Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Etsy sale!

 Harley was up at 1:50 wanting out, did her biz and back to her kennel. She then came in at 5:40, this is too early even though it is her old wake up time so I put her in the garage to rest. S made coffee at 7:30 and let her in. I wanted to hold H off till 8:30 but decide seeing she was hungry and Cooper was coming I would feed her at 8. Seems she really did need to go out at 5:40 as she left a gift in the garage. Def not her fault as she asked and I gave her pulverized romaine lettuce with her supper which would have increased food production/elimination. Britt was late arriving after 8 as I was cleaning up. She brought my tea/muffin payment and was off not even having time to scoop Coop poop. Thanks B.

Bird at back gate above then yard gate below hoping for food :)

S and I caught up on weeks events then he went to let the cats out while ground still froze at -5 before 9. Shaina was up dressed ready for her day and making a cappuccino before 10. Sharon forgot her online training but changed quick and they were underway then Shaina was onto her calls. S caught some zzz's on the couch seeing it is sleepy Tuesday. More laundry to do. I had a cash register chime with 3 shelves selling on Etsy. I spent the next hour building a box and wrapping them up and getting shipping label done. This turned into another hour as the declared value was wrong so the label had to be cancelled and a new one issued but I got it done in time for Shaina to take it to town at 2. THANK YOU!

Hello Fresh was delivered at noon so I ran out and was the yard gate man for the delivery. Yummy food for the week coming up. S had woke in time for the news and some soup and headed out to enjoy sunshine on the deck to chat with a friend as Shaina left for the gym. When done his call he and I and the dogs went for a walk checking the hay for a cleanup plan while we did so. Back at the house I scooped revealed poop as it is a beauty day , sunny no wind and plus 10 while S raked some rocks off the grass in a few areas. We enjoyed a cold beverage out back while brushing Harley and Jenkins.

Shaina was back home before 4 and down to her calls. S lifted a broken bale off the grass and ran to the horses then was in for another nap. I painted a second white coat on the dresser and distressed it all. 

yesterdays coat all dry ready for second

Look a kitty in the window after scaling the stucco LOL

Then it was in to make the first meal shrimp stir fry! I got it done just in time for S to eat and head off to his rodeo meeting and for little S to finish up her days work. She then showed me apartments she is going to check out and in exchange for a paralyzer, she washed all the dishes up :)

The dogs and I headed out to put the cats away just before 8 as the sun was setting quick. S was home not long after so we watched a partial episode which S previously fell asleep in and another full one of Vikings leaving the finale for another night. Shaina made popcorn which we got in on as well.

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