Thursday, April 30, 2020

Wind is back ;(

We lucked out with no wind yesterday am, it is back starting first thing again. And most of the day was overcast and blustery. It even blew the 8 pound bowling ball off but I think the cardboard I left under it caused that. I was very busy all morning packaging up the tin tiles to mail to Michigan, take part in an hour Pinterest course, answering emails and marketing. In the garage I put another coat of stain on the buffet top, perfect.

I had a lady offer furniture from a storage unit So took the truck seeing the trailer is hooked up in to town. I dropped the parcel off and right next door is a new Chinese place so I ordered take out for dinner then sopped at the storage unit. It is sad to see people just walk away from units but this one was full of junk. I actually am not sure why people pay to store junk. I did get a cute antique chair, a unique stool, a ornate footboard  and a checkers table. I left the dressers that were all pressboard, broken and missing drawers.

I was back at the ranch before 2 with 7 spits of rain on the way home. The Chinese food was delicious.

I ran out the meds to B&B then back to the garage to clear wax the buffet and put knobs on too. Of course there were some glue repairs needed but now it is very close to done. The top needs to dry for a day or two then be clear coated and the base dark waxed.

Supper was a smoothie and pepperoni stick, oh how I miss my meal boxes, a girl gets spoiled. Next week one is coming ;) I was drinking my supper when Britt and Cooper popped out an hour early at 6:30. She groomed horses, fed Bird and cats and was on her way before 8. While she did this I opened the garage door, hauled out the boots and boot shelf and swept the garage. Bad idea as the wind swirls around there and blew most of the hair balls back in. I brought in my plants too and put everything back in order.

I then moved on to a few new projects. The jewelry box I sanded the top of got a coat of stain when I was doing the buffet so now I added a couple clear coats. I prepped another wall décor piece, removing glass brackets, filling holes, wiping and painting it and cutting chicken wire to fit the missing glass area.

I also opened the paint parcel I picked up the other day, ooo not sure I am a fan of this shipment. For sure not the green. Too bad she did not replace the frozen paint colors of charcoal and warm white.

All was left to dry coming in at 9 for the day. The sky was dark and threatening with a cool sunset and not long after it actually rained. I am not sure how much as we have no gauge.

I did a bit of marketing then hit YouTube. Plant videos had me out pulling out one of the Gollum jade plants and trying something new too.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Custom ordered tin tiles

The big field is to be sprayed today, early they said so I woke at 6:30 and nothing. The days was looking really nice sunny and no wind. I fell back asleep for an hour or so and when I awoke it was still nice which is good as they did not arrive till after 8:30. I pushed out my plants (I totally forgot to take them in the other night and got really lucky) I got Lola inside so not to walk in the sprayed fields when wet and in half an hour they were done and gone.

I wrote a tutorial for the latest crate while sipping my caps along with a bit more marketing. Then it was time to get projects going. The gal ordered shades of grey tin tiles in a different pattern. But first I had to cut tiles. I hauled the board out to the barn, set up the table saw and got them all cut.

I sprayed the bowling ball as I passed too

Back in the garage they were wiped, edges sanded and the embossing paste over stencil completed.

The horses got their pills. The sun decided to leave and the wind pick up so it seems the spray boys made it in time I hope and the plants sucked it up and not the wind. The buffet top was stained a rich java stain color and the base another coat of paint. I stopped for a quick tuna sandwich then back out. The base was sanded. Paint it all pretty and then make it look old ;)

I drove the ranger to the gate to meet another fellow selling my used paint sprayer. Then back to the garage working on the buffet sanding then painted the base color on the finally dry tiles.

Supper was the second portion of the spicy Thai chicken and back to do all the dry brushing colors on the tiles. I used 4 other paint colors and 4 metallic colors and I think they are complete.

The chairs I recently finished were offered to Lynda to go with her dining table she bought from me but she finally responded she would let them pass. Actually she asked for them cheaper in exchange for more chairs but I held strong Sheldon and said sorry not until I sell about 20 first. ;) There were 2 other ladies in lines willing to pay and when I went to let them know I noticed one was from Provost. She said she knew I was where I was and would love to take a drive to pick them up AND could I refinish a table to match them. Holy upsale on these chairs for sure. I worked out a quote and date for pickup/dropoff.

I had another call today from a customer that I did her dining table before Christmas wanting me to do her chairs but I think I talked her into trying herself as I did with Lynda to paint the chairs she wanted to give me. I have had 2 folks yesterday message wanting to know if I was buying pieces. Again I passed as they were not selling at refinishing prices. But it seems folks are wanting to change out pieces now after being home so much.

Lola skin is still red and itchy poor girl

Britt popped out at her usual time, took the ranger to feed Bird and was gone home just as fast as she arrived. I never even saw her face. I laid the buffet on its back to do its feet and hand paint with an artist brush a few areas and wipe a few other under edges. I called it a day at 10 and came in to a cold drink and blog writing. The tile gal messaged she wanted the tiles lighter.. hmmm ok tomorrow lady.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Roo turns 3

The days are getting so nice with sun and no wind at 7 but again by mid morning the wind picks up. I did my usual 2 cups while marketing then gave meds to B&B and jumped in the car after 10 to run to town. I had 2 parcels to pick up (Paint and dog food), a bank deposit then grabbed a few groceries and a birthday gift for Aislyn.

Being a lovely but windy day I stopped at Amanda's to drop Aislyn's gift and meet Miss Clover in the back yard. Britt and Cooper popped by too but Coop was very scared of all the bright toys, kids and sharp toothed puppy.

We set off for the ranch after 12, me going thru A&W drive thru to get burgers and B the Tim's drive thru for ice caps. We met back at the ranch to eat then get on with our horse day. We started by paddock clean up. B raked the old hay in piles and I loaded, added poop and took to pit to dump, repeat for 4 loads.

