Sunday, April 26, 2020

Ride 'em Cowgirl

I was awakened by a banging sound at 7. Leaping out of bed I found it was Roo in the shelter get minerals/salt. Thanks Roo! All the horses were in too and the sun was shining and no wind. However it did pick up about 45 minutes later ;(

After my caps and a cookie bar slice I got busy finishing the last 2 black chairs giving a coat of black and all the seats another coat of ebony stain.

The buffet had the top stripped. Then it was on to plants. I have been putting these two out for sun each day but today I decided to plant the mandevilla in a big pot and put a tomato cage in to run it up. I hope it works.

A quick peperoni stick and 2 cookie squares was lunch then I was back outside to find chairs to match the table and snap a picture. I grabbed a bowling ball to get busy with its makeover, scrubbed it up and was sanding it when Britt and Cooper arrived before 2.

these antique chairs are so ornate and neat

She went and caught horses while I scooped poop in the closest paddock on my way to the pit to dump the ranger box. Then I jetted over to Sharon's via the neighbors field to grab Britt's chaps she had as going to make me a pair in navy suede. Back to the round pen where Britt had started on Daisy grooming and trimming.

She is really getting a hang of this trimming stuff. I did Bandit and Switch and picked out Bird for her to do after she rounded Bandit. I was the joe boy too releasing horses and fetching cold drinks ;) She and I then caught Switch and Pepper as well as Roo and headed out for a bareback ponying adventure.

And it was that, as we got into the big pasture the rest ran over to join us for the walk. Heading to the barn created a bit more excitement which had the loose ones breaking the rules and loping for home. When Daisy came up behind Switch I moved her prancy self near the other two which resulted in Roo double barrel kicking her sending her bucking up the fenceline. Did I mention a few minutes earlier there was a fresh burst of rocking horse action that B was impressed I stuck? And I stuck the buck turned lope to the yard gate, yeah me!

Now that all were together again we walked the entire route around the yard down the drive, thru the gates back to the barn. The wind blocked by the huge spruce trees makes such a difference to the crazy prairie winds. Switch was let go, Pepper got a quick tuneup then Roo had class. B worked lots of groundwork then I joined to be the lifter of B and the walker of horse and rider. Success!

It was now 5:30, B fed Bird and gave Bandit his pill seeing he is not doing so well off them then she grabbed more cookie squares and she and Cooper were off for home by 6. I ate leftovers and worked on blog posts and tutorials along with marketing. A shower, smoothie and a cookie square before loading videos onto the blog then off to bed to play some Scrabble. I forgot to share these videos from riding on my birthday too

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