Saturday, June 23, 2018

off to the races

A solid soaking rain started in the night, I heard it really coming down around 4 and continued till late morning and occasionally thru the day. Guess it was a good thing Britt did not get a team for the polox tournament as they had to cancel today. Dave is competing in the drivers challenge today and even though it is crappy day they run rain or shine. Britt wanted to go watch and wanted me to come along. I sealed the 5 stools quickly while she unpacked the dishwasher and put bacon in the oven. We enjoyed a most delicious bacon avocado and tomato sandwich before we were off around 12:30.

We grabbed a warm Tim’s before going to the track, the first few races we watched were drizzly but they did have covered tents which helped.

Britt took her "new to her" camera and snapped over 200 action shots. Will share a few when she gets them to me ;)

Britt did notice Chantelle AKA Kuhn and family and we went over to say hi. Turns out the entire Gerald Bishoff family of 28 was there to celebrate his 80th birthday. The weather even got better with the sun coming out for some races. In the end Dave did not rank 1 or 2 so no nationals for him but he did well. The Bishoff birthday race he was in the lead the entire way and got passed just at the

look at how close, Dave is closest to the rail

trying to wrangle 28 people into the winners circle

We made a stop at Cross Iron mall to return a few things and pick up a few things then was off for home. Of course we hit a bit of rain on the way home. When we got home I checked and we had almost ONE INCH and a HALF!!

Candace arrived to stay the night and as we visited we could see town looked like it was getting hit and it was not long before it came down here, another 2/10ths!! We had a great visit till about 1 am, Britt went to bed before us.

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