Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Kaylin announces new business venture

Broken sleep thanks to S's early morning bathroom break around 5:30 and Shaina prepping a cap for her early meeting then H thinking it was morning. She went out after 6 but paced around hoping to eat. I finally put her in the garage before 7. Britt dropped off Cooper just after 8 with his lunch kit of raw food and snack for day care as well as a chai tea! THANKS! S made coffee when I was feeding H her breakfast at 8:30. I tossed out frozen venison for a search too then let Cooper out to join in. They love this game.

Shaina made another cap then back to her day. S enjoyed his coffee on the deck with the pack after letting the kitties out. The horses were lounging out front too. The entire pack are loving the sunshine with a little wind. Shower time and on with the day.

The news is finally out about Kaylin's new business purchase. We are very proud of you K and wish you all the best in this new chapter of your life. XOXO Be sure to follow and like her business page on Facebook, Instagram and website. All small businesses need as much support in this vast social media world. Sharing, liking and commenting on all platforms really helps.

S went out to fix the poor north light on the barn that continues to get pummeled in the high winds we get. I published the nightstand tutorial and shared it accordingly. 

I then moved on to the jumbo comforter I want to cut into quarters. So funny when I laid it out Harley came in and had to lay on it :)

The kids came in for rest and snack time

I hauled up the sewing machine and serger and prepped to do it. Shaina took her lunch break at 1 and cooked us her egg muffin specialty, yummy THANKS!

After a bit of a shaky start (been many years since I serged) I got 3 done up fairly quick. Then the wheels fell off the bus with a broken thread and tension and for a couple hours I cussed at it. Shaina was odd to get her hair done around 3. Sheldon headed to town around 4:30 to meet the new tenants at 5 which was my lucky hour when the machine finally worked and I could finish the 4th quilt. 

Bully also got a repair, I took out some stuffing, serged the legs closed, put the pants back on and sewed across waist and legs to be more durable.

all 4 finally complete 

S was back by 5:30 as I was feeding the dogs their supper. He and I prepped steak and veggies for supper. B arrived at 6 in time to join us for this yummy meal.

B fed her horse, put the kitties away and was off for home around 7:30. S hit the couch with hockey while I washed up the pots and pans then worked on the blog. We both headed to bed around 9 as Flames game was cancelled due to covid. We started a documentary called Seaspiracy but shut off after an hour as dozy.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Princess pirate heads home

Lexi wanted out at 3:11 for a quick pee then H at 5:45 but each went back to bed. H however had to be put in garage around 6:30 as she thought maybe she should eat early again. H was so excited to see Lexi still here and in bed with us.

hi best friend :)

I prepped both girls breakfast around 8:30 as S made coffee. Shaina was up for some toast and her cap then off to get her day going. I got the Monday marketing going with a call to the bank at 11 then chatted with a corso breeder about raw food.

S was off to town around 10:30 dropping trash and checking in on the rental, looking at some harrows and drove by the rental ones I looked at last week. He was back at before noon and made tuna sandwiches for lunch while watching the news.

We braved the high of plus 3 with a wee wind but sun and took Harley and the cats for a loop around west. Shaina had a diet coke on the couch snuggling Lexi for her break. Harley found a deer leg on our walk and was so proud but Sheldon took it away. Not long after a fellow and his 2 daughters arrived for bison meat. They stayed for a visit while the guys had a beer and I took H out to meet them, play ball and get lots of pets. They were off and S hit the couch for a Tuesday siesta.

I got to work on more tutorials, pictures watermarked for the blog and wrote a post for the vases on Etsy.  I fed the 2 girls their supper at 5:30 both so excited to eat. S made supper; his specialty of sausage and KD. We ate at 6 while B fed her horse and tried to get Coop to do his biz. Eventually she just let Harley out and came to eat her supper then she was off to a dentist appointment for 7. S was off to TV room, Shaina was off to the gym about half hour later. Finally I got yesterdays blog posted and worked on todays. 

