Saturday, June 30, 2018

Stock Horse show day!! lots of pics

We were awake at 6, S jumped into some clothes and quickly raked the remaining hay in hopes that it would dry today. I made coffee, packed beverages an a jug of water and got ready. I caught Switch and We were on ther road just after 7 am and arrived to the destination at 8. This gave me time to get her tacked up and ride before the show started at 9.

 confirmation class - we placed 1st

 It was a good experience and we even managed to win 3 firsts and 2 seconds putting me as first place. Wow.. it surprised me but it was a great personal challenge as well as one for miss switch. It was finished up around 1 then awards and photos. THANKS to Sheldon for snapping all these great photos and helping me thru the day, even if this is not an exciting sport to watch, I appreciate you coming along XOXO

this is a saddle the ASH Society is raffling but we sent the girls a text saying I won it :)

A quick beverage and visit and we were all on our way about 2:45 and back home in an hour.

The weather was perfect today so hay dried well in most of the field so S was off to bale while I unloaded Switch. I fed her and Bird for her job well done. It did not take long for S to roll up 8 more bales and we both relaxed in The A/C.

B was home at 6 from day 2 of her clinic. I helped her check Bird’s feet and teeth and she was off to the city at 7 for supper and stay. Crazy rain came down a half hour later and off and on for an hour and half totalling 2/10. To relax we watched Spilt.

Friday, June 29, 2018

bit of rain bit of sun kinda say

I was up at 3 and could not hear rain but when I let Cooper our at 6 it was softly raining. It was still raining when we got up at 9 but soon let up having dropped 1 1/2/10ths. The sun soon popped out making for a really nice morning. I got my clothes and tack loaded in the trailer while Sheldon greased his swather header.

A quick nap for one after lunch/news and he set out to spray the weeds one more time, I picked rock in the closest paddock, Lordy even at only 18 one gets smoking with fleece sweat pants on.. they really were true to their name!

Prince moved the last few bales off the field now that it was drier while I continued on yard work and show prep. Once Britt was home from her first day of the horse clinic at 6, she changed and came riding with me then we bathed Switch (her first official bath with soap etc).

 The sun went behind clouds as we finished and a cool breeze picked up so I set up the barn stall with fresh shavings food and water and let her dry off in there. S had found more broke rake tines and replaced them and got the truck hooked up for tomorrow then he came in to relax. B had a nap after our ride while I showered up and got last minute things prepped. I put Switch's new sheet on now she was dry and set her free in the paddock. We watched the movie Unknown before calling it a night.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Baling begins

I was up at 730 after waking when Britt was leaving. It was lovely and sunny but by the time the Prince woke around 9 it was overcast. This is how the whole day went. Outside I pruned my flower pots after watching YouTube last night and watered my garden and flower beds. S turned the sprinkler on the trees seeing rain is coming and the tanks need some room after last w/e. Poor K called, when they came out of their friends house in Vancouver to head to the ferry to go to the island, she found her vehicle had a window smashed and all her bags taken. What is wrong with people? They searched the alley in case stuff was tossed after but no luck. They did tape it up and carry on with their vacation.

I was working a bills before I jetted to town to meet Coreena and Sharon for the belated birthday lunch. S just started to rake the hay as I was leaving. We had a good lunch and catch up and back home a couple hours later.  The sun was out again then vanished by the end of our visit. The raking was complete.

Seeing the rain is forecast it was important to seal the trailer roof again now he found it was gone. Hope that solves the water issue. He hooked up the slip tank trailer and was off to town to fill with fuel while I hauled in my saddle to clean. Apparently it rained near town but here was just overcast and cooler but by the time he was back it was out yet again. Time to fuel up the farm machinery and give a bale a roll and test. I pulled the vacuum out to the horse trailer and vacuumed it all, replaced the now dry mattress up top and started to put the trailer back together.

 The sun was back out full force so we enjoyed a beer on the deck before he went to roll up more bales (day total 8) and I found Switch sore from last night when she either stepped on a stone or landed wrong. Today she was slow moving but I put on her boots and much better so I decided to ride her and get the blood circulating to those feet. I was just letting her out when Britt rolled in after 8:30 working late. She checked her over and decided she needed bute and ran to Sharon's to borrow ours back.

I cooked us supper while she did so and dosed her on her way back. Sheldon was now moving the bales off the field to the house but joined us to eat a very late supper. He and B both showered and she was off to the city after 10 to stay as has a clinic starting at 8 am.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

dental surgery

Surgery day so after a coffee and banana we were off to the city. Prince dropped me off about 10 minutes early for my 11 am appointment and he was off to buy new sunglasses from the girls. The dental implant surgery went well and by 1 I was all done and into the awaiting car with new sunglasses on my driver.

We stopped for some supplements and then a very late lunch at Wendy's. Yep we went all out ;) Jetting back home by 3 the big brown chair called Sheldon for an hour nap while I relaxed with my iPad. Sharon popped over after 4 to help me decide on an outfit for the show and quick visit.

Awake now, prince headed out to hook up the hay rake and start changing the rake tines that were broke on his "new" rake. Needing more then he had on hand and my prescription we ran to town quick. We also stopped at Lammle's and found a black cowboy hat for the show. This darn show prep is daunting, there are so many rules and requirements but it really is just for fun and experience for me and Switch.

We passed Britt on our way home as she headed to town at 7 for an appointment and to grab her own supper (heaven forbid). S got back to his rake tine changeout and I caught Switch and trimmed her mane and fetlocks and was tacking her up when Britt got back. She ate quick and joined me for conditioning and training. Switch either stepped on a rock or land wrong and was sore on the front left. :( B felt the need to fine tune my trims after our ride but I don't think she needed to ;)

she also trimmed Roo's bridle path, another first

Back inside it was time for a soak watching Netflix. Seems I wasn't supposed to exercise today or have a hot bath but both were needed.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

last lesson before the show

WINDY day and it started in the night, I heard a deck chair go quite a ways and found it down the stairs this am. I got coffee on and caught up a few marketing things while Sheldon did a work conference call. He was out the door before 10 to an appointment in town and I headed out to catch Switch, load and set off for lessons.

I was back after a really great private lesson by 1:30. It is the last one before this weekends really big show. Britt had sourced the dead animal in the ditch and she and Sheldon were just heading out to move it once I got home. B was then off to her massage and errand run in town. Sheldon got to work prepping the swather changing oil and greasing up to get cutting.

I found that the 2" rain this weekend had soaked lots in the horse trailer  so I hauled everything out and started washing pillows, blankets and sleeping bags!! The mattress smells mildewy so not sure on it. I also started tack cleaning for the show. Sheldon started cutting the older hay field around 4 (the neighbor cutting his inspired him I think). My stool - artwork customers arrived just after 6 to pick up the finished pieces as Britt was leaving for baseball.

Sheldon finished up the amount of hay he wanted to cut then started on the yard grass. I picked up bones and moved hoses and temp fences for his ease then we celebrated with a delicious steak supper. Britt did not get home until after 10 to eat her share.