It was so ruddy windy though the hay was hard to contain in the ranger box so we moved on to the next thing: riding. She caught Roo and Pepper and I Switch and we did a repeat of the other day setting out bareback after grooming and cutting bridle paths.

 birthday girl!

It is Roo's 3rd birthday so she got lots of affection and grooming. She is also going for her training on Sunday! Once we were in the big field Switch was feeling spritely so we came across to the barn where I threw on a saddle. The legs are a bit sore to attempt any bareback bucks today. Then off we went again. Back at the barn we trimmed feet. B did Roo as I caught KD then ran to the gate to meet a fellow selling a paint sprayer. I had lost a glove while riding so took a quick loop in the ranger seeing in it already and found it back at the gate LOL

I trimmed Pepper and KD with B smoothing them up. Everyone got their vaccines in the butt by Dr B and Bird was fed. We put the horse in the summer pasture as they are planning to spray weeds early in the morning. It was a busy horse care day. B and Cooper loaded up yard tools Dave need for the deck rebuild and were off for home around 6:30. I ate the second helping of mushroom pork and chugged a cold beer before hitting the shower. A bit of marketing then watched CoronaVirus Explained on Netflix, have you watched it?

Monday, April 27, 2020

What a day

It is another ground hogs day with sun/clouds and WIND with a usual start with cappuccinos and marketing. I sanded up the dining chairs, hauled in and staged for a few shots.

I took the bowling ball to the barn and applied the first coats.

After a tuna sandwich lunch I saw the horses in for salt so ran out Brid and Bandit's meds. Then it was to the garage to sand the buffet top.

A message arrived that the navy silverware chest was delivered but damaged. After a few calls to Canada Post it was determined that they would not cover damage ;( This left my options to refund her partial or in full if she mails it back. She is planning to mail back.

The windy day that went from sun to cloud was awful to listen to, yuck. I have been putting the 2 large planters out daily so hauled them back in and retrieved the painted bowling ball, perhaps too soon as left finger prints.

I met a gal at the gate selling my new galaxy tab I got with my phone. She knocked her daughters into the sink last night and was very pleased to find a store with a new one open LOL Back at the house, I cooked up the last meal of this weeks box; spicy thai peanut satay chicken. It was good but I forgot it had pepper and onions as the veggies and I am not a fan of either LOL

I was making a decaf cappuccino when Britt and Cooper stopped out around the usual 7:30 for his potty break (he is scared of his back yard so saves it for here) and to drop off vaccines for tomorrow. It was too windy to feed Bird so they were soon off to town. I headed back out to the garage and painted the buffet its first coat of grey.

best pill pockets... bison liver... gone in seconds

While doing so I got an Etsy sale for 4 tiles.. however the 4 I have are not the same so messaged the buyer to be sure she was not wanting to hang all together. If so I will be painting a new set. A huger windstorm arrived at 9 as I was cleaning up and coming in. It blew in 55 drops of rain, enough to make the windows look even dirtier but nothing to wet the grass or clean up. I caught up the blog calling it a night at 11 but of course had to play a few scrabble games and listen to a podcast before lights out after midnight.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Ride 'em Cowgirl

I was awakened by a banging sound at 7. Leaping out of bed I found it was Roo in the shelter get minerals/salt. Thanks Roo! All the horses were in too and the sun was shining and no wind. However it did pick up about 45 minutes later ;(

After my caps and a cookie bar slice I got busy finishing the last 2 black chairs giving a coat of black and all the seats another coat of ebony stain.

The buffet had the top stripped. Then it was on to plants. I have been putting these two out for sun each day but today I decided to plant the mandevilla in a big pot and put a tomato cage in to run it up. I hope it works.

A quick peperoni stick and 2 cookie squares was lunch then I was back outside to find chairs to match the table and snap a picture. I grabbed a bowling ball to get busy with its makeover, scrubbed it up and was sanding it when Britt and Cooper arrived before 2.

these antique chairs are so ornate and neat

She went and caught horses while I scooped poop in the closest paddock on my way to the pit to dump the ranger box. Then I jetted over to Sharon's via the neighbors field to grab Britt's chaps she had as going to make me a pair in navy suede. Back to the round pen where Britt had started on Daisy grooming and trimming.

She is really getting a hang of this trimming stuff. I did Bandit and Switch and picked out Bird for her to do after she rounded Bandit. I was the joe boy too releasing horses and fetching cold drinks ;) She and I then caught Switch and Pepper as well as Roo and headed out for a bareback ponying adventure.

And it was that, as we got into the big pasture the rest ran over to join us for the walk. Heading to the barn created a bit more excitement which had the loose ones breaking the rules and loping for home. When Daisy came up behind Switch I moved her prancy self near the other two which resulted in Roo double barrel kicking her sending her bucking up the fenceline. Did I mention a few minutes earlier there was a fresh burst of rocking horse action that B was impressed I stuck? And I stuck the buck turned lope to the yard gate, yeah me!

Now that all were together again we walked the entire route around the yard down the drive, thru the gates back to the barn. The wind blocked by the huge spruce trees makes such a difference to the crazy prairie winds. Switch was let go, Pepper got a quick tuneup then Roo had class. B worked lots of groundwork then I joined to be the lifter of B and the walker of horse and rider. Success!

It was now 5:30, B fed Bird and gave Bandit his pill seeing he is not doing so well off them then she grabbed more cookie squares and she and Cooper were off for home by 6. I ate leftovers and worked on blog posts and tutorials along with marketing. A shower, smoothie and a cookie square before loading videos onto the blog then off to bed to play some Scrabble. I forgot to share these videos from riding on my birthday too