Thursday, March 25, 2021


UGH, sleep is needed but I was awake a few times after finally falling asleep near 4 am then to let H out at 6. She was out quick in the snow that accumulated overnight and back in the front door and into her kennel then I crawled back into bed awake at 7:30. I fed her early at 8 and made my cap to get on with the day. The snow had taken out the satellite so went out to dust off.

Before heading to town to look at some rental properties I took the cats some raw deer and opened their door for the day. I was off to town after 11 meeting the agent to check out 4 places. Some have potential for sure. I quickly let Cooper out after noon before heading to the last one. Then it was errand time; Walmart for cat food, pet store for probiotics, a long unresolved stop at the bank leaving with an online advisor appt next week, a swing thru Tims to get a tea and a sandwich for a late lunch then on the road home. I tried to get he mail but could not find my keys, and I had a real search for B's house keys before I left too, not my key day :) Home before 3 to unload and eat my lunch.

Not sure which one to get so got them both.. metal edge yellow and black/red plastic 1/2 price

I was catching up on computer work when I saw the paint parcel was delivered at 10:45 email.. what?? It wasn't at the gate when I left after 11 I almost swear and I did not look behind the pillar when I drove in. I hoped in the truck and drove down to find it. Back at the house I opened and found non of the paint frozen thank goodness even though it is -2.

I published the tutorial for the nightstand and shared in a few places. As I was working onthe computer I watched a coyote hunting mice along the south fencelike, branchy fellow. Time to take clingy Harley  outside and check the kitties were not that way. We ; H, Luna, Roo and I with Switch and Bird trailing behind went for a walk down the lane and back. Such a funny gaggle of peeps. The sun tried to peek out which was nice and it was just above zero now. Back at the house I shoveled the decks, scooped poop and gave H a nice brush. It was now 5 and H was sure hungry so I fed her early and made B's beet pulp up.

watch these 3 videos for a laugh

there was one animal that loved it snowed again

I finished the chili for supper and worked on some marketing and yesterdays blog posted. Britt and Cooper were out later at 6:30 today. She brought along the x-ray machine and I was her assistant for the next 2 hours. We took x-rays of Miss Roo back hocks and feet who of course took the longest as she has to fidget. Bird's front feet and stifle was the next up followed by Switch's front feet. Everything looked good according to the RVT.

We loaded the stuff all up, tucked the cats in for the night then she was off for home. Snow crystals were starting again. I jumped in the shower, did a bit more computer work then into bed with the iPad. I shut the lights out before 11 hoping to get a good sleep!

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