Thursday, April 16, 2020


Sunshine!! Fabulous to see and hope it stays. After our usual coffee start to the day it was back to the garage for me. The round table top did NOT look good at all so using mineral spirits I scrubbed it all off. S headed out to toss hay and gave B&P their pills too. I prepped the dresser to work today repairing a drawer runner, sanding a jewelry box top and chair seat.

These guys are loving the sunshine too

After lunch S gave me a hand putting on the new feet plates then he was off to the shop and I got busy on the dresser. Stencilling and painting while putting the drawers in and out about 5 times to take photos and stand it up and lay it down. A mini gym workout.

Which color? I let S pick, he chose chocolate! LOL

I filled this too

I had to get out in the glorious sunshine just before 3 to give Bird her meds. It was soooooo nice. It hit mid teens! Back inside I finished up the dresser work and scrubbed up all the tools.

I cooked up a taco supper but S was not in for news and beer at 6 so went to check if he nailed himself to the wall ;) He finished up his task and came in at 7 to eat. Ninja B and Cooper were here again in and out in short order. I was back in the garage dark waxing the table top and the dresser. No movie tonight, it was relaxing in bed while I watched another Restaurants on the Edge.

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