Tuesday, June 19, 2018

riding lessons and trims

Riding lessons today but prince text I needed fuel first so after having a smoothie and having Britt who was up fairly early on her day off help me carry in the custom desk I headed out to catch Switch just before 10. I had her loaded, filled with fuel and at riding lessons just after 10:30. Once tacked up it was lesson time in yet another sunny 24 degree morning outdoor lesson. Today we worked on patterns.

Loaded back up and on the road, I pulled in about 1:10; The farrier was running late which worked well seeing I was a bit behind too. Britt and Dave were giving Roo her first actual bath.

I unloaded Switch and hosed her just in time for the farrier to drive up. She trimmed Switch, Bird and KD finishing up after 3:30. Finally I could chug a cold glass of ice tea and have a tuna sandwich, thank goodness for that smoothie this am! Dave and Britt had ran to town to eat while trimming commenced but back in about an hour. I staged the desk

But after a short visit Dave was off to ball and Britt got ready for her ball night. Tash, a good customer, dropped off 4 stools and 2 photos to update and wants the other stool I picked up painted to match too.

B did go herb the horses before Grady picked her up just before 6. I finally got a chance to vacuum the main floor and clear the island. I even cleaned the master bathroom and had a soak while catching A Handmaids Tale. B was home after 11 from ball.

Forgot to share these from the other day we were in town, we tried the NEW ice cap salted caramel (me) and chocolate chip (S) .. ok but sure sweet

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