Sunday, May 31, 2020

Crazy storm last night

What a night, a crazy storm rolled in after 3; lightening and rain and wild wind. I remembered I left the garage windo open so went to close only to find Lola at top of the stairs and very anxious. I took her back down and calmed her after closing window and wiping water off wall. Back in bed I heard the cone scratching on the door so went and gave her a sedative and brought her into the porch. I started up the A/C to cool the floor and help drown the noise and turned on the spa music. Eventually her panting subsided and she fell asleep. The storm lasted till before 5 when I fell back asleep.

Dam J woke me yowling at 6:30. He had been doing this during the storm as well, no idea why he did not hunker down in the barn. Eventually I fell back asleep then up by 8. Pills at 9 with a fresh package of bison liver then out for a wee pee break. I checked rain guage, only a half of a 10/th. She really wanted her water trough water so I took of cone for a bit to do so. Then it was back to the garage with her ice pack. I started laundry and marketing. I had hauled the rectangular one in last night so snapped a couple pictures to share.

With my morning cappuccinos I wrote a Hometalk post for the wood spools. Then I headed to the garage to dark wax the edge of the oval table. I attempted to put it together but seeing I swapped everything the holes did not line up so just hauled in like it is for now. Then it was time to seal the coffee table milk painted base. I started with hemp oil and disliked it so wiped off, added more paint and went with clear wax. Then black and zinc wax was added.

Lola is anxious today following me all over the garage and panting and restless. I gave her a sedative at 1 after I stopped for a tuna sandwich.  I had set up the puppy pen along garage door so she can see out but not get out but that was not helping. I tried putting her on the deck hauling the pen up there but she still was worried. I walked her to the pasture where she likes to do her biz and that was one of the issues. She also wanted to patrol and not happy she had to go back to quarantine but did so as I worked on the coffee table top I was not fond of. I added grey and still a nope so I got out black and blended... much better.

B and Coop stopped quick around 3 to feed and grab tools to work on seeding her back yard. I sprayed the hardware in the barn and left to dry as the dark clouds got closer. Sure enough the crazy wind hit not long after before 4. My new birdbath blew away so I went to retrieve from the field in the spattering rain. Funnel clouds were spotted north of town too with an emergency alert at 4 and another 45 min later. I closed up the garage and brought Lola to the porch which she instantly rested.

Kaylin and Shaina were moving the last of their stuff out today and in the city it rained all day making this a chore. K was going to bring her load out but the weather was not cooperating as rain returned off on and on. I folded all the laundry and ate the cod leftovers while finishing an Animal Kingdom episode I could not last night.

I moved furniture to stage table photos, will take more tomorrow. Then it was back to marketing and updating sites and spread sheets and posting the one table for sale on multiple sites. I also wrote a tutorial on the hardware change up and get it posted and such. The rain let up around 9 so I took Lola out to pee before her meds and tucking her into bed in the garage. I checked the rain gauge again and this bout of rain gave us 2/10ths, thank you Lord. Time to crawl into bed and try and get some sleep. After another Animal Kingdom episode of course :)

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Sunny hot windy Saturday

Awake again at 6:30 but not to rise and shine, I did get another hour in before getting up. I took Lola out for her bathroom break then tied her at the evergreen area. Going back to give her meds turned out to be a challenge as she is NOT a fan of them and could filter them out of many pieces of meat. I wrestled with her to just pill her but ended up with my hands and her face a mess. Eventually I took her back into the garage and got them into her.  I set up a fan in their too as it looks like this is home for awhile.

A couple caps and pizzelles and I did some marketing then headed out to join her in the garage.  She seems quite anxious over this all but eventually had a rest at my feet but would move if I did. I got the first two coffee tables dark waxed.

Kristie and Joel stopped at 12:30 to pick up 2 large spools. A short visit and they were on their way. I made a quick tuna sandwich then back out to clear coat the oval table and wax the rectangular. I had moved on to sanding the beach vibe table when Britt and Cooper came out after 2. She got busy scooping poop in the paddock, yeah B!

