Tuesday, April 21, 2020

It's my birthday ;)

Even though I had very little sleep last night it was a great morning for a birthday. I was awake at 7 after finally falling asleep around 4 having watched a pile of sourdough videos that left my head spinning with ideas. The sun was shining, I had a phone full of well wishes and walking out to my super tidy kitchen I saw the cute little Zamia tree (phoned the flower shop to ID) and huge bouquet of flowers that continues to fill our home with fragrant lily smells to make a yummy cappuccino to start the day.

All the horses were laying down sleeping and sunning with Switch as the sentinel on guard. With my yummy cappuccinos I got busy marketing and replying to all the kind birthday wishes. I still could not find any information on the little bonsai tree S got me so contacted a bonsai specialist online and he replied it looks like a Ficus probably Ficus retusa. I agree it seems more like the HUGE ficus we had. Silly flower shop. I even called them again today and they were useless as to confirmed identity or care.

I mixed up a batch of sourdough bread and left it to rise for 18 hours. (Hint, use the shower caps instead of throw away cling wrap) Brittany and Cooper stopped out around 12:30 bringing me a chai tea and gift from the girls: A new rasp and loop knife. THANKS my beauties. They will get well used for sure.

She and I talked about paddocks cleanup and not long after she was off to rake hay, holy cow. For the next couple hours she raked and I loaded and hauled to the pit. 3 loads seemed like a bit but it never made much of a dent on all that we have to clean up but it is a start, THANKS B!

We walked out to catch horses and walking back when Shaina and Jacob rolled in around 3:30. We tacked up and went for a ride thru the winery. The day had gone from sunny to overcast and threatening rain but none came thank goodness. It can come when we are not on a ride. We did get a bit of sun now and then on the ride too.

Once back, untacked, brushed and let go we had a cold beverage to celebrate. Jacob brought me a lovely gift that will be sure to get used, THANKS Jacob! I loaded them up with some sour dough starter and Hello Fresh boxes for packing (they have another month before they have to move now) and they were off to the city just before 6.

While loading, Amanda stopped to drop off some gorgeous daisies and raspberries, THANK YOU Paetz's!! XOXO Britt and Cooper were off soon after too. Now what for supper?? Vietnamese sounds good so I called in my order and ran to town to get it picking the mail up on the way back. I enjoyed eating in my favorite golden hour of the day. For the rest of the evening I replied to well wishers with a fruit protein smoothie as my birthday cake ;)

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