Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas all packed up

H and I saw another lovely sunrise again after 8. The days are now getting longer as we go. S made his coffee in bed. Today was catchup a few marketing things then getting everything holiday put away.

Britt was out around 10 bringing teas, THANKS B. She fed her horse then all 3 girls played a board game. Shaina took a break from her busy check in Monday to join. Sheldon changed B's oil for her.

I finished up the tutorial for Kaylin's tub tray and got it posted, shared and sent to the paint company. Once the game ended Britt was off to do her laundry around 1:30. The other two were off to town to get groceries and pick up the growth ruler the one fellow wanted before Xmas before 2. S took the tree back to the shop then got in big brown for a rest before his departure. 

Britt snapped this pretty pic

Seeing I know had all of Christmas packed away I hauled out the vacuum and got the floor vacuumed and washed. Cooper crate was put away and bedding washed all to prep for a new year fast approaching. S was off after 3 for his week at work. The girls pulled in just after S left. They unpacked their groceries then S was back to her check in day, Kaylin to the couch on her laptop and I wrote a Hometalk tutorial for Kaylin's tub board. 

This bath bomb from K was like a lava cake with the red inside super exploding in the water. It looks like a monster LOL

Next project was to cook up macaroni and make a tuna casserole. B was back out to have supper staying for an hour and back home to her chores. The other two had a work out later in the basement while I hit the tub to soak. It is a very clear night with a big full moon. Time for fresh linens. Shaina made popcorn after their workout and shared a bowl which I enjoyed while reading some of my book.

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