Monday, June 29, 2015

girls get moved

Up early and out the door coffee in hand as today is moving day for the girls.  Coco decided she needed to come along too. The day was overcast and cooler then the 30 called for hitting only a high of 24. There were sprinkles on the morning and a couple later in  the day but nothing to really count.

We arrived  at the girls by 9:30 and had loaded in an hour. The trip to the new place proved a bit of a problem when both full length mirrors were positioned in a bad place and were smashed ;( The run of bad luck continued with the queen size mattress box spring not fitting down the stairwell and when the couch moved in, the key in the lock was snapped off. Oh my, apparently the cleaning crew never completed either but we did get all moved in and they will unbox once cleaning is done.
Kaylin had an appointment in south Calgary at 1:15 so now being 12 we stopped at Chili's for lunch however after waiting over 15 minutes with not even a hello from the waitress we had to leave and head   to the food court.. At least everyone got a tummy full before they jetted off. Shaina had to grab her vehicle as she works at 2 at the golf course.

We got home, unloaded K's hutch back to her room, S's box spring in the storage trailer and put the mirrors in the garage to get a quote for new mirror or I will just use to create. It was time to reload fresh shavings and putt the tack area back up, the drive snapped an bridle hook off adding to another disaster of the day lol Tomorrow am it is horse time back in the trailer.

Britt was off to work for 3 while Sheldon kicked back until his ride came around 4:30 to take him to pick up Enclave that had even MORE repairs done today this time a ball joint but that being said it is completely sound and ready for new owners.

I touched up the end tables with more black glaze and spent rest of afternoon updating the days behind blog and poor facebook CM page. Back from town with groceries, Sheldon barbecued up some salmon and fried the other nights left over potatoes, yum for sure. Thanks, I like nights off from cooking.
By now the sun popped thru so we took the dogs for walk and put out a few lawn mowers before I put a final top coat on the end tables and Sheldon surfed the net. Britt came home from work and was soon off to another party, this time a camp out at Grady's.

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