Thursday, June 21, 2018

shopping spree

A real no set plan kinda day is the perfect kinda day. I actually made coffee and spent time finalizing a sale for the latest end table and the farmhouse shelf! I am going to deliver to her Mom's in town today as I have other things to do. I had to video the build and write out the supply list to and hope S can make me a couple more. The black chairs had another coat of hemp oil added in hopes of pick up later today but turns out it will be tomorrow.

I got them loaded up and was off to town at 11:30. My first stop was tp pick up books for cousin Kristi then drop off the sold items. A few more errands before heading to the western store where I found cowgirl boots (not tall like I planned but the same kind as my old ones) and a pretty saddle pad.

At Sheldon's favorite store I found my peony plants on sale so loaded up on 3 and while there could not pass up 2 other cool planters. One is for Mama K as a late mothers day gift, surprise!!

Then it was on to groceries.. always a pain to get, load and unload. Back home it was unload time, whew she is a hot one at 27 all day so the A/C feels great but I worked in the garage putting on another coat of blue on the stools and it was 28 in there!!

Venturing back out to hand weed and water, Britt arrived home from work as I was doing so. She got ready and was off to town to visit with friends so I went out to ride alone. The wind was now picking up but no bugs as a bonus. I set up a mock course for one of the show patterns to work on. Switch did very well at it and conditioning. Then it was back to weeding and watering while trying to get the dogs in as well as putting away things that were blowing around.

hard to see but it has a gate element, a wood L, trot poles and a drum with a large fly sheet

waiting as I put stuff away and then out studying it on her own :)

Handmaids Tale was my late night relaxing, Britt was home after 11 and off to her room as I finished up an episode or two more ;)

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