Lexi and I laid on the bed while I watched a new series Away. B was back to pick up Cooper just before 9 with news she needs her wisdom teeth out. Shaina was back home just after 9 and only a few minutes later Kaylin and Devon arrived to pick up the the pirate princess. They only stayed a short bit to get the low down then loaded up the plants and flowers, meds and Lexi and were off to the city. We all headed to bed. Awhile later as I was watching my iPad she text they arrived to their place to find the elevator not working and had to walk up the 14 floors to their apartment. She said was not sure if it was aftermath of having covid or if she was really that out of shape but she felt like dying once she made it to their floor. LOL

Monday, March 29, 2021

Crazy snow storm with high winds

I was having a pretty good sleep til 3 am when a huge snow storm blew in. Yes it was windier then yesterday. For the next few hours I tossed and turned and tried to sleep but the winds howled and the trim on the barbeque deck thumped. H needed out at 5 am but hustled right back in her kennel after doing her business. Lexi's surgery is today; I worried about K driving out in this weather. She text before 7 saying they were going to drive slower and careful. The winds are 92 km/hr here with visibility to the paddock then complete white out.

video of the storm

I got up at 7 feeding H early. The whiteout stretched to trees now off and on but by 8 they arrived safely at the vet clinic. Lexi was taken in to get rid of this excruciatingly painful eye, good riddance. Kaylin, Devon and Theo arrived no long after for a cup of fresh coffee I made and some toast. I woke Shaina who joined us too. K works later today so I will pickup Lex and keep for the night. They loaded up and bucked the wind home around 9. It started to clear snow wise but he high winds remained. 

S was off to do her busy check in day. I posted my paint giveaway winner and got working on the blog. Oddly the sun came out which was so crazy to watch with the trees bent over in the wind. Next up was gluing jute on the vases. Once complete all were staged and photographed.

Shaina and I ate a bowl of soup for lunch then she was back to work and I the computer. At 2 we loaded up and headed to town. I dropped her at the gym then grabbed groceries for supper and a turkey for Easter. Next I swung thru Tims to get us a tea then onto the flower shop to choose flowers from Grama and Papa. For Kaylin's new business I chose a money plant to bring good luck, a colorful kalanchoe and double tulips for new beginnings for her and Lexi. 

For part of our Easter flowers I chose double tulips and will get more in the future, THANK YOU!!!

Then I was off to pick up the little miss Lexi. The vet tech said she did great and she was ready to go. We picked up Shaina and back to the ranch before 4. 

Look at this little trooper! note it is a mirror 

Britt and Cooper were out not long after and stayed to fed her horse, take a nap and join us for supper. Shaina got back to her work, I did some work, prepped dogs food (Lexi with her meds) and made us a tasty turkey taco salad for supper.

After supper S was back to her day, B stayed for a bit then was off at 7. I took Lexi - who we are supervising so she doesnt have to wear cone all the time down to sit with Shaina while I went out to check on the cats who were sequestered indoors today due to the crazy wind. They were happy to see me and soft/dry foods. The wind was still blowing but downgraded from the near 100 km/hr to a solid bluster with bite.

Inside I added Outlander to my computer work of blog and tutorials. Lexi was brought up to have cone put on, no scratching on our watch. I had her on my lap typing then moved her to my bed as it was getting dark for a good rest. I headed in to join her after 9 watching some Outlander and a short Facetime with Kaylin. I gave Lexi her meds around 11, Sheldon rolled in after 11.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Windy house on the prairie

It was another not bad sleep only clock checking a few times then letting H out at 6:30. The full moon was very bright tonight. H came back in but at 7 I put her in the garage as she was sure she needed to eat but not till 8:30 lady. 

H loves to play tug

I made my cap and got putting the new hardware on. I arranged to deliver the dresser after lunch. I ran out and let cats out, the wind warning issued yesterday was meant for today as the wind howled all day. Back inside I got the vacuum out to do the main floor seeing it has been a week since pro cleaned. I changed the dog kennel comforters too tossing dirty on the deck to air out.

hardware video

Britt and Cooper were out early before 11. She is making a new horse food which will be in her B's Knees line. I ground up a vitamix load of flax for her. She then harrowed the arena which was still damp from yesterday saving that step. I caught Switch taking to the barn to groom, B was not far behind with Roo leaving Bird in the yard to eat. This is always a challenge with Harley who loves the horse feed. Shaina caught KD and came in last. We all had a nice conditioning ride; first for KD of the year. Once horses were let go Shaina and I loaded the dresser in my car then we ate a bowl of soup before heading to town. B finished up her things and was off.

KD is the Titanic.. no reference to size :)

who is this cute dog?

We left H outside for her first time; she was on the big comforter that was airing on the deck with J and a bone so should be good. Shaina and I ran to town delivering the dresser, grabbing a tea, washing the car then jetting back home. H and J were still on the comforter so all went well.

