Saturday, December 26, 2020

Boxing Day

Boxing day was another late start for Harley which was nice. There was light snow coming down which stayed all day and hovered around -6. I did try and catch up on a few things marketing as I have not done anything but a few IG posts to try and keep my algorithm going for the last 4 days or more. I did post my last farmhouse bowl tutorial.

I looked up some boxing day deals then abandoned my cart. I was heating the cap machine when S got up to make coffee. The other 2 roomies were up fairly early again too. A fire was started to enjoy a coffee in front of. Shaina tried to help me redo Harley's photo shoot.

I was making crepes for all when B arrived before noon with her pot of hamburger soup she made this week. It was another day of games enjoyed. B did swap her spot with the sleeping Sheldon to go feed the horses. We also zoomed Gran and Grandy while in front of the fire.

We enjoyed another family day of games and snacks. Britt and Cooper headed home at 4:30 as her friend was coming for a visit at 6. Games continued at the table with even Luna making a brief appearance.

This was my gift from Dixie Belle paint

We closed down the games earlier today after 10. I had a couple bites on things the last few days but nothing has been sold. Looks like I need to get marketing and restocking for the new year. So no boxing day deals were had nor any boxing up of stuff but lots more family time. Happy Boxing Day everyone!

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