Monday, November 30, 2015

Cyber Monday

here are  few pictures I missed off the cell phone - selfie stick ;)

my drink of choice next to beer/bloody mary mix is the margarita!

Today was massage day, Sheldon left early to get Britt's car aligned and enjoyed his massage after mine. My gorgeous sister cut my hair while we visited quick before I was off on errands including a big grocery run before heading back to the ranch.
I continued the photo sorting and uploading while Sheldon enjoyed football.. seems he did not take my advice to pick under dogs for his final fantasy pick which he was winning. A last minute fumble cost him $50..

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Black Friday w/e

We made it home (now Thursday 26) at 2 am cozy inside after the shocking -12 snow covered welcome back. empty suitcases started laundry Sheldon rolled out bale and fed cats, sunny but chilly with high -2 in city but -6 here. Late afternoon we were off to city to pick up winter tires for B and load up at Costco, then back home unload, sort & freeze the meat (biggest pain of bulk meat) and enjoy jumbo shrimp and beer.

Sheldon spent Friday and Saturday hunting with his buddy Steve, he was successful requiring hanging and skinning then cut up today while watching the Grey Cup.
this air balloon went by Friday, what a clear beauty day for that
I spent my days doing laundry and tidying the house, wish I could have brought a maid home ;) Another HUGE part was going thru pictures and uploading to print. I made it half way thru 2014 but this is great progress. I did not work on any furniture but did post the shelf I finished before I left, the jumbo chalkboard for the wedding was picked up. I managed to get in some online black Friday/ cyber Monday shopping including being Sheldon's secretary to book flights in the new year.

Britty got home later Friday after spending afternoon with Shaina who was up in Olds getting her recall work done. She caught me up on her past few weeks, gave the dogs a check up then hit the TV to catch her shows. She did take a break to "help" Sheldon put on her new tires after he got back from hunting. The majority of her w/e was shows, doing her thank you cards and doing homework. This is her last week of school before finals!

The last 3 days were fantastic above temps usually around 3 but today hit 6, the snow has melted a bit for sure. We enjoyed the sun Saturday walking the dogs to the gate to meet the egg lady. Today we all headed outside to enjoy the sun. Sheldon harrowed the arena for B while I swept the barn side. Britt spent time working Bird then I joined her on foot for ball practice before I hauled the wagon out full of hay to lure the horses back in the paddocks. Sheldon put the 2 rails back up and closed all the gates so now the driveway is back to being open. He and I moved most of the big equipment back in the shop all ready for winter.
 Julio got his mash and a check up too from Dr B
The Paetz's stopped quick to have me snap their Christmas card photo so I started a lovely fire. Time for steak supper, Grey cup and a quick visit with Grady when he picked up Britt giving her a ride back to Olds so Sheldon can get her wheels aligned. He brought along a bag of homemade duck jerky, Thanks Grady!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Cuba 2015

By 9 last night the ground was covered in snow and the wind howled. The dogs including Miss Lola were happy to be tucked inside. The power flickered and went out numerous times, sometimes being off for half an hour. When we woke before 7 the storm had subsided but sheer ice was left. A trip to the airport which normally takes 45 minutes turned into over an hour and a half with detours down back roads and average speed of 70 km/hr. However by 10 we were safely parked, thru check-in and security and sitting with a hot chai and bagel at our gate. Hello sunshine, here we come!
 good bye snow
 hello cappuccino the next morning after a long travel day
 view from our room
 wow.. what a beach and water
now remember there was only 36 hours from booking till flying so no pre tan.. honky whities on the beach we were
 no time for a pedicure and forgot my paint so sand had to do
 kite surfing is popular here
 lifeguard station well manned
 as is police ;) look upper right

 new flower I have yet to see before
 pool bar

 lone palm tree on the beach
 drink, float and nap.. Sheldon's regieme

 I ventured to the pool bar.. only after being pushed in by a bully

 fried rice station fellows artwork
 fancy drink called the starfish

this water is crystal clear turquoise with white sand beaches.. amazing

 this would work great for the ranch

 nice flowers everywhere
 25th celebration.. complimentary wine
 real people statues

 looks like a storm rolling in I say
 and I was right, it soon rolled in and unleashed for the rest of the afternoon and evening

 bananas flambe, yum
 market tour

 statues are here too
 recycled things make me happy

 sandwiches at the pool, not so bueno
 rough seas on the last day so no beach time

 another bottle of wine for us
 last of the sunny pool side
 before hopping the bus back to airport

And just like that, the trip was over. After a 3 hour wait at the airport we loaded up and took the 6 hour flight back home to -12! YUCK!