Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Jewelry boxes galore

H was off her schedule needing to go out after 4. It was -13 out so I thought she would be fast but she did not come to calls. I checked back door and she was sitting waiting to come in for breakfast LOL no way lady, back to bed with you. She was up ready to try again after 7. This was doable, I perused Instagram waiting for S to wake and make coffee. S was fairly early for her, she made a cap seeing I had the machine heated to make S and I a special Christmas coffee.

Shaina was off to the city before 11. I sorted all my new jewelry boxes and got them entered in my spread sheet. S took H out who was stir crazy again before noon. He however got busy in the shop so I bundled up and went out to play with her for 20 minutes. The -11 is brisk but it is very sunny.

Back inside I made a batch of Grama W's buns for Christmas. S was back in at 1 for a leftover dinner. A rest in big brown and he headed out to move cars and finish plowing yard around 3. This worked for me to finally wrap Christmas presents. A lady had been enquiring about the round coffee table trying to lowball me even though on sale. I caved and gave her a deal if she came today. Her and her husband arrived as I was panning my buns at 4. They looked to take it until the veneer was mentioned, oh well. Off they went. S came in as they left.

We had a drink and played cards. I cooked up some goulash to go with my buns for supper, S put the kitties in for the night and closed up the shop. B and Coop were out after 7 to get supper and play cards as well. She was then off for home after 9 having to work half a day tomorrow then on vacay. We watched Kingdom. Shaina was home around 12:30 as we were finishing up an episode.

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