Tuesday, June 30, 2015

last day june 2015

A storm rolled in during the night. A loud clap of thunder had Coco scurrying so I followed her to the basement where she quickly peed her self and my carpet... bad Coco. The next 10 minutes were spent carpet cleaning after tucking her in her thunder kennel then back to bed. It was really good to see some rain even if not a huge amount.

A slower start to the last day of June getting up at 9, enjoying a coffee while waiting for Britt to get home and help load the 2 Colorado bound horses to the vets. The coggins test and assessment did not take long and we had them loaded back up and off to grab a bolt cutter as it seems our mail box lock was attempted to be cut off but not completely.

Sheldon snapped this picture of Lola and her silly smile face, what a dog

Back at the ranch we put the horses in the temp hot wire pen to keep cleaning it off as well as get them used to it too. It was not long before they broke out! dam!

A great opportunity presented itself when a customer suggested to her friend in town who runs a store to contact me. She wanted to have me showcase some pieces and cross post each others pages. Sheldon and I loaded 5 bigger pieces up and were back to town. Once unloaded there we got fuel and cut the bolt off at the mail before heading home.

Britt managed to take the 2 horses out and reload with 2 others then. I also finished up more top coats, brought the end tables in, staged and posted.

The enclave got a dinging out and scrub ready to put at the approach
The Schmitt family arrived back from their travels to enjoy a fun filled family supper and social hours evening. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

girls get moved

Up early and out the door coffee in hand as today is moving day for the girls.  Coco decided she needed to come along too. The day was overcast and cooler then the 30 called for hitting only a high of 24. There were sprinkles on the morning and a couple later in  the day but nothing to really count.

We arrived  at the girls by 9:30 and had loaded in an hour. The trip to the new place proved a bit of a problem when both full length mirrors were positioned in a bad place and were smashed ;( The run of bad luck continued with the queen size mattress box spring not fitting down the stairwell and when the couch moved in, the key in the lock was snapped off. Oh my, apparently the cleaning crew never completed either but we did get all moved in and they will unbox once cleaning is done.
Kaylin had an appointment in south Calgary at 1:15 so now being 12 we stopped at Chili's for lunch however after waiting over 15 minutes with not even a hello from the waitress we had to leave and head   to the food court.. At least everyone got a tummy full before they jetted off. Shaina had to grab her vehicle as she works at 2 at the golf course.

We got home, unloaded K's hutch back to her room, S's box spring in the storage trailer and put the mirrors in the garage to get a quote for new mirror or I will just use to create. It was time to reload fresh shavings and putt the tack area back up, the drive snapped an bridle hook off adding to another disaster of the day lol Tomorrow am it is horse time back in the trailer.

Britt was off to work for 3 while Sheldon kicked back until his ride came around 4:30 to take him to pick up Enclave that had even MORE repairs done today this time a ball joint but that being said it is completely sound and ready for new owners.

I touched up the end tables with more black glaze and spent rest of afternoon updating the days behind blog and poor facebook CM page. Back from town with groceries, Sheldon barbecued up some salmon and fried the other nights left over potatoes, yum for sure. Thanks, I like nights off from cooking.
By now the sun popped thru so we took the dogs for walk and put out a few lawn mowers before I put a final top coat on the end tables and Sheldon surfed the net. Britt came home from work and was soon off to another party, this time a camp out at Grady's.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

horse trailer detailed

Sunday is going to be another hot one at 25 around 9 am already. The drying wind was also blowing too making for a stay inside start. Coffee and blog update began my morning but I really should be out sweeping out the trailer for moving the girls tomorrow and working on the end tables.

Time to get busy so I did black glaze both end tables. I also cleaned all the shavings out of trailer and swept it out before rousting Britt to help me. The rolled back mats now came completely out and the tack and the pressure washer came out to. Note to self, do not rinse poop laddened hands with pressure washer as wrist skin may peel off!!

The whole inside got a thorough hose and scrub. We did run out of gas so had an  hour break waiting to get cell service to Sheldon who was on his way home from Oyen as to which gas to us in washer. Once we got the info I filled it up and back at it we were. So HOT, 33 degrees!! Success, now to dry while we sat with the poor hot dogs on the deck. I watered the garden  and planters as they are drying out so fast..and did a few trees for Sheldon too

When Sheldon got home he was kind enough to cook the steak I had taken out and throw on a potato pack again with fresh dill and cilantro from my garden, YUMMY! Britt head off to the movies with Grady and Caleb. Sheldon watered more trees and filled horse trough while I walked the dogs.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

she's a hot one folks

In anticipation of the continued heat wave, polox was moved even earlier. I was up before 7:30 getting stuff together for the day trip. Slowly others joined me for coffee but soon Britt and I caught the 3 horses and were off to the city, it was 23 already at 815.

Sheldon was on breakfast and coffee detail before the Schmitt's headed north and he was off east to Tyrel & Chynna's wedding.

Polox was a HOT one, breaks between games found most hidden under the grove of trees next to the field and after it ended a picnic social hour in a shady area too.

Krystalle met us there to pick up her growth ruler then we were off home arriving just before 3.
The rest of the day was a write off now at 32 degrees. I enjoyed time with the poor sweltering dogs on the deck while Britt chilled inside.
 poppies blooming.. love poppies

A shower helped to refresh and Edo was picked up by Jetta B. I even managed to squeeze in a nap, something I never do but the day and late night had drained my energy.
Britt joined to me finished season 3 of Nashville to round out the night in the comfy A/C home.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Schmitt's arrive

Friday it is to be super hot, we sleep in till 9:30, wow! Sheldon ran the truck in for its warranty work catching a ride back. He continued his tree watering mission for the entire day.

I finished the test board now adding glaze and patiently waited for the customer to decide but it seems she had no internet. I arbitrarily decided the black glaze will win so gave it a coat of top coat to get one step ahead. Accounting took up more of my day now that I have my program back up and running.

Schmitt family arrived around 5 and the fun ensued. Shaina came out and she and Britt rode in the scorching now down to 28 degrees while we stayed inside catching up. Everyone enjoyed the chili I made and the Patez's joined in as well.

Britt was off to ball in Standard but was back later to join in the blazing campfire. We all moved out on the deck to visit on yet another gorgeous night and once the bugs started to show and the temps dipped a bit we started the fire.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

picture ;( day.. not

So today was supposed to be rescheduled pic day but once I checked messages I found our day was cancelled. darn the luck as it was another beauty day.

S off to town yet again with trash and Britt following to get a new jetta tire on her rim and then installed, she was off to the city while the work was done with friends to shop for the afternoon.

The wells were both purged as I worked on the end tables, did a test board (clear & dark wax) for the gal and did horse laundry but enjoyed some sunshine.
Britt rode while I put out 2 lawn mowers for a bit. Campfire time, what a beauty night! Would have been great for pictures ;(
 puppy love
 cheers to another gorgeous night