Thursday, November 12, 2015

doggy day

Thursday, Thursday..why does Diego not know the time has changed.. and he goes in earlier know dark at 5.. need a tinkle box in the garage ;)

Auntie's 2 pieces got distressed ready for waxing, this set is a bit more rustic in the paint and distressing as requested, will have pictures soon. The next couple hours were to bill paying and accounting.. why do I always leave till I have a stack?

The faux tin tile got a few coats of paint and wax and still not sure it is what I want. Does not help the instructions clearly did not explain which color order or any thing on color to be exact. Trial and error I guess will pave the way.
At 4 I was off to town to do a few errands and meet Kaylin at the vet clinic. Lola had other plans, she has recently taken to loping alongside the car finding it such fun. Today she was staying and praised as I left gate #1, as I opened gate #2, there she was. No angry yelling or clapping or shooing her home worked. Eventually she took a race for home, but was really only down and around in the pit like a indy driver so I took off north. I turned back to spy on her and once past the gate as I waited to turn back north she popped out of the trees running to the car.. on the other side of the highway with a semi coming... ee gads. He saw her and slowed, I turned around and laid on the horn to the gate, once opened, I left it open and chased her to the house. The horses thought the horn was a dinner bell and came racing towards me and the open gate! However luckily the stopped car enthralled them while I put her in the garage.. with Diego of course. How to fix this new challenge!
Then I was off to town to get dog food and teas before meeting her at the vet's. Miss Lexi has knee issues so will stay the night, have surgery on the back left, stay the night again then be released. The surgery however is pricey and that is per knee. Kaylin is planning ways to try and cover the costs including any Xmas cash she may get.

She and I went for supper and a great visit before she headed back to the city and me for the ranch. The mail held great news for Britt, her Alberta Equine Federation scholarship arrived, well done yet again Britt!!

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