Monday, November 2, 2015

wee bit of frozen water arrives

Crisp was the morning with wee near invisible flecks of some white substance occasionally coming down while sitting at 0. Diego had wanted out to help with coyote patrol at 4 and was most disgruntled I left him out till 8. Bits of snow landed every now and then thru the day but nothing like Calgary got today or Banff yesterday!

the nomadic herd making their tour then having mid morning nap making the 33 year old and Bird stand guard
Banff Springs hotel yesterday
Tash & Curtis stopped at noon to pickup new cork board, It was not long and she sent a picture of it hung and completely full ;)

I affixed the chicken wire to the last frame for awhile.
needle nose pliers missing from the tool list 

I scrubbed up auntie Mindy's chair, an antique electrical box and a low table and left to dry. The electrical box did get glue and clamps added too it seems. Auntie sent a new chalk paint for me to try called Plaster Paint, I am excited to try it.
I worked on my blog pages and changed up the layout (did you notice background change a few days back?) and added connections to my Facebook Page on both this one and Creative Moments blog. The ad paid off in added likers, 65 were brought in from it and then organic likes brought my total to 2033 today from 1951 on Friday. Fingers crossed there are some shoppers amongst them ;)

Sad to say I sauteed up my last zucchini for supper, good bye summer ;( After updating the blog it was back to Wentworth. Ciao folks

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