Monday, June 1, 2015

entered a fab flip contest ~ Jun 1

Had to put Lola inside by 2:30, coyotes were causing allot of barking, then I let her out before 8. Britt was off to school and I crawled back into bed finally getting back up around 9:30 and forcing Shaina out by 10. She was to make a ride video of Baby for interested parties but after cooking her breakfast and getting out there she only had time to ride her for a warm up. I did get a wee video of ground work before she had to put her away and head to town for chiro and acupuncture.

I spent a bit of time uploading my contest entry to a fabulous furniture flip, lets see how it goes. You can see mine at the bottom as well as others entered on this blog.
Britt and the boys arrived just before she left to spend one of the few last Monday spare mornings. We played some pool and had pizza. Shaina joined us too before they were off back to school. It was not long and Shannon stopped to pick her up and they were off to work at the golf course.
I did some work on the night stand, watered a few more trees and walked the dogs in yet another lovely sunshiny day. Getting a simple appetizer and drinks ready was next in order and when Britt got home from school we hurried to catch horses and hook up the trailer. The hidden ball hitch is a PAIN IN THE @$$ so this took much longer than I wanted leaving Hawk's front trim no time ;(

After the harried hook up, we laoded them and were off to our last lesson night. Tonight both groups did a full working equitation night. This includes a trail course done first as accuracy then as speed and rounded up with a dressage test. It was a ton off fun and showed how far we came from just 6 weeks ago.

 photos all thanks to Jacquie McArthur

A gal met us there to buy some of Shaina's lulu stuff. Once the horses were untacked and happily eating their hay we were off to Jac's lovely home for a windup pot luck. It was fun to have social time with the group and I was shocked to receive the honor of most improved, awe thanks Jill & Jacquie! Both Britt and I highly recommend Jill's lessons, she is a fabulous teacher and just was featured in this magazine we need to track down.

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