Monday, June 8, 2015

Britt gets her "new" Jetta

Monday June 8th broke a few records, one in the heat department hitting a high of 32 degrees. Sheldon was up early doing due diligence on the car, Britt chose to give up her work shift just in case the blue Calgary one fell thru and they needed to head to Edmonton. She was off to school for first 2 classes of the day. he also continued his tree water plan, I gave my garden a quick drink between trees at one point. I threw chicken in the slow cooker for burritos for supper, yum.

Not long after Sheldon ran in to get a bank draft after running a lien check and scoop some beer as we were all out, imagine! and knowing today would be a hot one. It wasn't long and Britt was home from her classes and we loaded up and headed to the city.

We arrived at the car location, B&S took it for another test drive while I stayed back and filled out the bill of sale. The deal was made and we were about to leave when the bank created an hour and a half delay on the draft. GRRRRRRRR Britt and I sat in the plus 30 heat in a back alley near a stinky trash bin for most of that time while bank hopping went on. After 2 they finally returned with all resolved and we were on our way.
 few pics while waiting in the alley, Britt's hard work has paid off!! Yay B!!
Britt and Sheldon headed home so B could detail her car and I was off to Costco. What a mistake I made thinking Monday would be quiet, it was insane busy but I persevered. I grabbed some bedding plants to to add more color to the deck and front step.
check out temps in the city on the black asphalt.. holy cow

Back at home, Britt was busy in the garage detailing and Sheldon cracked a cold beer for me. Time to plant the plants and water them up before heading back inside. Incredible just how hot it was. The poor puppies were sweltering.
Supper was perfect only having to shred the chicken in the pot and shred up some cheese and veg. Washed down with a cold beer made it even more summer worthy. I took the dogs for a walk after supper and found the wind had picked up quite a bit but also cooled it down a bit.

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