Friday, March 19, 2021

House cleaned & rental fiascos

Something woke Harley to bark around 2. I jumped out of bed to see if she needed out too (Seeing veggies were on last nights supper) but she was in bed. I was dizzy walking to her bed/door and back but thought I must have jumped up too quick. But when I woke at 7:30 when she was ready to go out I have a yucky dizzy feeling. S let her out and put in garage then back to bed. I tired to sleep but felt awful and know today is the big clean day. I went and fed H at 8 then scrubbed the popcorn maker and tidied up some shoes and rousted S after 8:30. He and I changed the bed linens so they will be part of the clean house. He then made coffee as we moved the 2 big dog kennels to the deck.

The 2 fellow cleaners arrived to clean at 9 and got right to it. I went to garage to try and work but had to go downstairs and vomit. I tried to wax a bit but decided to try a gravol and short rest which did eventually help. Sheldon headed to the shop where his got busy organizing. He moved the big shelf to a new spot for oil products, pressure washed the skidoo, etc before loading the pressure washer to go to town and clean rental exterior.

Feeling a bit better I headed back to the garage and dark waxed the dresser. Just after starting I saw I had an Etsy sale: the paper towel holder so went and got it, disassembled, packaged up and snuck in to print the label. S took it along with a few snack items for his lunch to town before 1:30.

DONE!! now to wait for the new hardware and get it delivered.

The cleaners were done at 2, five hours two guys got up and down done minus the 4 bedrooms. It looks and smells great. I let Shaina know they were done (she managed to make 2 caps during the am and stick to her "office") so she made another and cooked up some lunch while I unloaded the dishwasher I started this am. I gave H a new stuffy and man was she excited! In short order she had the bulls jeans off and his tongue pulled off but the rest faired ok. 

check out how tidy it looks

At the rental S chopped off this big branch that was pushing on the eves trough.

Shaina packed up and was off to the gym at 3 then Calgary to look at apartments. She however forgot her work phone so had to zip home and have me run it out to her after 4. She brought along ice caps for Sheldon and I, what a sweetie, THANKS!!

hearing a mournful yowl I looked out to see Mr J in one of the kennels reaching thru, rubbing his head all over and carrying on, good grief, why? Eventually he left the kennel to do his thing.

S was home just after 5 bringing me a tea, yeah. Good Tim's beverage day. He also picked up a desk I won in an online sale for $1. His Flames were playing so he was now TV oriented but he did share a couple fiascos at the rental during commercials. 

As he was pressure washing the siding he saw this patch job on the front of the condo, WTH???!!

Looking around on the side of the condo he saw this area cut right out of the siding, cut out is liberal word as it looks butchered. And on the front it was "glued" it with silicone in place. He contacted the tenant and found they had damaged the siding with moving truck so he hired a guy to repair it and this was the hacked result@! This is not going to work.

Then at the back he saw the siding all bubbled up (no pic) and when chatting with the neighbor who claimed no idea how it happened figured it was when he jacked up his deck to level catching the siding on the way. He told Sheldon when asked how to fix it, "well do what you want it is your wall!". AH no buddy you damaged our wall.

S had leftovers, I was still not feeling 100% so had a couple veggies. Britt and Cooper were out and fed the beet pulp I soaked up then she wanted to ride. She had set up the sprinkler in the arena but the head kept blowing off flooding the sand. During intermission S went out to trouble shoot. I went out to supervise her ride. While out there I corralled the cats and took them soft food locking in for the night. After letting Roo go we washed dogs feet off and B headed home.

The flames win made S happy. I did some computer work then had a warm shower and crawled into bed. A dark threatening sky moved our way so after our showers we quickly ran out and unloaded the desk and pressure washer. I watched some YouTube, listened to a couple podcasts then shut it all down. Not being able to sleep I put on headphones to start a new series called Fate till about 2 am.

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