Sunday, March 14, 2021

Time springs ahead

I woke usual early letting H out to poop at 5:50 old time which is now almost 7 then into the garage to nap till almost 9 am new time. I have a feeling she will catch on to the time change pretty quick but fingers crossed I can push it later. It was a lovely looking day but the wind was back. We let the kitties out glad the ground was still firm this early so not to sink in mud.

I have a revelation I totally forgot to do a CM blog post or an CM follower email for the stencil giveaway. Geez Louise where is my head. I got both written with the help of 2 cappuccinos and both sent out by 11.

Pepper and KD finally figured the gates were open and had meandered to their favorite spot eat of the house to lay in the sun. The black girls did not figure it out so napped in the paddock closest to them.

Britt and Cooper were out around 11:30 as I was getting out of the shower. She took Harley out to play. B moved the 3 black girls over to the big pastures seeing they were not getting it on their own. She then went to finish harrowing the arena and washing a fly sheet.

I painted the second white coat on the nightstand before coming in to cook a big pot of homemade Italian meatball soup. It was finally done to enjoy a bowl at 2. B however had gotten Roo in for a short first ride of the season. I went out to see how she was doing. B was working on her feet then once I came jumped on bareback and made a few loops around the watered arena. Roo did well. 

I got a cash register ring that and Etsy item sold : one of the vases then a good customer called she was at the gate with a comforter for Harley. It is so perfect as black and super fluffy just like H likes!

I got back to working on the nightstand; sanding, waxing and clear coating. Britt did a few more things like putting away her washed sheets then headed home around 3. I started the big dresser moving it up on the stand now the nightstand was put back together and photos snapped.

I started doing the white coat on a drawer but left it seeing so nice out. It is PLUS 18 and there is hardly any snow now and 4:30 is actually still 3:30 in our bodies. Harley and I took a loop east then back when we saw Stella and J following. Down to the winter gate and back where Harley got a good brush and hose off.

I enjoyed a cold margarita while catching up on messages then packaged up the vase that was ordered on Etsy. I had the last of the kale salad while typing too, Time to put the kitties away as getting dark at 7:30. I took more deer for them and as I called I heard a tiny meowing coming from the garden shed. Seems Britt locked her in this am and she spent the whole day in the dark. That explains why she did not come on our walk and I even wondered where she might be. Poor little one was happy to be out.

More computer catch up including todays blog and getting yesterdays finally done before heading to relax in bed by 9 starting a new series called Canine Intervention. Shaina arrived home after 11 as I finished reading a bit.

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