Friday, June 1, 2018

love the sound and smell of rain

The sound of rain going to sleep and waking up is most welcome. B was off at 7 and I got up to make coffee at 8. Debby and I visited until she was off to her 30 year reunion w/e. The rain let up not long after I got up but when Sheldon finally rose at 10:30, he checked the rain gauge to find 6/10ths!! of happy dance.

Cooper finally ventured out around 2:30 now that the sun occasionally broke thru. While he was out enjoying his patrol with Lola, Sheldon and I ran to town to pick up some tables I won via auction, first stop the dump to unload recyclables now the sun was out. Next to town to do some quick banking and returns, including another great warranty score with a NEW solar electric fencer from UFA,  grab an ice cap and head back home by 5:30.

B was home from work just before 7 catching the tail end of the supper. She then fed the 2 girls and showered up for another movie date night back in the city leaving by 9. Sheldon had went out to hang the charger toss a bale then he and I unloaded the tables to the garage. Perfect timing as a rain cloud unloaded just after they were in with the sun shining. SO pretty!

check out my slow motion rain video

We started a new series called The Handmaids Tale by Canadian author Margret Atwood, it is rather different but we will give it a try

Forgot to share we are doing a trial on a homemade "round up" and so far it is working really well.

How to Make Your Own Cheap, Organic Weed Killer With Just 3 Ingredients

It may sound too simple to be true, but you really can make your own incredibly effective weed killer using just 3 ingredients you probably have in your kitchen right now.
White vinegar. Simple ordinary distilled white vinegar with 5% acidity is super cheap and works extremely well. The higher the acidity the better, as it will work faster the more acidic it is, but in the end, the results will be the same – dead weeds.
Table salt. All you need is the cheapest salt there is – not anything fancy like rock salt, sea salt or Epsom salts, just your basic iodized or unionized table salt. That’s it.
Dishwashing soap. The brand doesn’t really matter, and all you need is a few drops. The dishwashing liquid is used in order to break the surface tension of the white vinegar so that it will stick to the weeds and force them to more readily absorb it.
1 gallon vinegar : 2 cups salt : 1/4 cup dish soap

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