Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Princess pirate heads home

Lexi wanted out at 3:11 for a quick pee then H at 5:45 but each went back to bed. H however had to be put in garage around 6:30 as she thought maybe she should eat early again. H was so excited to see Lexi still here and in bed with us.

hi best friend :)

I prepped both girls breakfast around 8:30 as S made coffee. Shaina was up for some toast and her cap then off to get her day going. I got the Monday marketing going with a call to the bank at 11 then chatted with a corso breeder about raw food.

S was off to town around 10:30 dropping trash and checking in on the rental, looking at some harrows and drove by the rental ones I looked at last week. He was back at before noon and made tuna sandwiches for lunch while watching the news.

We braved the high of plus 3 with a wee wind but sun and took Harley and the cats for a loop around west. Shaina had a diet coke on the couch snuggling Lexi for her break. Harley found a deer leg on our walk and was so proud but Sheldon took it away. Not long after a fellow and his 2 daughters arrived for bison meat. They stayed for a visit while the guys had a beer and I took H out to meet them, play ball and get lots of pets. They were off and S hit the couch for a Tuesday siesta.

I got to work on more tutorials, pictures watermarked for the blog and wrote a post for the vases on Etsy.  I fed the 2 girls their supper at 5:30 both so excited to eat. S made supper; his specialty of sausage and KD. We ate at 6 while B fed her horse and tried to get Coop to do his biz. Eventually she just let Harley out and came to eat her supper then she was off to a dentist appointment for 7. S was off to TV room, Shaina was off to the gym about half hour later. Finally I got yesterdays blog posted and worked on todays. 

Lexi and I laid on the bed while I watched a new series Away. B was back to pick up Cooper just before 9 with news she needs her wisdom teeth out. Shaina was back home just after 9 and only a few minutes later Kaylin and Devon arrived to pick up the the pirate princess. They only stayed a short bit to get the low down then loaded up the plants and flowers, meds and Lexi and were off to the city. We all headed to bed. Awhile later as I was watching my iPad she text they arrived to their place to find the elevator not working and had to walk up the 14 floors to their apartment. She said was not sure if it was aftermath of having covid or if she was really that out of shape but she felt like dying once she made it to their floor. LOL

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