Tuesday, May 26, 2020

New store front space

Another sunny start to an early day but mid morning the wind blew in again ;( I did marketing with my coffees which also included the confirmed sale of a valet the lady inquired about last night at 11. She paid in full including shipping to Vulcan and I got started on it.

 My tulips are blooming, I had to cut a few for the house

The coffee tables both got a coat of cappuccino stain oil after the oval one was power sanded again then both left to dry. Note to self, the light wood filler should have been stained dark before staining top.

Britt and Cooper arrived after 12:30. She had caught Pepper and KD as I made a run to town before 1:30. A local candy making factory called Sweetsmith Candy Co. has offered space to local businesses with ZERO commission! They offer a 12"X12" cubby which limits my pieces but I did fit a couple faux tin tiles, a paper towel holder (with knob off to fit), a sea glass jar and a growth ruler they stuck along the side of the cabinet.

They also require a mask to be worn seeing they make food so here is my first masked adventure.
First time wearing a mask instore.. I look like I was ready for a heist!

they also gave me a gift box of products, yum!

Seeing I was in town I grabbed some lunch and the mail on the way home. I scarfed down some of the Edo noodles then got back to the valet. It will dry overnight and get black wax tomorrow.

the ways she can bend to get grass

Britt was riding KD and Pepper in the round pen then moved on to Bird. She finished up after 4 and came in just as the thunderstorm rolled in. She ran back out to nail the back side of the shelter Bandit had kicked and stuck out what turned to hail with them.

It eased up and she was back and we were off to see Roo's weekly lesson at 5. She is doing very well demonstrating being ground driven and ridden today with moving her hind and front. Good job Roo. The rain came down while we were inside but had let up when we came out to go home. B dropped me off at 6:30. Bandit is no longer getting his steroids, no we wait and see. I checked the rain guage and we had 3/10ths.

I cooked up my first GoodFood meal; seared porkchops with warm potato salad. It was delicious late supper! After cleanup I worked on marketing and writing a tutorial for the black chairs. I have so many yet to write but this nice weather beckons.. and more projects. Once in bed I started a new series called Sweet Magnolias.

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