Shaina and Jacob arrived around 3 to drop off more things to her room and store her mattress and ottoman in the big trailer. She did one final sort thru 4 boxes of clothes she has for the Wagstaff girls and we had a nice visit. I even managed to save some pizzelles for them. She loaded up an ikea table and chair to take as her desk. They headed off for Calgary just before 5.

Even though it was really warm 26 and the wind was blowing like crazy, Britt and I went for a ride. It was like riding in a dryer but on the good side very few mosquitoes. She took trusty Pepper bareback and I Switch and we went for a good hour plus ride. When back they were hosed and put away then she took Bird to round pen and for a walk while I took Lola out for a bit.

B and Cooper set off for home around 7 as I was making the last Goodfood meal: cod. It was ok but kinda boring esp since I did not cook the veggies which were beans and olives. I worked on marketing, tutorials and blogs posts. After getting Lola out for a bit, medicated then settled I came in to bed and watched another Animal Kingdom.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Lola comes home

best way to start the day

Friday and awake at 6:30, go figure. I tried to go back to sleep but no luck so I got up and by 7:30 I had closed the hydrant and fed the cats. A cappuccino and 6 or so pizzelles energized me to go get mowing the lawn by 8:30! I finished the yard, laneway and approach just before 11.

yay blossoms and below use your imagination and think pretty flower lined driveway ;)

I called to check on Lola and they said she was ready to be picked up by 11:30. Holy cow, I loaded the trash and was off dropping it at the dump and arriving right on time. The tech came out to give the coles notes and meds then she was brought out. We loaded her in the car and set off for home with a quick stop in town at Paetz's to pick up a parcel Sheldon had delivered there. Then it was home to get the patient all set up. She had no interest in a bathroom break even after they said she would not go there. I set up the puppy pen in the shade by the cargo trailer and she was happy as a peach. I even got the ice pack propped on her leg while I went in to paint a 3rd coat of milk paint on 2 of the coffee tables.

Next up was setting the water on the flower bed and pruning a few trees I noticed while mowing. Then back to painting; the oval was sanded then the tops got another clear coat. The top of the long one was white washed then all brushed washed up.

I did a repair and added wood filler, note to self do not use the color change wood filler as milk paint activates the colorant

I moved Lola to the front deck which was a bit of a chore then put on her cone as she was now starting to lick. This set about a very anxious time in her life now as it runs into things she cant lick her main drugs were wearing off so at 6 I gave her a sedative. I started up the A/C as think she will need to just stay inside but took off the dirty rugs off the deck, swept and put down a clean one. She really seemed anxious so we went down for a short tour that ended with her doing her business in the east paddock grass then laying down on a sit in. It is a beautiful night so can't blame her to be out in the sun. The down side is mosquitoes were out and biting her bare skin which of course she cannot bite or scratch. I finished the deck as she decided to mossie on under the deck. No way lady even though it is cool it is dirt so I followed her under and back out. This time she was not keen to try the stairs so I just carried her with arms and the sling. And into the house where I had set up the back entry for her. But I broke the baby gate trying to put it in place, sheesh. It will hold for now till she gets rammy. She was not fond of being in here even with A/C and wanting to come in any other day. Eventually she laid down and I put the ice pack back on and got to writing the spool tutorial.

Britt and Cooper arrived around 7:30 fed and stopped in to visit the patient then jetted home by 8. I finished the tutorial and caught up this blog, gave Lola her evening meds at 9:30 (she is like a little old lady with her pill assortment). I finished up computer work, had a quick shower and went to start season 4 of Animal Kingdom just loaded on Netflix but Lola was whining. Could she really need another bathroom break? I hauled her out and it seems she just wanted to scent the air and sit on the cool grass and look around her ranch. I let her do this for a bit but then walked her to the garage where it seems she wanted to be and left her there for the night. I watched only one episode and shut it off by 11, who am I? :)

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Lola's surgery

I was awake a few times in the night then at 6, I checked the horses and it was a lovely sunny morning. I laid awake till after 7:30 sorting the days plans and Lola's surgery but must have fallen asleep as my alarm went off at 8:15. I got ready and headed out to give her a brush before loading her up and into town. We arrived 15 minutes early (note to self, stick with time they say as you sit in a car) but at 9:00 she was taken in for her appointment.

