Sunday, June 28, 2015

horse trailer detailed

Sunday is going to be another hot one at 25 around 9 am already. The drying wind was also blowing too making for a stay inside start. Coffee and blog update began my morning but I really should be out sweeping out the trailer for moving the girls tomorrow and working on the end tables.

Time to get busy so I did black glaze both end tables. I also cleaned all the shavings out of trailer and swept it out before rousting Britt to help me. The rolled back mats now came completely out and the tack and the pressure washer came out to. Note to self, do not rinse poop laddened hands with pressure washer as wrist skin may peel off!!

The whole inside got a thorough hose and scrub. We did run out of gas so had an  hour break waiting to get cell service to Sheldon who was on his way home from Oyen as to which gas to us in washer. Once we got the info I filled it up and back at it we were. So HOT, 33 degrees!! Success, now to dry while we sat with the poor hot dogs on the deck. I watered the garden  and planters as they are drying out so fast..and did a few trees for Sheldon too

When Sheldon got home he was kind enough to cook the steak I had taken out and throw on a potato pack again with fresh dill and cilantro from my garden, YUMMY! Britt head off to the movies with Grady and Caleb. Sheldon watered more trees and filled horse trough while I walked the dogs.

1 comment:

  1. You seriously look great! And I love the dogs too, make me want to have my own pup. The garden is looking great! I've always had plans in my head of starting it myself but I am such a lazy old pile of bones... Stay safe, and all the best to you.

    German Zollinger @ Total Clean Equip
