Saturday, November 7, 2015

arena walls go up

Coffee was brewing by 9, great morning visit was had by all with more great tips and info on Montreal. Britt was off for her 10 am massage and the Hat crew headed home around 11:30 just before Britt got back home (doing bottles too to have some $) and after a quick shop tour. They kindly took the navy chair along and Auntie will grab in the Hat Tuesday, THANK YOU!

A quick lunch and change into coveralls and Sheldon, Britt and I were headed to the shop to work on the arena kick walls. Amazingly we got them all up but one narrow area in just under 6 hours!! Go team. It is looking awesome and makes one want to give it a ride.
 start of the project and the load of lumber

of course many had to be cut just a bit and many had a bend requiring a weight added to the top ;)
 my great idea to spray foam the open bottom ridges ;) worked great
 these two hard workers

 north side done

south side goes up and walla
pictures are not the best as taken while dark but will get some in the daylight
I had put on chicken soup before we headed out, stopped to add a bit then finished it up for a nice hot supper after our big accomplishment. The day was fantastic weather to be working out there hitting plus 16!~ Showers and relaxing followed.. sports for S, PVR for B and I updated the blog for last 3 days and research our Montreal trip ;) Sheldon did book our flights while watching all his sports, yeah! Britt was off to the bar to hang out with girlfriends at 10 but home by 1 ;)

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