She loves to go for car rides.. just not sure to the vets.

I made a few stops in town but not long after getting to town the vet called with info for the days events. First stop was to drop off the parcels at the post office, borrow a cone from a lady for her post surgery then pick up some free saw horse parts. Seeing I was a block from Britt's I offered to let Cooper out. It seems he had a tummy ache as had pooped on the floor. I cleaned it up while he sat on the deck staring in the window. I stood with him in the back yard no luck so took him for a quick walk. As soon as we hit grass he pooped again! Yikes this fellow really needs to learn to like his backyard. Back in the house he was on the couch for his day.

Next stop was Tim's for a chai and bagel, I made a quick loop thru Peavey to grab new dog food B recommended and swing thru their plants. Then it was back to the ranch to get busy on projects. I made up some milk paint, put a coat of white oil on one coffee table and coat of clear on the other two. The base of the low coffee table was painted in a warm white milk paint.

Late lunch break then back at it to put on the second coat. I was polishing the brass feet on the antique coffee table when Kaylin and Lexi arrived after 3 with a load of treasures. I helped her carry them down and she got stuff hung up and organized. We had a visit over a glass of water then she was off before 5.

The vet called saying Lola surgery went well. He did find more arthritis in her right joint they were working on as well as saw more in the left hip on another Xray. Her blood work shows her thyroid levels are low but will watch. He feels the surgery will slow the arthritic process though. She should be able to come home tomorrow. I cooked up meal # 2, chicken and creamed corn and other yummy meal.

After supper I painted the oval table base 2 coats of white milk paint I made up after K left. The rectangular base was sanded and distressed too.

Amanda text Craig was going to Oyen tomorrow so I found boxes and packaged up the bread box and jewelry box ready to go back. Britt and Cooper stopped out after 8 to feed and she filled the far water trough too. We notice Bandit making allot of circles. Poor guy ;(, he has not had meds now for 2 nights and not sure as to what will happen. She grabbed the boxes and dropped them off at the Paetz house on her way home. Thanks B. I then whipped up a batch of pizzelles before crawling in to be at 11 to watch more Sweet Magnolias. If I did not I may have ate the whole batch of pizzelles :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Busy day of projects and sales

Sunny at 8, hope it stays all day. The morning was spent doing some marketing before moving on to finish the valet with dark wax as well as paint the sides a fun red: the grads favorite color as a surprise.

Then while it dried it was out to the garage to add a coat of ebony on the oval and clear on the rectangular coffee tables.

Then while they dried I staged the valet, boxed it up to ship and got the label printed. A quick bite for lunch (yummy Edo leftovers) and I was back out to the projects. I hauled out the latest coffee table outside and sanded the top completely down.

The next project was painting the rectangular base 2 coats of warm white. I finished up after 5 and came in for a cold beer, some salad and catch the news.

My Facebook page needed a 6 pm post so I gut on the valet. As I was typing the wonderful sound of the cash register dinged on my phone. The grey jewelry box had sold!! I boxed it up safely, printed a label and added it to my other one ready to drop in the am.

Britt and Cooper stopped quick after 6:30 as I was updating the spreadsheets and sale sites. She grabbed the dolly to run to the city to pick up a stainless steel stove, fed Bird and was on her way in about 15 minutes. I wrote a tutorial for the latest tin tiles and shared on the Fusion page. I finally decided on the coffee table top putting on a coat of white oil but not sure after I did if it is the look I want. Will see in a few more coats.

There was a frost advisory so when I brought Lola in I covered the 2 planters. She got her meds and is now on no food for her surgery tomorrow. After more computer work I headed to bed to watch A Secret Love.

this is at 11 pm.. another colorful night