continued the clean up and started laundry. I also put the turkey bones on for soup. The sunny day had fog roll in that was crazy.

Shaina was up around 9:30 after a shower made a cappuccino, packed up a turkey plate for her friend Ryan who was alone for Xmas and headed to the city around 11. She brought in the vacuum carpet cat she picked up after repaired in the city. I gave it a go only to find they did not replace a part that was broke and continues to stick. S had just come in from pushing snow in the skid steer and deck so had a look but no luck. The power handle is no longer working either.

Queen of the snow mound ;)

queen video

fog rolling in and crazy clouds

Lunch was left overs then S hit big brown for a nap, Kaylin the couch with Lexi and a blanket with her laptop. Britt and Cooper stopped out around 1:30 bringing me carrots for my soup, ate the last of her soup she had here, grabbed a helmet and was off ski doing with a friend. 

Britt snapped this one in the fog on her way back

S went out around 2:30 to push snow down the lane. The sun once again was out but fogged in after 3. B was back after 4 getting fogged out, she and Kaylin played a game till supper. S was back in on his tablet. After eating and the game was over B headed home after 6. Kaylin helped fold towels and was off to her room. S and I headed to bed to watch Kingdom getting season 1 finished and starting season 2. Shaina was back home after midnight making it safely thru the fog.

Can I play?

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Boxing Day

Boxing day was another late start for Harley which was nice. There was light snow coming down which stayed all day and hovered around -6. I did try and catch up on a few things marketing as I have not done anything but a few IG posts to try and keep my algorithm going for the last 4 days or more. I did post my last farmhouse bowl tutorial.

I looked up some boxing day deals then abandoned my cart. I was heating the cap machine when S got up to make coffee. The other 2 roomies were up fairly early again too. A fire was started to enjoy a coffee in front of. Shaina tried to help me redo Harley's photo shoot.

I was making crepes for all when B arrived before noon with her pot of hamburger soup she made this week. It was another day of games enjoyed. B did swap her spot with the sleeping Sheldon to go feed the horses. We also zoomed Gran and Grandy while in front of the fire.

We enjoyed another family day of games and snacks. Britt and Cooper headed home at 4:30 as her friend was coming for a visit at 6. Games continued at the table with even Luna making a brief appearance.

This was my gift from Dixie Belle paint

We closed down the games earlier today after 10. I had a couple bites on things the last few days but nothing has been sold. Looks like I need to get marketing and restocking for the new year. So no boxing day deals were had nor any boxing up of stuff but lots more family time. Happy Boxing Day everyone!