Wednesday, June 10, 2015

paint project progress

Today was a not as hot day, good for working in the garage. I added another coat of wax to the coffee table then power buffed it. The pink test board got a top coat added before glazing and while it was out I top coated the green accent table too.

The eves-trough guys arrived at 10 to do the south side of the shop. Holy cow, forgot to get cash for them so off to town I went grabbing cat food and some refreshments and checked out some trees before snapping up the mail and getting back. They were done in 2 hours, not bad.
 Back to work on the test board
left- glaze on top plain below

right- bolder glaze

 with a seat material choice
This was making me crazy as it seemed not right, lucky for me my travelling consultant arrived with her two small cohorts, I fed them a Popsicle while they fed dogs treats and we discussed, our minds both thought it needed even more black so I got out my black paint and came up with this.. yes, better! Thanks AJ, always good to bounce ideas off you.
Seeing I had some muscles on site I had her help me move the coffee table in to stage. THANK YOU!! We laughed at the kids running around and had a short visit before they were off back to town to nap. Ada cracked me up when she saw the coffee table "ooo methy", out of the mouths of babes
Now it was time to scrub the whole vanity good and let dry.Britt got home from school, changed and off we went to trim horse feet. She catches then watches me :) however she did go fill the mineral/salt tubs and paid & put away the eggs when they arrived, hahaha and she COOKED supper!! Starting the barbecue, cooking smokies and Kraft dinner, delicious B, thanks!

Switch riled up the troops when she could not see the missing 2 horses
We had left Hawk & Bird in round pen after doing their feet and after supper we went for a ride in the sunshine. Once hosed clean, this is what my horse does..
Gail and her mom stopped for a short visit and get her treasures. Britt kindly rode KD who was feeling a bit fresh, bad KD
While she rode, I stained the vanity top ebony! Another brilliant idea I had after AJ left.

Grady stopped quick at supper to show us his new wheels, lucky kids these days ;) I posted the coffee table and within an hour I had an offer, will see if it pans out. Seems I best go have a shower now, ok maybe after a rhubarb bar, cheers all!

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