S got to work on programs and I worked on tutorials while Harley sacked out in her kennel. However the farts were insane today and even lighting a candle did not help. Needing fresh air I went to the garage to clear coat the other vases, wash up dishes and brushes and put away staging stuff.

I took her out to get some fresh air but she really wanted to come back in to sleep. Even though it is plus 14 the winds is yucky. Shaina came and helped me bath her then back to her office now in the TV room with Netflix on the big screen. I tried washing the big black comforter but it is tooo big for my washer and struggled. It is too bog for the kennel too making H hot so I will let it dry and cut in half or quarters when dry.

I got back to working on tutorials. Before 6 I fed Harley then she and I went and put the kitties away and gave them soft food. This is their small attempt at raw. The wind continues to howl like crazy. Back inside Shaina was starting supper, sidekicks, asparagus and chicken fillets. It was tasty and I love not having to cook.

Shaina lifted H to weigh her and she is back and up to 101 pounds. I was back to computer work with Netflix on my iPad, Shaina left for the gym after 7:30. She was back at 9 as I was crawling into bed to watch another Outlander. She was back up for a snack at 10 as I was dozing off. Hello sleep.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Project progress

My buddy H was not rustling around till 6:45 wanting out at 7. She rested in garage till 8:30 feeding time while I relaxed a bit longer and played some cookie jam. Today I added a tin of sardines for omega oils and she was down for that. I have yet to find a food she wont eat. She is happily accepting anyone's freezer clean outs too ;)

The sun popped out melting the snow that came down last night. Lexi's eye is worse so with K heading to work I called the vets. Thru a chain of texts/call a process of meds were set to be called into the city.

B and C were out before 11, she caught Bird and I met her at the barn to trim her feet. She also had the arena watering and once we were done she and I rode Switch and Roo. We were just untacking after 12:30 when Shaina popped out to say hi. We then trimmed Roo's feet and I did Switch's fronts. I headed in for some soup and B fed Bird. Shaina was on the couch with her headache trying to do computer work. It seemed I just missed a call from Calgary vets and after 15 minutes on hold found out they had FINALLY filled the prescription for Lexi. Devon had attempted to pick up earlier and they told him to come back at noon ;(

little riding video

B was then off to the city to pick up Cooper's raw food to start today. She left Cooper at his favorite place; the ranch! I gave them both bones to go work on while got to work on the vases adding more paint where needed and clear coating 2 that were dry. Then I moved on to black waxing the blue frame. I was installing the back when Shaina popped her head out ready to go for a walk. It is a warm sunny plus 13 out! The snow is all gone now. The kittens and 2 dogs were our pack till we got to the horses who joined in. K text to say they only prescribed a pain killer no antibiotics so the calls started again but when she went to the city vet they had not been sent anything.. WTH! more calls and to wait.. grrrrrr!

watch the view view of our pack

We were just back to the house when B arrived back after 3:30. She tossed her food in the freezer, loaded Cooper and headed home. I finished the frame and brought in to snap some pics. Plants were watered as Shaina made us a smoothie. I spent some time on the phone with the vet who is doing Lexi's surgery and who confirmed they dropped the ball. Indeed poor Lexi should have been fast tracked when calling in to book surgery not a month later when elective was being scheduled. So frustrating they blame admin but it is what it is. So now going forward we need to do what is best for Lexi. The antibiotic was to be sent to the city vet but low and behold after I hung up the script was not there. More phone calls and frustration. Eventually I got the script confirmed in the city vets hands now to be filled.

Once she finished up her computer work she was off to town at 6 to go to the gym and pick us up supper. H and I went and put the kitties away and fed them then back in to work on marketing. I took a break to grind up the fermented seeds for H and put in the freezer ready to serve.

B sent a picture of Cooper and his first raw meal that is ate in short order.

Just before 8 I called back to city vet to find the antibiotics are not yet filled ;( I took a quick loop out to clean up 3 poop piles H left today before Shaina gets home and drives over it LOL. She was back after 8 bringing us takeout from OJ's but it was highly disappointing. She did grab the mail and my new hardware order was there!! This means the dresser can be delivered tomorrow. We both were off to soak in our tubs then S made popcorn; her favorite snack. I was on hold with the Calgary vets for half an hour when she delivered my bowl after 11. I finally hung up only to have them call back and say it was finally ready.. 6 hours later. Kaylin ran over and picked it up and gave Lexi her first antibiotic dose, the pain killers have kicked in which is super.